🚪Visitor🚪PT 3

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Read part 1 and 2 or this won't make any sense ;-;

After letting the film play for a little while, footsteps were heard coming down the stairs. "Ahem." A voice could be heard coming from the living room entrance from the hallway. "Oh, hey sweetie. We're just watching a film." Luke smiled at his husband who was now wearing his pyjamas with his fluffy robe wrapped securely around his small form. "You're welcome to join us." He said looking back at the TV screen. "Daddy please watch it with us!!" Lan begged his dad. Zander rolled his eyes playfully at his son and sat on the opposite couch from the others. He wanted Luke next to him but he didn't complain. Mainly because Lan was settled in the brunette's lap and he didn't want to disturb them. Zander didn't find the film very interesting so he got out a book from the shelf next to him and started reading; occasionally glancing up to look at Stacy, making sure she wasn't getting to close to his husband. Time was ticking and soon it was time for Lan to go to bed. Luke looked up at the silvery clock hung up in the living room reading 9:12. "It's getting late, past Lan's bedtime. He'd better get to bed or he'll be tired tomorrow." Luke said, making sure Stacy understood. The navy girl nodded simply, looking back at the film on screen which, to her dislike, wasn't a very good film. Luke picked up Lan who was already half asleep. "Daddy..." He mumbled, "The film's not done, I wanna watch all of it..." He complained. Luke sighed, "It's too late now sweetie, you can finish it tomorrow ok? It's past bed time." No reply was heard, just a quiet grumble from the younger. The brunette smiled, adoring the sight of his sleeping son. He carried him upstairs to his bedroom, tucking him under the cream coloured bedsheets. "Goodnight, Lan." He kissed his son's forehead before exiting his room, closing the door slightly. Luke walked back downstairs to see that the film had finished and Stacy and Zander arguing about something. "Hey. What's going on in here?" He asked, catching the two in the middle of their argument. "Stacy said that she wants to stay over!" Zander snapped. "What's wrong with that?" Stacy asked, trying to sound as innocent as possible. "Well, it is pretty late, and besides, you don't have any of your things here." Luke explained, making Stacy frown. "That doesn't matter." She said, "I could borrow some PJ's." She smiled at Luke sweetly. The brunette sighed, looking at his husband who was shaking his head as if to say 'no way'. "Stacy, I, um," Luke didn't know what to say. "It's a long walk home..." The navy girl said, trying to make Luke feel bad for her. He sighed, "Well, I guess, ok. One night." The taller agreed. "Yay!" Stacy clasped her hands together. Zander looked pissed. "So I don't get a say in this?! This is my home too, yknow!" Luke walked over to his small husband. "I know baby, but, it's just one night. You won't even notice." He quietly whispered into the grape's ear. Zander rolled his eyes. "Whatever." He huffed. "But just one night." Luke and Stacy both smiled. "So Luke, could I borrow some of your pyjamas please?" The periwinkle eyed girl asked the brunette. He rubbed the back of his neck. "Uh, sure." He wasn't extremely open to the idea if Stacy wearing some of his pyjamas, but she had nothing else, and of course Zander would never her let her use any of his. "Lukey, I'm tired, I'm going to bed." Zander leant his head on Luke's shoulder. "Ok babe. It is late now, I think we'd all better get to bed." The taller wrapped an arm around his husband's waist. "Stacy, I'll lend you some pyjamas, you can go to bed when you like." Luke rubbed his husband's back before leading him upstairs. They walked all the way up to the third and final floor, which just contained their bedroom and connected bathroom. Zander took off his robe and hung it up on the door and climbed into bed. Luke quickly got changed into some pyjamas and grabbed an extra pair for Stacy. "I'll be right back, sweetheart." The brunette smiled before going back downstairs to Stacy, who was now wondering around the house, looking at all the pictures of the married couple. One was a picture of them as kids, another of the whole family, including Autumn, and one on their wedding day. All these pictures were kept on a wooden shelf up in the living room. "Hey, here's some pyjamas." Luke said, handing the pair to Stacy. She smiled sweetly, "Thanks Lukey!" She beamed. "Please don't call me that." Luke looked at her uncomfortably. Stacy frowned, she didn't like Zander having all the privileges towards Luke. Neither said anything. "Well, I'm going to bed now, ok? You're room is the one nearest to the second set of stairs. Goodnight." And with that Luke walked away, going back upstairs. He opened his bedroom door to see Zander still awake. "Oh, I thought you'd be asleep, you looked pretty tired downstairs." Luke said, climbing into bed next to his husband. "Yeah, well, I couldn't sleep until I knew you weren't still around Stacy..." Zander explained. "Really? Or you just couldn't sleep without my cuddles?" Luke smirked. The grape flushed red, "Shut it." He said, hiding under the blankets. Despite being married for a long time, Zander still got flustered about Luke's silly comments from time to time. "You're so cute." Luke kissed his cheek, wrapping his arms around his small, frail husband. After Stacy had finished changing in the downstairs bathroom, she started wandering around the house, being quite nosey. She was opening cupboards, looking in small glass boxes she'd frequently find around the living room, and just overall looking around literally everywhere downstairs.

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