3: R

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Love from afar

Jimin's suffering lasted until the day of their graduation... Seeing Jungkook happy with Sana everyday is a real torture for her, but just pretend that you didn't heard it from her...
The smaller will graduate with honor, the same reason as to why their school offered her a scholarship in a well known school in Japan... At first, she didn't have the courage to do so, but with the help of her best friend and soulmate, Kim Taehyung, who decided to pursue acting and modelling, Jimin finally agree to the offer and even plan to fly with her bestie to the destination...

But, on the night of their graduation ball, Jungkook came to the Parks residence uninvited... Jimin look so shocked to see the person he wanted to avoid until the day of her departure to Japan...
So why is Jungkook here? Well, to sum it up, him and Sana had a very huge argument this morning, (but he decided not to spill the details about it) from which the swimmer decided to call it quits... Jimin isn't happy about her friend's heartache, who would be happy if you see the person you love being in despair... And she cannot let Jungkook feel lonely in their graduation ball... So she mustered up her courage and asked, "Hey Captain Jeon, the weather tonight is great, and I was kinda hoping that you will be kind enough to take me, VP Park, to the ball and be your date?"
From which Jungkook chuckled and replied, "What do you think I'm doing here, Park? I was supposed to ask you that, yet you did it first..."

Jimin only giggled. "Of course, you're not fast enough to do the talking, so I'm not waiting anymore..."

"You really are something..." He scoffs.

"I'm more than anyone you ever know... Be grateful I'm your date..."

Jungkook simply patted her head and said, "Thank you... Thank you for being here whenever I need you..."

"... you're welcome..." She only respond before letting him inside her home to wait for her...

Later that evening, Jungkook and Jimin had a serious conversation regarding their plans for college... The smaller told him that she already accepted the scholarship to Japan, which the latter told her that he didn't agree to her decision.... And instead of leaving, maybe they could find a suitable school for both of them, which Jimin hesitant at first but eventually agreed...

And as the night ends, Jimin found a wishing star... She closed her eyes and wish for her greatest wish to come true...

"Please made him love me..."


Fast forward (A year after)

Jimin is now the typical busy college student... She doesn't even have the time to go out and have some fun... She would often go to the school library or even bookstore to get new references for her lectures... When she has the time and energy, she would often spend it with Jungkook... They love each other's presence, that they learn alot that enables them to grow as an individual...
And while the smaller is suffering from her chosen course which is Aero and Astronautical Engineering, Jungkook chooses the course that made him fall in love with it's craftsmanship: Filming...

There's no surprise that they would hang out whenever they have free time, or when the smaller has a free day from her class... Jimin's classmates mistook them as a couple, which she usually dismissed it as a bluff, and would divert it to a new topic away from them...

The teasing and the curiosity of the people goes on and on, as they never believe that Jimin is still single for her entire years of existence...

If only they know....


On the night of Jimin's birthday, things went from Good to bad...
First, a strong storm decided to landfall on the same day as her celebration... Second, the power lines and internet will be shut down as soon as the storm hit the  affected areas, which is beyond devastating... And lastly, Jungkook had told her that he met his ex girlfriend (Sana) again for the first time after they split up when he went to the mall to find the best gift for her... So fucking perfect!

So instead of celebrating even with her family, she decided to lock herself up in her room... She isn't crying okay? Maybe a little, but not too much... She only let her pillow knew the sadness and jealousy she felt...

"I wish he will love me... Even for once..." She looks at her glow in the dark plastic stars...
Hopefully her wishing stars would make her dream will come true.


When the two of them decided to meet in the coffee shop the following week for the smaller's late birthday celebration, Jimin didn't expect that Sana is also invited... She looks way better now than she was in highschool...
Jungkook stood up and offer her the seat next to him... Oh God, this will be torture to Jimin's heart...

"Alright.... What do you like ladies? My treat..." Jungkook grinned.

Can this day come to its end quickly? Cause Jimin's jealousy is eating her alive... Fuck!

"I think I should go first... I don't want to be your third wheel again, you love birds!" Jimin fake a laugh. "Guess I'll see you around Jeon and you too Sana..."

The girl smiled and nods. "Of course Jiminie, I wouldn't miss it..."

"Perfect..." And with that, Jimin quickly left the shop and runs to the nearest park to cry.

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