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True Love

Jimin soon started working right after she graduated from college... A huge company offer her a great deal, which she cannot refuse... It is also the time where the young woman got the chance to explore the world and become successful in her chosen path...

On weekdays, she is working on a prestigious airlines, where she earn the highest position of a young engineer... She didn't like to stress and be a burden to everyone, so she always work harder than the others... She spend hours and hours working on her plan, from which the other interns and co-workers admire from her...

On weekends, Jimin helps her friend Dahyun in her family business as wedding planner... They usually coordinates with restaurants, venue owners, flower shops and of course, the couple... The young woman work as the spokesperson/negotiator of the couple to the team... She instructs the plan to her people, even turn their dream venue into reality and make sure that everything is on point and scheduled... And although she loves working with such important event, Jimin is still the same girl that everyone knew.

She is still single in her 27th year living, and maybe will never find someone else apart from her friend... She even wrote her entire journey of love and pain in her diary, hoping that one day, Jungkook will be able to read it...

But where is Jungkook now?
To answer the question, he is living his life to the fullest... He is a well known photographer for fashion and lifestyle magazines, while having his own studio as his biggest investment... He usually travel abroad, together with his family and work...

And what's more to his life, is the fact that he's engaged with his first and only love, Sana...
The two patched up their relationship after graduation, as Sana became a model to one of Jungkook's project... From there, they started hanging out again until both of them decided to start over...

Jimin was the one who help the taller when he planned a beautiful date for the model... He's glowing with happiness, as if the entire universe blessed his day... He only love one person, so who is Jimin in his life to stand in their way, right?

So when Sana agreed to be his girl again, Jimin already accepted her defeat... Maybe in this lifetime, Jungkook wasn't hers to be with... At least she got the chance to ever met him, and that's enough... And as the night ends, she will only wish in all of her wishing stars to make the love of her life the happiest...

"Please grant my wish, my dearest  stars... Make Jungkook the happiest, even if I'm not the girl for him..."


Jimin is so busy with her work in the airlines when her phone suddenly rang, it was Jungkook... She suddenly have palpitations upon seeing the man's name flashing on her screen... Although she was scared, her parents didn't raise her as selfish and without care, so she answered... Upon pressing the sliding the accept button, she heard the latter being ecstatic...

"Jimin-ah! I'm getting married! She said yes!" Jungkook's voice was  so loud that the smaller even place the phone farther to her ear.

"Congratulations Jungkook! You deserve it! Best wishes to the both of you!"

Jungkook laugh. "Thank you, Jimin-ah... You know how much I love her..."

(I know) Jimin mentally replied. "So what cause you to call me? Shouldn't you spend more time with your now fiancee?"

"Well actually, I wanna ask you something important... Something that I hope you won't refuse..." His voice change its tone, from happy to nervous.

"Of course, as long as I can help, then shoot..." Jimin fake her laugh.

"I know this is weird for both of us, considering that you have feelings for me, but Jimin-ah, I want you to be our wedding planner... I want you to be there for me... Please?"

Jimin only sighs. If he wants her to do the job, then what else should we do right?
"Uhm, I guess that's fine... I'll set some meeting with you both, so that we can finalize everything you want to do on your special day... Would that be okay?"


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