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First love

Love, it is one of the greatest gift that one could offer for other people... It is kind, as it is the reason why we forgive... Love is also a sacrifice, as it is the way of valuing other's happiness...
Others say that love is the truth, for they believe that it bears wisdom... But Jimin believes in one definition of love; and that is selflessness...

Several years ago, she met the love of his life: Jeon Jungkook... He is the epitome of God's grace, with him being naturally smart and talented... He also love sports, and even became the team captain of swimming team in his sophomore year...

He is also the type of person who enjoys socializing, talking to almost everyone in their school with such respect... He is simply the man of anyone's dream, and that includes Jimin....

Park Jimin is the typical nerdy girl in every highschool movies that you've seen... Shy and introvert and loves to read books... She isn't socially active, and she only participate the student council as her club...

But although people usually make fun of her for her appearance, Jimin isn't the type who gets mad... Rather than being mad, she is pretty much thankful, as they never really care about someone as clumsy as her...

So when their fate finally crosses that day, everything will change forever...


Jimin is on her way to her home when she saw a guy, all beaten up and unconscious... At first, she is scared to help the poor guy, yet her more rational self (or rather conscience) is eating her alive...

"If this person is dead, I will definitely run away and never return..." She sighs.

She then shake the latter a little, trying her best to wake him up... His entire body is littered with blood, and you can't even distinguish the person's identity...
Jimin took him to the nearest hospital and even report the incident to the police before going to her home... Isn't she amazing?

"I hope that man is alright now..." She sighs.


The following day, Jimin heard from the gossip of her fellow students that the captain of the swimming club was beaten up by his seniors... They said that his seniors are jealous of him, and that he shouldn't be able to compete for the regionals... Jimin remembered the boy from yesterday and decided to check upon him on the hospital...

That's not Jungkook right?


Jimin is beyond terrified when she finally knew the identity of man from yesterday... He is Jungkook; her Jungkook... The nurse checked on him for a few minutes, before letting Jimin to be alone with the patient... She finally saw his face; all the remnants of blood cleaned up... He is sleeping due to the painkillers he took... Jimin sat on the stool beside the bed and watches the man breathing peacefully...

She just wish in her favorite star that Jungkook will recover soon...


When Jungkook woke up, his eyes met the most beautiful pair of eyes coming from an ethereal person beside him... She is glowing! Fuck! The girl look surprised upon seeing him awake, as she move her chair a little farther...

"H-hi! I-I uhm... well, how are you?" Jimin nervously asked.

"I'm good, thanks for asking... You are??"

Jimin looks anywhere but him. "W-well, I am the person who saw you yesterday... I didn't expect it to be Jeon Jungkook, our school champion..."

"You know me? But how?" The latter seems surprised.

"I-I... I'm one of your schoolmate, Park Jimin from 2-1..." She simply respond.

"Oh, you're the nicest and ever loving student council member... The VP, right?" Jungkook smiled.


Jungkook hums. "Well then VP Park, thank you for saving my life... Without you, I may not be able to be here... I owe you my life..."

Jimin gave him a shy smile and nods. "I-it's been my privilege to save you, Captain Jeon... You're our school golden kid..."

"Then would you be kind enough to be my friend VP Park? Spare this poor soul your kindness again..."

The small girl only nods, giving her first approval to her beloved swimmer...

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