Fifteen|| "best father figure ever!"

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"What do you mean she's gone?" Maya asked as she walked up to Hope.

"LANDON!" Matthew yelled

"What?" Landon asked as he walked out of the kitchen with a mouth full of pizza.

"We need you to go get everyone..we have a girl to find." Matthew says

Hope turned around and raised her eye brow at Matthew.

"Why do you care so much about Josie?" Hope asked

"I don't..and if I did someone has too.." Matthew crossed his arms.

"Stay away from Josie! Do you hear me?" Hope asked

"Yess your highness." Matthew sarcastically smiled.

That's when Hope got a call on her phone.

She answered.

"Who the hell is this?" Hope asked

"Where's Josie?" Lizzie asked

"Oh, hello Elizabeth" Hope says as she put her free hand on her hip.

"Where's my sister you tri-freak?" Lizzie asked

"You do know that your sister has my baby right? We are family now." Hope smirked

"I have to know where my sister is.. I can't talk to you right now." Lizzie says

"Josie is kidnapped as of the moment and you are distracting I need you to leave me alone right now" Hope admits


Hope hung up the phone.

"Now..let's find my little witch so she can come home safe and sound." There was worry in hopes voice.


Hope, klaus, Elijah, and Matthew went into the quarters to get marcel to get some of his vampire to find Josie.

Freya, maya, Cleo, Landon and nicolas was on finding Josie duty by tracking her.

Freya and Cleo need something close to Josie to find her so they used nicolas since his blood carried the same blood as the baby.

"You really think this will work?" Maya asked

"No..but this is the only thing we can do since Hope didn't want to stay for the locator spell." Freya rolled her eyes.

"So how serious is Hope and Josie?" Landon asked

Maya raised her eye brow.

"Not that serious..they aren't even dating" nicolas says

"But if you dare to try and make a move on her I will be forced to kill you" freya threatens

"Why? They aren't even dating." Nicolas buts in.

"Well, I'm team Hope and Josie and so are the rest...I mean Hope has her humanity on because of Josie." Freya says

"I second that as a team Hope and Josie Stan" Cleo smiled.

"Me three!" Maya buts in.

"I know Josie...and I've been with Josie before and I know enough to know that she isn't happy." Landon says

"What do you mean you have been with her?" Nicolas asked as his eyes glowed gold.

"All I'm saying is Hope can't be with Josie because I still haven't gotten over her..and that's best friend code." Landon crossed his arms.

"It's been years Landon! What do you mean you haven't gotten over her?" Maya asked

"Everyone shut the hell up so I can do this spell! The mother of my great niece or nephew is in danger!" Freya finally spoke up.

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