Twenty-eight|| "there's that beautiful smile"

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"I think I'm done here" Hope smirked as she got her bag and started to walk out of the house

"You aren't done here, like I said.. you are great danger for this family you turnip" Matthew scoffed

"Yeah yeah.. boo-hoo" Hope says as she continued to walk out

Matthew vamped right in front of her. "What have you done? Why are you so happy?"

"I didn't do anything, like I said .. I was just told to distract you and now that my work is done-"

"Distract me from what?"

Henrik and klaus then walked in "hello son, it's great that we meet again" henrik smiled

Matthew heart almost dropped "father.. h-how are you here?"

"Is that any way to greet your father? You know.. seeing as you were the one to try and kill me?" Henrik grinned. It was an dangerous grin.

"Thank you for your help little one, I'll see you around.. make sure to tell livy I said hello" henrik says as he looked over at Hope

Hope nodded "sure can do.. dad are you coming?" Hope asked

"Yes, your mother is going to meet us there"

"Is she going to go to my house first? Because I want to be the one that surprises Josie and Olivia" Hope admits

"No.. she's going down there to go handle a few things with a few certain werewolves, you'll be the first to go and surprise josie and my tiniest wolf" klaus smiled

"You can't just leave me here!" Matthew yelled

"I can and I will, good luck receiving a punishment from uncle rik, I never got one of those.." Hope smirked before leaving out of the place.


"Auntie Lizzie?" Olivia says as she waddled up to Lizzie

"Yes sweetheart?" Lizzie asked

"I want to go home now." Olivia complained as she looked down at her fingers.

Olivia hated being around Harper. Harper was the only person in the world that Olivia hated. If Olivia Andrea Mikaelson hates you then that has to say something.

Olivia's so kind and sweet, and she loves helping people out and she's always in the mood to forgive someone, but Harper gives her bad vibes, when he's around her magic messes up.

"We just got here 20 minutes ago" Lizzie frowned as she turned to really face Olivia

"I know" Olivia says as she tried to hold back her tears "what's wrong livy? Is anyone bothering you?.. you don't seem your smiley self today" Lizzie was more than confused

"I... I just want to go home, I can't be around Harper no longer.."

"I know you hate him and all but-"

Before Lizzie could finish the bracelet dropped from Olivia's hand and a wave of magic hit her.

The clouds started to turn a dark red color as a thunder started to occur. At this point everyone in the park started to run and everyone started to head for there cars.

Maya picked up Harper and they walked over to Lizzie and Olivia.

Olivia couldn't feel her magic. She knew it was there but she couldn't feel it.. and that only happens when she already lost control.

"What the hell is happening?" Maya asked Lizzie who was now frozen.

"I can't really move.. livy, mind helping me out?" Lizzie says as she still was frozen in place

"I can't auntie lizzie.. my magic it-" Olivia was cut off when her eyes rolled back with black filling up her eyes . It was like Black magic or something.

Olivia begin to smile like a crazy lunatic. It was as if she was being possessed.

"Livy honey... calm down" maya says

"Yeah calm down liv" Harper says as he walked up to Olivia.

Olivia eyes flickered between a mix of red and gold. Olivia tilted her head with a smirk and soon Harper started to float up into the air.

Harper started to scream "let him down livy" maya demanded

Olivia eyes still focused on Harper as she raised her higher. "Sure thing auntie maya" Olivia says before she let him fall.

Lizzie unfroze at the perfect time to vamp and catch him. He might have peed his pants. Olivia eyes went back to normal as she looked more scared than ever.

"What have you done Olivia!" Lizzie looked over at livy.

Livy was scared. She was at lost of words, that wasn't her.. that was some demon possessing her "I don't know" Olivia finally spoke.

"What do you mean you don't know? You can't just do that!"

Livy started to cry as her whole body started to shake "I.. I lost magic it took over" Olivia admits as she dropped down.

Lizzie sighed "I'm going to take Harper back to his dad house, I'll see you two later" maya says as she picked up Harper and they started to walk to the car.

Lizzie picked Olivia up and held her tight "Hey, I'm sorry for yelling at you.. I'm so sorry"

Olivia sniffled "it's all my fault-"

"It's never your fault baby genius, let's go get you back to your mommy so we can see what's going on with you losing control."


"And then what happened?" Josie asked

"And then I kind of yelled at her, but i didn't understand and when I did I apologized" Lizzie explained

Josie gave her the look. Lizzie wasn't the type to fear anything from Josie but that look.. that look was fear-able.

"Mommy?" Olivia asked

"Yes sweetheart?" Josie asked as she leaned down to meet at olivia's level.

"Don't you think I'm a freak?" Olivia asked as she pouted

"What? That's crazy.. you aren't a freak you just lost a little bit of control , that's all" Josie says as she brought Olivia into a hug.

"And if you're a freak, then what am I?" Said a voice

Josie and Olivia froze before they pulled away. Both Josie and Olivia turned towards the door.

"MOM!" Olivia squealed before waddling over to Hope

"Surprise!" Hope smiled "there's that beautiful smile" Hope says as Josie smiled

"Now what's this about my little girl being some so called 'freak'?"

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