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Eternal love

Jimin steel herself during the entire wedding preparation... She build a strictly business facade whenever Jungkook is with her... It breaks her heart more whenever the latter would joke to her about finding someone to date and get married... How can she do that if the guy that she loves is getting married to someone else?
She often dismissed those words in her head, telling herself that love wasn't for her in this lifetime... She works fast, decide fast, to avoid meeting the couple every now and then...

The night before the wedding however, Jimin decided to give her last gift to Jungkook... Call her the antagonist of their story, but she just wants the latter to know everything about her feelings... It didn't matter if the said person will never reciprocate the eternal love that she can give, at least she love him dearly...

So she decided to meet up with Jungkook in the beach that they once visit back on their college years... It will be the last time, so why not make it the most memorable? Jimin waited for him, of course she wasn't that important, so she must wait...

One hour turned to two and then three... Three hours of waiting is enough to make Jimin realize that the latter will no longer come... So she pat the sand on her pants, then look into the starless sky... This is the end...

She didn't pick up her diary, and instead, she let it rest on the white sand, together with her slipper... From there, she walk towards the sea; farther and farther from the land... The waves are getting bigger, and her legs are getting tired...
The pain will end soon, just hold on tight...

Jimin only smiled even though she's crying as she remembered all those happy memories... All those times that Jungkook treat her right... The acceptance of her confession although Jungkook only treat her as friend, the friendship they built, and the unrequited love... A life with him is nothing but happiness despite the pain and tears... At least she can tell to God that she died contentedly, and that she never blame anyone for her misfortune...

When a huge wave suddenly broke the calmness of the night, Jimin knew it is her end... She then close her eyes and accept her demise with such a relief... At least no one will ever find her lifeless body, and her broken heart...

 At least no one will ever find her lifeless body, and her broken heart

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On the day of Jungkook's wedding, everyone is having a huge crisis... Dahyun, Jimin's friend and employer, is searching for her friend... She is responsible for the entire entourage, yet the latter seems to disappear in the face of the Earth...

They tried contacting her, yet her phone is off... Well, that's new...
They tried and tried and tried again, but each time they did, it's always failed... And as time goes by without the latter responding, they're starting to get scared and worried...

"What the hell is going on?" Jungkook asked.

No one knew what was coming, until someone they didn't know came into the church and approached them... The man seems to have no emotions, as he was very direct in his mission...

"Are you perhaps Jungkook?" The man with pale skin asked. He looks intimidating.

"Yes I am... Who are you?"

The said man sighs at first before quickly punch the hell out of the taller.

"What the fuck?! Why did you do that?" Jungkook exclaimed.

"Jimin must be blind to be hopelessly in love with you..." He scoffs. "I mean, the owner of this diary..." He smack the taller's chest with the diary, so hard that Jungkook wanna kill the stranger. "I saw her diary in the shore when I walked my dog this morning... From there, I found enough information regarding the owner, which is her, and you, the heartbreaker..."

Jungkook's body went cold upon hearing the stranger... "S-so where is she..."

"Dead..." He simply replied.

"B-but how? That's not true! We were supposed to meet last night, yet I got drunk from the party..."

"Then it sucks right? Considering that you and her were supposed to meet, but you stood her up for some stupid party..." The man only laugh humorously. "You let that one chance to be with her before she died... Hopefully your life as a married man would never find happiness, as you hurt the woman who loves you the most..."

The man only scoffs before leaving everyone in the wedding... Hopefully, Jimin would find peace in her journey. The stranger looks up to  the sky, admiring the beauty of the day... He may not be able met the owner of the diary, but he knew that she is a kind hearted person.

Park Jimin
Born-October 13, 1995 Died-August 27, 20××
"If the world hurts you, never hurt them back... Kindness is free, and so is Love..."

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