Twenty|| Protecting our baby part 2

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"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN OUR DAUGHTER IS GONE?" Josie asked as she tried to get up from the bed

"I know. I's all my fault." Hope says

"Give me your blood!" Josie demand

"What? No. Are you crazy?" Hope says

Josie struggled but she finally got up.

"I'm going to find out about this son of a bitch that stole my daughter—our daughter." Josie says as she tried to walk to her clothes

"You went through 12 hours of labor and you are sore" Hope points out the obvious

"Then give me your blood so I can be all better and start looking for our daughter...Hope I can't sit around." Josie cried out.

"Okay's going to be okay." Hope says before she bites into her wrist.

She walked over to Josie and brought her wrist close to Josie before Josie started to drink some.

Hood eyes rolled in the back of her head.

It felt sex...maybe better than sex.

Hope shouldn't have been thinking about that while her daughter is on the loose but she couldn't help it.

"All better." Hope whispered into Josie's ears as Josie pulled away from hopes wrist.

Josie closed her eyes before biting her bottom lip.

"We need everyone's help...including matthew" Josie breathed out.

Hope eyes glowed gold.

"I can't talk about that right now." Hope says before she left out of the room.

"We need your help!" Hope yelled as she walked up to everyone who was sleeping.

She knew that sitting in the waiting room for 12 hours was a lot but she expected them to be up.

"WAKE UP!" Hope yelled as all of them jumped.

"My bloody ears!" Henrik yelled

"Fuck your ears-"

"Don't you think I've already tried?" Henrik smirked

"Wha-what the fuck? Eww..anyways Olivia is missing!" Hope had nothing but worry in her eyes

"That's the babies name?" Freya fought back her tears.

"Focus freya! My granddaughter is gone and we are going to kill everyone that had anything to do with it." Klaus eyes glowed

"Settle down Niklaus" Elijah says

"We are going to work on that bloody locator spell to find that bloody baby" nicolas says as he stepped up.

"That same bloody baby is your niece." Rebekah chimes in


Everyone looked frightened.

"Sorry" hopes twin says

"Let's start finding a way to save Olivia and you guys stop fighting!" Marcel demanded.

"Thank you marcel!" Hope yelled

"We need you to do a locator spell." Freya says

"No shit!" Hope yelled

Hope sighed

"I'm sorry that I yelled but I miss her...I miss my baby." Hope cried out as Hayley ran by her side

"Everyone go find something to do and don't rest until she is found!" Klaus demanded as they walked away.

"It's going to be okay" Hayley says as she held on tight to Hope.

"No mom! I need to go talk with Josie and then we can try and find our daughter" Hope sniffled

"Maybe that's for the best." Hayley smiled as she waved hopes hair out of her face.

"I have to get going mom." Hope says before she stormed off.

Hope walked up to the door and she expected to see Josie fully dressed.

When Hope did see Josie she was fully dressed...and covered in blood.

Josie neck was busted open and it looked as if she was strangled someone had done this to her.

"No. no. no. no you can't die on me jo." Hope says as she ran over to Josie trying to hold her up.

"Josie please!" Hope cried as she held Josie close

"Hope what's going on— OH MY GOSH!" Hayley says before closing the door.

"I-I just came back and s-she's dead and then our baby is gone.. this is all my fault!" Hope cried out.

"Hope! Stop crying and get Josie back to the house..if she's dead then we can find a way to bring her back..don't worry..and as for my granddaughter...well we are working on that...and we have many people to help us but whether you like it or not we must call Matthew." Hayley says

"FUCK MATTHEW! WHEN HE FINDS OUT WHAT I'VE DONE TO HIS MOTHER!" Hope finally admitted what she didn't want to admit out loud.

"W-what did you do to his mother." Hayley was afraid to know the answer

"When my humanity was off...I-I killed her." Hope admits

"'s gonna be okay...just get Josie back to the house and I will call Matthew matter what you did to him he will always have your back..every since kids." Hayley assured

"I hope you're right." Hope says before walking over to pick Josie up.

"I'll meet you at the house" Hope says before vamping out

Hayley picked up her phone and dialed matthews number.

"Hey matty?" Hayley asked

"What's up Hayley? I'm waiting for an important person to show up and she isn't here" matthew says

"Josie just gave birth to Olivia and She wrote out a statement" Hayley paused to read the letter

"I guess you are the god father." Hayley added

"No way!" Matthew got excited.

"Well we need your help because your god daughter apparently is missing." Hayley says

"Uhh..I'll come over there right away" Matthew says before hanging up the phone.

But something didn't go unheard by Hayley.

Hayley heard a was unfamiliar but it felt so familiar

She felt like she knew something but she don't know what exactly she knows.

Everything hasn't clicked into her head.

"Shhh" Matthew says as he rocked Olivia in his arms.

The baby wouldn't stop crying.

"Shut that damn baby up!" Finch yelled from upstairs.

"How about you come deal with her! You are the one who stole her!" Matthew yelled.

"Whatever...tomorrow we can kill that ugly ass baby and then Hope...I've already killed Josie." Finch says as she took a bite of her banana

"YOU KILLED JOSIE?" Matthew asked

"You wanted revenge for your mom..why not kill every single one of them?" Finch asked before she walked back into the room.

The baby them started to cry again.

"JUST SHUT UP!" Matthew yelled at Olivia which made her start to scream at the top of her lungs...

It hurted Olivia..but she didn't feel safe, she couldn't settle down and stop crying because it was just a baby's instinct.

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