Eighteen|| "I've won brother"

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It's been two days...two whole days! Since Josie and Hope kissed AGAIN!

They talked about finding the kidnapper which worried matthew for some odd reason.

Josie was sleeping peacefully and Hope didn't want to wake her

Through out the two days Hope haven't said a word to Josie.

She wanted to kill matthew and rip his bloody head off but she couldn't..she didn't want Josie to see her as some killer.

But here was Hope, watching as Josie laid there and slept. It was creepy but Hope loved to watch over Josie.

Hope sat down on the bed next to Josie and played with her hair for a little .

This made Hope really think.

Could she b-be falling for saltzman? nah that wouldn't even be possible they have known each other for like 5 maybe 6 months..

It's way too soon...or is it? Hope got to panicking so she got up and left and thankfully she didn't wake Josie up.

Josie really is a heavy sleeper.

"hey hope..what are you doing up so late?" Rebekah asked as Hope walked into the kitchen.

Hope didn't say anything she just walked over to the fridge.

"are you ok?" Rebekah asked her

"i'm fine have you seen mg around? I heard he came by and asked for help with blood lust." Hope tried changing the subject.

"He's in the quarter with marcel...... he's been there for a while. Speaking of the quarter I heard today you were going to find out the baby's gender" Rebekah teased

"Yeah..yesterday me and auntie freya did the spell and in about 2 hours I'm going to find out whether I have a baby boy or a baby girl." Hope smiled to herself as she took the blood bag out of the fridge.

"When will we be able to find out?" she said

"I think that maybe when Josie find out then everyone else will know" Hope informed her

"That's so not fair! Freya knows." Rebekah says

"Well she had to know..how else will I find out?" Hope asked

Rebekah rolled her eyes

"I'm going upstairs to get some sleep." Rebekah says before she left out of the kitchen.

Hope then heard a familiar foot pattern.

Hope was going crazy the girl knew everything about Josie...maybe a little bit too much.

"Hey hope." Josie says in her raspy voice.

"Hey jo." Hope says as she closed the fridge and walked to sit down.

"Today is the big day where you find out about the baby's gender" Josie says excitedly.

"I should have been found out..you are like due for birth in 3 weeks." Hope says as she opened the top of the blood bag.

"I'm thinking maybe I should found out about the gender also...I kinda want to know." Josie says

"Are you sure?" Hope asked

"Yeah...yeah I am." Josie smiled

"Hope can I talk with you?" Hope looked up at maya who was in the door frame.

"Uhh..yeah sure.." Hope says as she got up from the seat.

Hope walked over and kissed Josie's forehead before she walked out of the kitchen.

That's caused Josie to blush.

"What's up maya?" Hope asked

"Where were you all night? You know seeing as I sleep in your room" maya crossed her arms

Maya was rooting for them and so was everyone else...not including Landon and Matthew but other then them two..everyone was team Josie and Hope.

"Uhh yeah...I didn't sleep in my room." Hope admits

"wait, hold up , wait a minute why didn't you sleep in the room last night?" Maya asked with a smirk

"I stayed over in Josie's room" Hope scratched the back of her head

"so what's up with you and Josie?" maya teased

"first no need to get all cocky, I just sorta-kinda wanted to watch over her sleep" saying it out loud made Hope realize how creepy it was

"You stalker! Tell me more" maya grinned

"I am not a stalker! I just wanted to make sure she slept nice." Hope says

"Just admit you have a big giant crushy crush on your baby momma" maya winked

"I don't like Josie in that way" Hope half lied 

"Hope..." Josie stood before them

"Hey Josie.." Hope says awkwardly.

"The walls are thin, you know." Josie says before walking upstairs.

"Great." Hope muttered to herself

"Baby momma troubles." Maya teased before she walked into the kitchen

Hope rolled her eyes before walking back into the kitchen.


Josie woke up expecting lizzie or maybe Hope but they weren't no where near to be found.

Josie didn't know what was going on with her but she knew damn well she didn't like this twisted shit she was going through.

Josie looked over to her left and there was a note on her dresser.

Dear jos-bear,

If your reading this it means you finally woke up and I would really love to talk to you..but I don't have the guts to tell you this in person so can you meet me somewhere and maybe we can talk about us finally going on that date I believe that you owe me? Anyways hope you enjoy the food that I ordered for you which is down stairs.

LOVE, matty......

Josie smiled.

"OH MY GOSH!" Josie heard Hope cheering

"OH MY GOSH!" Hope yelled again.

"What are you oh my goshing about?" Josie asked as she walked out of the room.

"Are you ready to know? Are you ready to know our baby's gender!" Hope yelled

"Yes yes yes!" Josie says Hope ran up to Josie and picked her up and spun her around a little.

"We are having a girl!" Hope hugged Josie not too tightly

"A g-girl?" Josie asked

"Yes!" Hope says

"OH MY GOSH!" Josie yelled

"I've won brother." Klaus says as kol and him walked up.

"I love you guys so much!" Hope kissed Josie's stomach

Hope didn't realize what she said and Josie didn't want to comment on it so she tried to let it slide.

"Oh my gosh!" Josie says as she back up from Hope.

"What happened?" Hope asked

"My water...I think it just broke." Josie gasped

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