Chapter I - Time at the Cafe

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It was a slightly windy afternoon and the sun shone over the earth as two boys sat under an umbrella. They had just arrived at a table and sat down in a pair of fancy-looking glass chairs. The umbrella over their heads gave a bit of shade, but it was still hot enough that the navy haired male took off his jacket and hung it on the back of his chair.

"Hey Kichi, you said you really liked this place right?" Shuichi asked, squinting a bit at the sunlight coming from behind the male in front of him, and grabbing the singular sheet of paper on their table.

"Mhm! It's one of my favorite cafes!" Kokichi replied, snatching the menu from Shuichi and gazing at the list of food and drinks. He had been there many times before and was almost done with his mission to taste test every drink on the menu.

"Do you have favorite thing that you order here?" The blue haired male asked, as he attempted to crane his head around enough to sneak a glance at the menu.

"Hmmmmmm..." Kokichi hummed as he pulled the menu away from Shuichi's view, his eyes glued on the paper. He looked up and smiled when he saw the boy in front of him sigh and proceed to crane his head around the other side of the circular table. After realizing it was probably pointless, he sat back up and leaned against the back of his chair, his jacket acting like a thin cushion.

"Kokichi..." Shuichi muttered, tilting his head to the right the tiniest bit, probably out of habit, and making a bit of a pouty face. The purple haired blushed slightly, and reluctantly placed the menu on the table and slid it over to the male across from him. Shuichi picked up the menu and smiled.

"Thank you," he said. He scooted his chair slightly and held the menu in a manner that allowed him and Kokichi to see the writing on it. The purple shored male snickered quietly.

They sat in silence for a few seconds and read the menu. Well, it was more Kokichi looking for something he hadn't yet tried and Shuichi pointing to various things and asking Kokichi if he thought they sounded good. And, as it turned out, Kokichi could give a full review on most of them. The cafe had a very large selection of options, so as one could imagine, this lasted for quite a while.

That's how they ended up ordering a strawberry smoothie, a plain black coffee, a hot chocolate, an iced tea, an orange juice, something along the lines of grape Fanta, and a normal water. All for just the two of them. They got more than a few glances from nearby onlookers.

"I doubt we're going to finish all this," muttered Shuichi, as he picked up the iced tea and took a few sips, waiting for Kokichi to say something. But there was no response. He looked up and across the table to see the purple haired male sucking on multiple straws all coming out of different beverages.

"Bleeeuuugggh!" Exclaimed the purple haired boy. He quickly grabbed the water and gulped down half of it. He coughed a bit, and then proceeded to drink the rest of the water. He finally looked up only to see Shuichi laughing so hard he had a few tears forming in his eyes.

"That wasn't funny!" Kokichi claimed, crossing his arms and taking a sip from the grape Fanta. His face suddenly lit up and he dubbed it his new favorite thing from the cafe menu. Shuichi noticed that after he drinking it his hair seemed slightly more purple than before, but assumed it was his imagination and didn't bring it up.

"Why would you think that would be a good idea?" Shuichi asked, still snickering the slightest bit. The male across from him poured and drank another sip from his drink, which somewhere along the line became his own drink, now called Panta, because "purple Fanta is too long of a name."

"I was just wondering what it would taste like..." he muttered. He looked away and across the street. Then, he spotted a flower shop that had a few flower crowns on display. "Hey, I'm gonna go get something, I'll be right back!" He said, suddenly getting up out of his seat, placing his drink down, and swiftly grabbing his mini backpack.

Before Shuichi could say anything to the purple haired male, he was already nowhere to be seen. He looked around and still couldn't find him. He sighed and continued to drink his iced tea, shifting his hat to block out the sunlight no longer blocked by the male that used to be in front of him.


End of Chapter I.

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