Chapter V - Trip to the Beach

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A/N: I've been busy with end of year projects and tests, so I haven't been able to update this, sorry about that.


I placed a hand on the writing. I could feel little indents in the page where the writing was. My head felt fuzzy. My vision blurred. I could hear familiar footsteps coming from behind me. I threw my head over my shoulder. All I did was blink. The sound disappeared. Just like it always did.

I sighed and turned my head back to face in front of me. I rubbed my neck as I glanced to my right. There was a window. I could see the light slowly creep away in a mix of yellow and orange.

That purple notebook. The light seemed to linger on it longer than everything else. It was still open to the second page. I grabbed it off my lap and held it in my hands.

I cautiously flipped the page. At the top of the page was another photo, just like the pages before it. This time however, there were two people in the photo. The familiar navy-haired boy was standing next to a shorter purple-haired boy, who was holding the camera.

Behind them you could see a sliver of the ocean along with a very orange sunset, seemingly floating on top of the water. I imagined the light fading in that room, similar to the light in the room I was in, leaving only the two of them in the dark of night.

I checked the date at the bottom of the page. It had been over a month since the last photo. It read "6/5/XX".



Shuichi placed his suitcase down on his temporary bed. He had just arrived to the beach house him and Kokichi would be staying in. It wasn't that big of a place, considering it was only the two of them, but it seemed nice and cozy.

They had decided to travel separately, and he had arrived first, so he had a bit of time to spare. He decided to spend it by walking around and exploring the house. It seemed like a nice place to stay for a week. At first he was skeptical when Kokichi had recommended it, but it was warming up to him.

He decided to unpack and claim which one of the towels in the bathroom was officially his. He walked around the house for a while and eventually to the living room and sat down, pulling out his phone. He opened a chat.


Kichi <3

Hey, when will you get to the house?

My flight got delayed :(
I forgot to call you

It's fine.
I'll see you soon?

I miss you already!
Or do I? >:)


Shuichi stifled a laugh with his hand after reading the text. He was fond of the way Kokichi always tried to leave him guessing, but most of the time it was obvious what he was thinking.

He liked a lot of things about Kokichi. His laugh, how he would go on and on about shows he liked, how he was never afraid to try new foods, even if they seems skeptical. It always made him laugh, or cheered him up when he was upset.

His thoughts were interrupted by the ringing of the doorbell. He stood up to go open the door, only to be met with more ringing.

"Seriously?" he thought. That certainly put him out of his good mood. He stumbled to the door through the reappearing, annoying sound of the doorbell. He opened the door, expecting it to be some sort of salesman, but that wasn't who it was.

"Hello, Shumai!" exclaimed Kokichi, dropping his bag to the floor and flinging his arms around Shuichi's neck. The taller male flushed and brought his arms around Kokichi's torso. Once Kokichi let go, he had calmed back down.

"Here you go!" Kokichi said, throwing his luggage into Shuichi's hands and pushing past him with a smile on his face. Shuichi sighed and went inside to follow him, closing and locking the door behind him.


"You want to go swimming?" Kokichi asked, swinging his head into Shuichi's room. Shuichi turned around to face him, or at least the half of him in his room.

"Right now? Uhm, is isn't it kind of late?" he replied, glancing at the time in his phone. It was 8:35 p.m., and it was already starting to get dark outside.

"You... you don't want to go with me..?" Kokichi whispered, tears starting to form in his eyes. Shuichi quickly jumped off his bed and darted toward the doorway. He didn't know what exactly what to do, he never really felt with anyone else crying.

"I-I'll go with you!" he exclaimed, "You want to go right now?" He was frantically looked around for anything to cheer up his friend when he heard laughing. He looked back to Kokichi.

"You," he paused to catch his breath after laughing so hard, "actually fell for that?" He continued laughing.

"Hey..." Shuichi muttered, "I was worried about you." He glanced to the side and waited, not quite sure Kokichi had heard him through the laughs.

"Hmm? Well, you get changed. We're going swimming!" Kokichi decided, darting down the hallway, slamming the door shut as he left. Shuichi sighed.

"Okay," he thought, a small smile creeping onto his face. Yeah, he was weird, but Kokichi really did make him happy.

He quickly put down his phone, made sure the door was closed all the way, opened the closet, grabbed a bathing suit, and started changing.


End of Chapter V.

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