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Luna looked around in the room, it hadn't been a week after Nyx and Evalyn had left. She was so happy to see her friend happy, to see that the two of them had found a way to work together. But it had left her empty now, for a moment they had all been there, and while she wished to be hidden and stay here. She had felt more alive in that short time than she had felt in months.

She took off the green dress and changed to the same clothes she had arrived in.

She had stayed in the snow until she was sure her body would have given up, but for some reason she survived. Her body screamed in pain, but she got up and started to walk. She had no shoes on, barely any clothes. Her throat pulsates in pain after Axios grip on it, but Luna pressed on. Walking in the snow until she saw a small village. There she stole some warmer clothes, and heard a mother call for her daughter.

"Isa! Isa come back inside!" It gave her a name, and a aperence to work from. A slender woman with white long hair, Luna started to create a complex glamour to keep her hidden.

She started to tell herself a story about the girl, how her family, similar to her own, was divided and fractured, as she had tried to find comfort in a males arms, only to be broken again. A single tear had left her eye as she imagen the house is flames

Then she started to walk around. She couldn't stay in Winter, and Autumn was a death sentence. Summer... She looked to the south.

The only place where she could go and maybe be safe. She knew that Tamlin wasn't around much, she could hide in a village. The Darkbringer would have taken over by now. Her parents, her brother. Her friends... A part of her had died in the snow. That spirit and fire that lived inside of her had faded out to nothing. She had no power to take her home back, and with all of them dead... She had walked and walked until she came to the border, winter behind her, summer to her right, autumn to her left, and spring straight ahead.

It was never in her plan to be found by Tamlin, nor was it to make him fall in love with her. Luna could still not understand what made him fall for her like that, but she had played along, acting like the feelings were mutual, and sometimes, in the darkness of the night, when he held on to her, she pretended that she had found real love, that it wasn't Tamlin that held her but a male that was kind and gentel.

She often woke up with bruising and aching in her body, and that pain had slowly started to become her only escape from the pain in her chest. A physical pain that could explain what she was feeling deep inside.

"A monster." Tamlin had called her, and she was. But he was the worst one. Until Escar and Axios had come and she had seen him again.

Luna was sure her body would shatter in a million pieces. Then Tamlin proposed, and she fled into his arms in panic, knowing that it would seal her fate. She tried to postpone the wedding as much as she could, plaining it slowly and carefully. For after the meeting she knew one thing. The Darkbringer were lying, and that meant that her family could be alive. In the beginning it gave her hope, she found Kira's mother in the Summer Court and made sure she was the one to make the dress, and Kira came with her.

A part of her had longed for a hug, for the friendly laughter that only Kira could make. But no. She wasn't Luna to them, she was Isa. And still... Kira had been a friend, a friend she saw that Isa needed. Unknowing about the rest. With Kira there she had started to understand what was happening up north and her hope faded. Nyx was leading the survivors, he was doing all he could to get the Night Court back. And she was in the Spring Court hiding from her mistakes. Sleeping with Tamlin of all fae... How could he or her family ever look her in the eyes again? Could she ever look herself in the eyes again?

The answer was no, she had tried and realised that the Luna she once had been where gone, dead, she had died in the snow. Axios had killed her and her dignity. Luna, daughter of Rhysand and Feyre of the Night Court were dead. She was dead and would remain dead for as long as she could. She would take toniks in secret, hoping that Tamlin wouldn't want children too quickly, and once he wanted them, she would continue to take the toniks, and blame it on her having trouble conceiving. Never that she would allow him to know who she was. That was all Luna could do, stay in Spring, and hide, hide until Tamlin died, and then hide until she died, hide until she was forgotten, and stay away. Fade from memory and time.

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