Chapter 4

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"Cora, are you ready to go?" I knock on her bedroom door.

"Just give me like five more minutes!" she yells from her room.

I sigh and shout, "You said that an hour ago!"

Cora is like a best friend and sister wrapped all into one. It seems like it was just yesterday when moms adopted her when I was eight and when she was four. Since then, I've seen her grow into a hilarious, boy-crazy teenager. I love her to death, but she takes ages to get dressed and ready for anything. We've had it planned for weeks that we'd go to the county fair together tonight, but at the rate Cora is going, we'll be a year late.

"I'm starting the car, and if you're not out in five minutes, I'm leaving," I tell her, leaning against her door so she can hear every word.

Cora unexpectedly opens the door, which makes me stumble a little, considering I was propped up against it. "You wouldn't have left without me. I'm your only friend," she snickers.

"Shut up," I laugh, but she's right. Who needs more than one good friend, anyways?

As Cora and I walk down the stairs, side by side, I find our moms sitting on the sofa watching television together in the living room. Mom has her arm wrapped around Momma, both of them smiling at the screen. I interrupt their show by asking, "Are you sure you guys don't want to join us tonight?"

"We're sure," Mom tells us. "Momma hasn't been feeling the best. Go ahead and have fun."

"Okay," I walk over to the couch and give them both hugs goodbye. "Feel better Momma."

"Thanks, honey. You girls be safe," Momma tells Cora and I.

"As always," I smile and grab my keys off the kitchen counter.

Even though Cora is seventeen, she still hasn't gotten her driver's license, which means I take her everywhere. I'm fine with it, though. She's my best friend and I actually enjoy her company. I find it odd how there are people out in the world who can't stand their siblings. I don't know what I'd do without Cora. She always makes me happy, which is something much needed after yesterday's altercation with Ethan in the diner.

The drive to the fair isn't the longest, considering how small our town is. But, Cora and I still manage to jam to a song playing through the car's radio. Cora doesn't really appreciate fifties and sixties music like me, so we find a common interest in seventies rock and Harry Styles. An odd combination, but sometimes opposites go great together, like Cora and I. She's much more grungy than me, but we're inseparable.

Once we arrive at the fair, I park on the side of the road and anticipate the excitement that tonight will bring. Since the setting sky has gone down, you can see the Ferris wheel's bright pink and orange lights illuminating the surrounding area, creating a beautiful color. There are more flashing lights noticeable as we walk to the entrance from other booths and rides, but the Ferris wheel continues to catch my attention.

County fairs always feel like summertime to me, and even though it's the first week in June, I feel like summer has now officially begun. The sweet smell of funnel cakes makes my mouth water, adding a mental note to stop by a food truck and buy some before the night is over.

After paying for Cora and I's way overpriced tickets, I tell her, "Let's go on the Ferris wheel."

"You are out of your mind," she laughs. "It's a county fair. Do you really think it's going to be safe and sturdy?"

"You only live once, Cora," playfully hit her arm as we walk through the fair, admiring the variety of rides. She's most likely right, the Ferris wheel is probably not the sturdiest, but I love to have fun. The thought of there being a chance it could fall makes me want to get on it more just to see if I'd make it out alive or not. 

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