Chapter II - A Flower Crown

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Shuichi sat down and looked over the glass table. He had drank a bit more than half of the drinks he and Kokichi had ordered. Which was around four drinks, all in tall glasses. He sighed and glanced over at the direction the purple haired male had disappeared in.

"Is he even coming back?" He thought, shifting in his chair. It had gotten slightly colder and Shuichi had put his jacket back on. It was late afternoon now, and, to be honest, he was a bit tired. He had stayed up late last night typing away on his computer, and now he kind of just wanted to pass out onto the table.

As soon as he started to doze off the sound of footsteps quickly approached, followed by a loud.'c disruptive, slam. The glass table shook. If the slam had been any harder, it probably would've broken it. Shuichi looked up in shock.

"Hey!" Exclaimed Kokichi with a smile on his face. Shuichi could've sworn the tips of his mouth were almost touching his ears.
"Look what I found!" He went on as he held out a flower crown. He swung it around on his wrist like it was a tiny hula hoop.
"For you."

He graciously, well, as graciously as he could, placed the flower crown on Shuichi's head as if he was a king receiving a crown not of flowers, but one of gold, covered with jewels. The purple haired male giggled and sat back down in his chair.

Shuichi lifted a hand grabbed the mini wreath of flowers, and carefully brought it down so he could look at it. It was a mix of various white and purple flowers. He could tell they probably weren't real, but he smiled nonetheless and placed it back on his head.

"Thank you, Kichi," he said, reaching out to take a sip of a fifth drink. The purple haired male blushed slightly at the nickname. Then he got an "brilliant" idea.

"Hmmm, what do you think would be a good nickname for you?" He asked. The male across from him hummed in response and rested his head on one of his hands.

"I don't know, what's with the sudden nickname?" The blue haired male asked. He tilted his head to the side, but was sure to make sure the flower crown didn't fall off his head. Even if it wasn't made of real flowers, it would be a shame if it broke.

"Shu?" Kokichi muttered. He shook his head.
"Shushu?" He continued. He shook his head.
"That's worse."
"Shumai?" He suggested. He sat and thought for a second. "That works." He smiled and nodded to himself.

"Really? The name of a food?" Shuichi replied. He let out a quiet, brief, comforting laugh.
"Whatever you say, I suppose," he smiled and went back to sipping his drink.

"Mhm!" Hummed Kokichi. He looked at the boy in front of him. He looked, according to the purple haired male, majestic with the flower crown on his head. He was gazing off into the distance and seemed somewhat distracted.

"Hey Shumai," he said, smiling at the nickname. The blue haired male paused and looked at him. He watched as Kokichi dug through his bag. It took a bit, but he eventually pulled out a camera.
"Say cheese!" He exclaimed. There was a click, a flash, and then a mischievous giggle.

"What was that for?" Asked Shuichi.
"Nothing, nothing," responded Kokichi, he waved his hand as if brushing off the question. "I thought you looked cute," he hummed. Shuichi blushed at the comment.
"Oh," he muttered, "Can I see the picture?"

"Hmmm..." hummed Kokichi as he considered the request.
"Nope!~" He smiled. He shoved the camera back into his bag, and looked up to see the boy across from him pouting.

"Fine," Shuichi responded. He sighed.
"Are you done with your drinks?" He asked, gazing over the table, to his surprise, they had finished most of the drinks they ordered. Which was mostly his doing. Kokichi nodded in response.

They quickly gathered all their stuff, payed for the drinks, and started to walk down to the bus stop. It was starting to get a bit colder, and a couple gray clouds could be seen in the sky, it was clear it would start raining soon.

"Well, I'll see you later," Shuichi said, waving and starting to walk away. Suddenly, he felt something grasp his hand. He paused and turned around to look at the shorter male looking up at him. He seemed as confused as he was.

Kokichi swiftly let go of Shuichis hand and grasped his own with his other hand.
"Uhh, yeah! See ya later!" He exclaimed hastily. Once again, before Shuichi could say anything, the purple haired male was already out of sight. He sighed.

"See you." He muttered. He gazed down at his hand. He could still feel a slight lingering feeling. He smiled and looked up to the sound of doors opening. He walked onto the bus and sat down. Just as the bus doors shut, droplets of water started cascading down from the sky.

"I hope Kokichi made it inside," he thought leaning his head against the window. It certainly wasn't the most comfortable, but he was quite tired. He slowly started to doze off, and with no interruptions this time, fell asleep.


End of Chapter II.

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