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Platonic Love

Jungkook was confined for a few days to make sure that his body is completely, or if not, at least healed enough to move... His body suffered different cuts and bruises... The left part of his abdomen is still healing after his perpetrator hit it with a baseball bat...

Jimin, on the other hand, didn't miss to visit him everyday... She even took some of her notes with her to make sure that the latter is still on track with his lessons... And although their personalities are polar opposite, it didn't hindrance them to became friends... The taller even joked to her that he wants to marry her someday, which earn an eye roll from the girl...

"Don't ever joke something that will never happen..." Jimin frowns.

"Why? You don't like me? I'm THE Jeon Jungkook!"

"The same Jungkook that was beaten up by his seniors..." She winced.

"Hey! That was one time! ONE TIME!" He defended himself. "Trust me, as soon as I come back to school, I'll break their bones..."

"And eventually, the school will expel you..." Jimin shook her head and start discussing their lessons again.

"VP Park?"

"Hmm?" The girl looks up to him.

"Do you uhm, do you have any wish in life? Maybe going abroad or marry someone rich?"

Jimin closes her notes and spare him a stare. "Everyone in this world have wishes... Why do you think that I don't?" She crosses her arm. "But no, I'm not interested in getting married with someone rich! I'm not a gold digger..."

"My bad!" Jungkook chuckled. "You just seem to believe genies coming out from a magic lamp than normal wishes..." He scratched the back of his head. "Forget what I have asked..."

"I believe in wishing stars rather than genies, Captain Jeon... And my wishes do come true when I offer it to them..."

"Really?" Jungkook's eyes went wide. "But how?"

Jimin stood up and hit him in the head gently with her rolled paper. "It's called faith, pabo~
If a person wish for something, they should also work hard to earn it... And thus, believing that it will come true will give you extra push... Aish! How did you became a captain if you didn't know how wishes work?"

"Well, I didn't wish for anything since I can do it by myself, duh?" He grinned. "But hey, what kind of wish did your wishing stars granted for you?"

"For me meet you..." Jimin blurted out unconsciously.

"And you did... Our fate suddenly intertwined!" The swimmer smiled before turning his attention back to his book.


Once Jungkook got discharged from the hospital, things went different... Like for starter, he never hang out with his seniors anymore... He also told the police officer his side of the story and report it to the school board... All of his perpetrators were expelled to the school, and was given a 6-months community service as their punishment... The swimmer also became a lot closer to Jimin, from which the girl didn't mind... They share their lunch together, talking comically about their day... The taller even became Jimin's confidant whenever she's frustrated about something, which in return, she do the same for him...

And by the time they reach their junior year, Jungkook finally confessed...

But sadly, the confession isn't for Jimin...

It's for Jimin's friend, and student council president, Minatozaki Sana...

Jimin only watch them, as the guy she loves the most, love and cherish someone else.... And although she tried to use make up a little, even change her glasses to contacts and styled her hair, Jungkook would only love her platonically... Like a sister to be exact... And even if she confided her feelings to the swimmer to his bestie Taehyung, her feelings only grew each day... Like a flowering plant to its pot.

"Maybe it's time to let him go, Jimin-ah... It's not healthy... You will always see them together in the student council room and you're just hurting yourself even more..." Taehyung stated as he look at the now happy couple. "See? Even Jungkook acted like you never existed, even though you're the one who save his life a year ago..."

Jimin only smiled sadly. "At least he's okay now... Even without me by his side, I know Sana would make him happy... And about my feelings for him, I'll just keep it hidden until the day I die..."

"Ugh, you're unbelievable..." Taehyung only rolled his eyes and sips his juice again. He felt sorry for his beloved soulmate... Hopefully she can find someone who can love her the same way...

{a/n: Hi everyone! In this story, Jimin is a girl, while Jungkook still got the role as leading man... Hope it clears the confusion! Thanks!}

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