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"How's my favorite sister?" Nicolas asked as he hugged hope.

"I'm your only sister dickhead" hope rolled her eyes

Olivia eyes widen "mom said curse word!" Olivia says in shock

Hope had completely forgot that Olivia was there. "I'm sorry, I'll put money in the bad word jar when we get home" hope assured

Olivia nodded "don't curse mom, it's bad for you" Olivia pouts as she crosses her arms

"I will try not to. I promise you" hope smiled at the 4 year old.

"Hello auntie Cleo" Olivia says before she hugs the witch.

"Hey Cleo, it's been a while since we've met up and I'm sorry to hear about the lost of your little one" Josie says sadly

"It's fine, me and Nicolas are going to take a break before trying to have another one" Cleo says sadly

"Still hoping for a Nicolas jr or a Cleo jr would be fine" Nicolas smiled over at his wife

"You better not name my nephew Nicolas jr, it better be Harley, it's so cute for a child"

"I'm not naming my child Harley!" Nicolas scoffed

Josie smiled at the two "what were you going to name Olivia? You didn't have a name until we were literally at the hospital" Josie says as she looked at her menu.

"Yeah mom! What were you gonna name me?" Olivia asked as she sat in between Hope and Josie.

"I don't know, if you were a boy I was thinking maybe Elliot, it's my favorite name for some reason and I just thought it was cute" Hope says as Nicolas snorts.

Hope glares at him "I think it's cute, but what middle name would go with that?" Josie asked

"There's not need for a middle name, and for girl, I didn't originally have the idea Olivia because I didn't even know Josie's middle name at first"

"So what was my name suppose to be mom?" Olivia asked as she held her index finger up to her lips.

"Well, I like the name Ellie" Hope spoke up which made nicolas die of laughter as Hope rolled her eyes.

"Ellie? That's so cute mom" Olivia clapped her hands

Hope kissed her forehead "thank you princess"

Nicolas frowned, he wanted a kid so bad and although he could still have them, it wasn't really his fault for why he couldn't have kids with Cleo but he blamed it on himself.

"I like that name, its pretty, but what's your obsession with the name starting with 'E'?" Josie asked

Hope chuckled " I just liked those names I didn't really look at it that way" Hope smiled

That's when the waiter walked up to the table "I'm ready to take your order" the waiter says with a smile.

"What would you like to get princess?" Hope asked Olivia.

"What is there I can get mom?" Olivia asked

"Anything you want, except shrimp, you know what that does to your skin" Hope assured

Olivia nodded "can I just get Fries and a burger? I love fries and burgers" Olivia smiled

"Well then she's wants French fries and a burger and a peanut butter blast, I'll get the same thing, what about you jo?" Hope asked as she looked over to the brunette.

"I'll have 2 salads, and a vanilla milkshake, I've been extra hungry lately" josie says

"You've also been very tired and drowsy" Hope adds

"Now my head hurts" Josie says as she puts her menu down to meet eyes with one of her old exes.. Jade.

"Josie?" Jade asked

Josie paused before looking over at Hope who looked stunned "you two know each other?" Hope asked

"Yeah, Hope this is jade, my ex, jade, this is my girlfriend Hope, and my daughter liv, as well as my sister in law cleo, and brother in law Nicolas" Josie introduced everyone.

Olivia just waved and turned back to the color on her sample color sheet.

"W-what can I get you two?" Jade asked turning over to the married couple.

"I'll get the same thing as Hope and Olivia, what would you like my love?"  Nicolas asked as he turned around to face cleo

"I'll have a salad as well, everything on it, and a water would be just fine" Cleo smiled.

Jade nodded "I'll be right back with your things in just a bit" she assured before walking away.

Hope then took out something from her pocket.

"This isn't the best time and it's never really the best time" Hope started off as she got up from the table and slowly got on one knee.

"Hope what are you doing?" Josie muttered

"I'm tired of being your girlfriend, I love you Josie, and I want to marry you" Hope paused as liv took her iPad out to record her parents. It was a struggle so Cleo originally was the one to record them but it was livs idea.

"This is the lamest stuff ever.. but will you marry me?" Hope asked as she searched Josie's eyes hoping for a 'yes'

Josie nodded her head really fast before saying "yes.. yes I'll marry you" Josie says as Hope gets up from the floor and slips the ring on her finger.

Everyone starts clapping as Hope brings Josie in for a kiss.

"I'll be right back" Hope excused herself which caused Josie suspicion.

"Are you sure you don't need me to go with you?" Josie asked as she raised her eyebrow.

"I don't need you to walk me to a bathroom jo" Hope assured as she kissed the top of Josie's forehead.

"I have to use the bathroom too mom!" Olivia says as she looked up from her iPad .

"Come on princess," Hope says as she reached her hands out for Olivia to take.

Olivia quickly took hopes hand and they walked into the bathroom.

"All done mom!" Olivia clapped her hands as she finished washing them.

"Good job Livy, now let's race to the table, last one is a rotten egg" Hope smiled as Olivia widen her eyes.

"You have to give me a 5 second head start mom!" Olivia complained

"okay, 1,2,3-"

Olivia took off running. Hope could hear livs small steps to the ground. Hope smiled as she walked out of the bathroom.

Just as she walked out she saw a person with a hoodie walking up to her.

When Hope looked over at Josie, Josie was smiling. Josie then looked over at Hope and smiled before waving her back over to the table.

Hope smiled as she was about to walk over to Josie but she felt something hit her.

"NOOO!" Josie called out as she watched the red oak stake drive through hopes heart.

"MOM!" Olivia cried out as she tried running over to Hope bit instead Nicolas held her back.

Blood dropped out of hopes mouth and with that Hope body dropped to the ground, rotting and spreading like ashes.

Both Josie and Olivia screamed as they watch Hope slowly die. The person in the masked hoodie vamped away and Josie pushed Nicolas away and ran to hopes body.

This was the end of them.

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