Twenty-three|| "what is it?"

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"Hey there livy." Hope says as she walked up to a crying Olivia.

Livy kept crying. It was as if her voice was awakening a deadly soul.. her cries was music if it had gone fully out.

Her cries could wake up a whole neighborhood but still be as delicate as ever.

"Come on's fine, momma's here." Hope took off her shirt and lowered the strap on her bra.

She then took off livy shirt and laid Olivia delicate skin on hers.

Hope read in a book that skin to skin can make a new born familiar more with their parents.

Olivia's cries started to settle and Hope slowly walked over to the rocking chair.

Hope sat there for an hour just sitting and admiring her daughter.

"You know.. I'm sorry for all the bad things I said about you." Hope whispered as she fed Olivia.

Olivia continued on drinking out of the nipple of the bottle as the milk carelessly spilt on the sides on her mouth.

Olivia closed her eyes as she enjoyed the warmth of her mother as well as her milk.

"And I promise to you that I didn't mean a single word that I said.." Hope smiled at her daughter as she held her index finger in between Olivia's tiny little hand.

"How's the tiniest mikaelson?" Hope eyes shot up to the door to see Cleo.

Hope felt something in her eyes.. it was was tears hopes next group of words broke up

"H-hi.." Hope breathed "Cleo" there were the water works

Hot tears streamed down his hopes face, and she tightly squeezed her eyelids shut in the hope her tears would stop crying in time so Cleo wouldn't ask much questions.

Yet that didn't work, hope's unsteady breathing and watery eyes started to grow some more makes Olivia steer more into hopes hand.

Hope looked down just as a single tear dropped on the blanket Olivia was wrapped in.

"Aww Hope, what's the bloody matter?" Cleo asked hope as she walked more so into the door.

"I put my daughter in danger and I turned off my bloody switch...I don't deserve her." Hope sobbed as tears streamed more so down her cheeks.

"Is everything okay?" Josie asked as she walked into the room

"I'm fine." Hope lied

Hope tears and snot was visible..anyone could recognize the cries and rhythm the noise.

" about I put Olivia down for some sleep and you just get to bed." Josie insisted before Olivia just sit the bottle out and threw up all over Hope.

"Oh no..Livy threw up on mommy" Josie says as she gently took her out of hopes hands.

Hope was so frustrated

"It's okay liv.. mommy will just go get changed." Hope sighed before kissing the top of Olivia's head and leaving out

Cleo and Josie exchanged looks not wanting to laugh. Josie smiled and turned over to her daughter who was now covered in throw up.

"It's time we clean you off." Josie chuckled at liv who was now fusing and turning for a pacifier.

"Don't you think you should give her an actual bath?" Nicolas asked as he stood in between the door frame.

"How about you have a baby and do research and then you can teach me how to raise my baby." Josie snapped at nicolas.

Nicolas eyes went into shock.

"I miss that old pregnant lady..she wasn't as mean." Nicolas glared at Josie

"Don't worry Josie..after me and nicolas get married we plan on starting a family of our own." Cleo says

Nicolas turned to Cleo.

"Really? We are going to have a baby NICK JUNIOR !" Nicolas got more than excited

"Not until I'm known as Cleo Mikaelson" cleo teased.

"THERE WILL BE NO NICK! NAME THE BABY HARLY OR SOMETHING!" Hope yelled from the next room.

"THAT UGLY ASS NAME." Nicolas yelled back.

"Be quiet! I just got liv to sleep." Josie growls at them.

"Sorry..I'll be downstairs playing poker with the rest of the guys." Nicolas kissed Cleo cheek before vamping downstairs.

"I could never get use to that." Cleo says with a smile before she heard Hope shower start.

"I need to get use to this.." Josie says

"I want to watch over my grand get some sleep." Caroline says as she walked into the room.

"Are you sure?" Josie asked

" I need to get away from henrik..he tried his best to get into my pants." Caroline rolled her eyes

"May I remind you that there is still a baby present?" Josie tilted her head.

"Like she understands anything I'm saying.." Caroline rolled her eyes

Josie chuckled before she slowly handed Olivia to Caroline.

"I'll go make us so tea..I have baby fever and I want to stay up all night and watch her sleep as creepy as that sounds." Cleo chuckled.

"You'll be doing me a favor." Josie sighed before she walked out of the room.

When she turned in the direction of hopes room she knocked.

She could still hear the steaming and the drips of the water over shadowing inside the room.

Her vampire hearing wouldn't turn off and all she could hear was the water splashing all over hopes body on a constant repeat.

Soon she heard nothing from that room, not a damn thing.

Josie was about to open the door but Hope beat her too it.

"Why are you invading my privacy?" Hope asked

"What do you mean?" Josie asked as she raised her eye brow

Hope smirked before pulling Josie into the room and shutting the door.

Hope walked over to her towel and hung it up.

"I could hear your every move jo, I knew you were out there listening to me ... for what though I wasn't even saying anything?" Hope asked

"I-I don't know" Josie gulped

"That's why I put up that silencing spell." Hope smirked

"Right.." Josie says

"What did you want love?" Hope asked as she walked over to Josie.

"I just wanted to make sure everything was okay with you before I went to sleep." Josie says

Hope nodded along.

"Everything is fine with me." Hope assured

Josie nodded slowly before she decided to turn around and make her way out of the door.

"Jo?" Hope asked

Josie turned around to face her with the door mid open.

"Yes hope?" Josie asked

Hope eyes shot down to what she wanted.

"I have to tell you something." Hope says as she closed her eyes

"What is it?" Josie asked

"What I have to tell you doesn't really involve talking so it's more like I have to show you something." Hope breathed before she walked up to Josie and smashed her lips into hers

The kiss was so good that Josie closed the door back as she turned Hope around and had her pinned to the wall.

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