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Hello readers!

You already completed my story again! *clap clap*
To be honest, I don't know whether you guys will like it or not, considering that I almost lost interest in to finish what I have started...

Basically, this story was born due to the amount of pain and tears I shed for my lover... We haven't talk properly for a week now and it hurts so bad for not being able to spend time with him like the old days...

To be honest, I wasn't sure if I wanted to publish this rubbish of a story... But because I already spent so many days for doing this and set aside my current story, I guess I'll take the risk...

If you hate it, then it's fine...
I can't please everyone with my own perspective about love... And although this story lacks of detail, I see myself as Jimin and my lover as Jungkook... (Well Sana is his best friend in real life)
They were far closer and sweeter than me and him, so I usually felt insecure...
Even now, it's always about her and not me...

Don't hate me okay? I usually didn't mind their sweetness...
But lately, I felt so alone and outcast... Maybe I'm being a huge hindrance in their lives, and killing their chance to be happy... So I only cried myself to sleep, hoping that one day, he will finally choose me...

But for now, I'll just have to bear this jealousy and let them do whatever they want...
At least I know that I didn't lie nor cheat in our entire relationship... *insert crying emoji*

Thank you so much for supporting this new story...
Hope to see you all in my next "TTP" update...


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