Prologue - The Notebook

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I stared down at the old purple notebook in front of me. The edges of certain pages were pricking out from underneath the cover. Messily scrawled onto a piece of tape plastered onto the notebook was the word "Memories".

I picked up the notebook. The outside felt rough and had a couple tears and smears of who knows what on the cover. I carefully opened it, trying my hardest not to rip any of the seemingly almost ancient pages inside.

The pages had a slight tint of what might have been yellow. Each page had a picture carefully taped at the top and a couple sentences or so underneath.

Each short paragraph was different. The only thing that was somewhat similar was the fact the date was added at the bottom. The paragraphs changed from pen to pencil to marker randomly, indicating that the writer had probably just grabbed whatever was near them to write with.

The first one page had a picture of a teenage boy with navy blue hair and a flower crown on his head. The crown was made of white and purple flowers.

The boy was smiling towards whoever was holding the camera. His head was resting on one of his hands which was placed on top of a glass table. A couple strands of his hair were covering of his face.

The paragraph underneath the photo was messily wrote in dark blue pen. At the bottom of the page was the date "4/7/XX".


End of the Prologue.

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