Eight|| "babymomma?"

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Josie didn't know if she should be scared or not but she was definitely a little frightened.

"I'm going to go upstairs now." Josie says before running up back to the room she was just in with freya.

"Look at what you done to the girl." Klaus says to his daughter

"It isn't my fault, I'm suppose to care?" Hope asked her father

"We have to get her humanity back on." Nicolas says as he rolled his eyes.

"You can't do that even if you tried." Hope says with a smirk

"Why can't we?" Kol asked

"Because she shut it off with a cloaking spell." Freya says as she walked over to Hope.

"How do you know that?" Hope asked as her smirk dropped

"I can tell from the look on your face, and a no humanity vampire would hate for someone to try and trigger their humanity, which leaves me to think..why is Hope still here? Why isn't she fighting to leave to save her humanity?" Freya asked as she circled around Hope. "Well that's just because you have created some type of spell, your humanity cloaked to something... and the only way to turn it on is if we kill the witch that helped you make it...you slick bastard." Freya put everything together.

"Bloody hell your smart." Rebekah says

"Come on bex ...I was suppose to do the whole...bloody bell thing, now it just messed up everything." Kol complained

"Will you two just quit...we need to try and find out a way to turn—" klaus cut his own self off when he realized Hope was no longer here.

"Where did she go?" Klaus asked

"She vamped up stairs." Hayley says

"Bloody hell." Klaus pinched the bridge of his nose


Hope vamped up stairs to see Josie.

Josie was packing her things making a plan and trip back to mystic falls, no way was she going to keep this baby in the hands of the same person that wanted to kill them not too long ago.

"Where do you think you're going love?" Hope asked

"I want to go home." Josie says

"What do you mean you wanna go home? You just got here." Hope smirked as she closed the door.

Josie looked up at Hope once and then looked down back at her bag.

"Yeah, I was planning on staying for the full 2 days until my baby momma wanted to kill me and our unborn child." Josie frowned as she continues to pack.

"Babymomma?" Hope smirked

Josie didn't give her the satisfaction im the need of replying..

Yes Hope was her baby momma what else was she going to say?

"I can't let you leave, it's too dangerous out there." Hope added as she crossed her arms.

"Says the one that juts tried to kill me and your only child unless I'm mistaking." Josie smiled sarcastically

"Mm, you just get more interesting and interesting by the minute love." Hope says

"Don't call me that." Josie says

"Call you what love?" Hope asked

"That right there! Don't call me 'love' I don't even want the title as your baby's mother let alone you calling me that...leave me alone will ya?" Josie asked as she took the suit case off her bed.

"You aren't going anywhere love, we'll at least until I can get you safely out of New Orleans, after all, you do have something I want now." Hope says

"Of course...it's always something with you—" Josie lost balance and was about to fall when Hope vamped to catch her again.

Hope brushed the hair out of Josie's face.

"Gotta be more careful Josette" Hope smiled.

Josie would have smiled back but she came back to her sense and pushed Hope away.

"I'm just trying to help you love." Hope says

"AAAGH! Stop! Just leave me alone you are stressing me out and you have already made war with the baby because every time you talk my tummy hurts even more." Josie groaned.

"Tummy ?" Hope chuckled as Josie glared at her.

"I'll tell you what..I can get you back into mystic falls but we will have to drive there tomorrow night unless you wanna take an airplane." Hope offers

"I'm not going any where with you, for all I know you probably still want me dead for some dumb reason." Josie bites.

"It's because kids piss me off and then you some one night stand come in here and say you are pregnant with my child, the same child that who I might remind you, I already hate!" Hope yelled before being blasted in the wall from magic.

"You have to stop doing that!" Hope groaned

"You are a bitch." Josie hissed

"I know I am, and I get that side of me from my father, don't tell him I said though love." Hope grinned as she got up from the ground.

"I hate you" Josie says

"Trust me..I hate myself, but you can be free from me when the baby is born." Hope assured

"What do you mean when the baby is born? I'm going to be free from you now." Josie says

"When the baby is born, I can take all the magic, that way you and the baby could leave a happy life without not needing help." Hope says

"And why would you care?" Josie asked

"I don't, that's just a deal...it's either I get the magic from the child or I take it...and the child, the choice is yours jo." Hope crossed her arms.

"You really don't have a care in the world about a child that is not only mine but yours? Yeah..you really is sick." Josie pushed pass her and walked to the door.

Josie was about to leave until Hope vamped in front of her.

"I want that baby away from me, because I might not care, but humanity Hope will, and I can't have my humanity coming back...once my father and mother finds out what I've done they will never forgive me..and nothings stronger than a parent and child bond when it comes to humanity." Hope admits

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