Chapter VII - A Fimiliar Face and a Promise

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Bright light shone into the car through the windshield. The city was always so bright, even at night.

Maybe a little too bright.

He squinted as he gazed at the lights hanging above the cars, which were flooding into neat rows in the street.

He pressed down on the gas petal and prepared to make a turn.


The whole world shook, and suddenly it was pitch black. He heard someone shouting his name. It felt like they were right next to him, yet the voice sounded distant, like there was something separating them.

He felt a warm liquid streaming from the side of his face, dripping onto the even warmer cement below. It felt nice, actually. Warm and comfortable. Aside from the constant poking and prodding at his side.

He guessed that he'd probably landed on something, but the area around it felt numb. He couldn't quite tell what it was, but it certainly wasn't very comfortable.

Still, there was that persistent yelling. There might have been some sirens in the background, but he couldn't quite make them out.

He suddenly became aware that his whole body was being shaken. He got a faint glimpse of something purple, and a blurred mess he assumed was a face.

Then it was black again.



I waved to the woman at the desk before turning to make my way further into the building. I heard the familiar sound of my not quite destroyed sneakers tapping on the sleek white floor.

I squeezed the almost empty plastic bottle in my hand. It did prove to be a somewhat of an okay stress reliever.

"I know that everything's probably fine, but I can't help but worry..." I thought, stepping into a probably already too crowded elevator.

"With all these people here, I'm lucky that he's alright," I continued, watching as the lit up buttons slowly dwindled in number.

"Floor 5," announced a robotic voice. I carefully maneuvered my way out of the metal box and into the hallway.

"I'd visited so many times before, I already have the path memorized," I muttered to fill up the utter silence that filled the majority of the building.

I made an abrupt stop and turned to face the door beside me. "Well, here we are!" I thought, putting on my best "I'm so happy to be here," face.

I extended my hand out towards the door handle and took a deep breath.



I jumped up in my bed and turned toward the door.

"Good morning!" he yelled into the room, slamming the door with as much enthusiasm he had when he opened it.

"You shouldn't yell in here, you might bother someone," I advised, almost immediately noticing how the purple haired boy seemed to listen, but not take his advice to heart.

"I'll make sure to never do it again!" he exclaimed. He unhurriedly made his way over to the edge of my temporary bed, taking a quick glimpse down at the pair of sunflowers on the bed side table that I almost missed.

"Did you like my gift?" He inquired, pulling up the chair which stood adjacent to the bed, "I made sure to find only the prettiest flowers for my beloved!"

"They're nice," I acknowledged, taking in the scene of the sunflowers leaning against each other.

"Say, what is your favorite flower?" I asked, turning my attention back to the short boy sitting beside me.

"Hmmm~? Still have some of that detective in you, huh?" he proclaimed, giving me a snarky smile, "Well, I guess I'll tell you, I do quite like you, after all."

"I like lisianthus flowers! Or maybe I like carnations? Maybe neither!" he answered indirectly. I sighed, but let a slight smile slip onto my face. As much as he drives me absolutely insane, he does make me happy.

"I'll keep that in mind," I announced. He gave me a quick skeptical look before putting in a big smile.

"Why did you ask anyway, hm? You planning something?" I let out a quiet giggle.

"Maybe I am," I admitted, "we should definitely do something once I'm discharged."

The purple-haired boy gave a short grimace before putting his mask of happiness back on.

"Mhm!" he hummed in response, "First thing we'll do when you're released."

He leaned over to my bed, and gave me a chaste kiss. He grinned at me.

"Just a little longer," I said, "I'll be out of here in no time." He looked at me with a look of acceptance. I couldn't tell if it was genuine or not.

"I'll always wait for you, no matter how long it takes," he said. I gave a sigh of relief.

"Thank you, Kokichi."

"Of course, my beloved Shumai."

He paused for a moment.

"I love you."

I gave him a gentle smile.

"I love you too."



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