Chapter VI - A Confession Under the Stars

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Shuichi passed through the doorway, paused, checked he had everything he needed in his pockets, and closed the door behind him.

He walked down the hallway, glancing at the time on his phone. It read 8:45 p.m. He arrived in the kitchen and decided to grab something to drink before Kokichi inevitably dragged him outside.

He grabbed a cup and filled in with water, adding im a few ice cubes. He leaned against the counter as he drank. He looked out the window.

You could see the sun setting off on the horizon. It didn't seem that far away. As if he could reach out and touch the glowing, seemingly floating ball of heat. He sighed and downed the rest of the water.

Then, Kokichi marched into the kitchen.
"Hey, Shu-Shu!" he announced, leaning onto the counter next to the other male. Shuichi smiled.
"You ready to go?" he asked, placing the glass cup down with a clang.

Kokichi nodded in response and grabbed Shuichi's arm, walking out of the house, dragging him along. He walked down the hill of sand and almost into the water, just close enough that their shoes didn't get soaked.

"Why exactly did you want to come out here?" Shuicui asked with a smile. He couldn't pretend like he wasn't fond of spending time with Kokichi even if his life was on the line.

He gazed at the other as he stared out into the sea. The purple-haired male turned to face the taller boy.
"No real reason," the words slid out of his mouth melodically, "I just wanted to spend time with my beloved!"

He wrapped his arms around the others torso and hung onto his body. He could feel his heartbeat beat in rhythm with his own. He could picture the blue-haired boys blushing face as he froze in place.

Shuichi let out a gasp at the sudden contact. He slowly wrapped his arms around Kokichi's torso, effectively retuning the hug. He lifted a hand to the shorter boys head and curled a strand of his hair around one of his fingers, and the purple-haired boy allowed himself to melt into the touch.

Stars started to shine from over head as the boys stood in their entangled position. It was just the two of them standing at the edge of the ocean. The breeze was cold but not freezing.

"Hey Kokichi..?" Shuichi muttered, removing his hand from above his head. The boy in question looked up and met the gaze of the other.

"Whatcha need?" he asked.

"I just wanted to tell you something," Shuichi muttered. He paused. It was clear that he was starting to regret his decision of speaking up.

"You can ask me anything, Shumai," Kokichi comforted.
"I-I know," he replied with a smile. He gazed past Kokichi and at the dark sand underneath them.

Shuichi could hear the sound of the waves overlapping on the sand as he felt the cold water brush next to his foot.
"The tide is coming in..." he thought, looking down at the see-through water.

He sighed. "I need to stop trying to come up with excuses," he thought reverting his gaze back to the expecting boy in his arms.

"Kokichi, I- like you," he started strong but whispered the last part.

"What was that?" the purple-haired boy asked with an amused smile. He looked up at Shuichi with big eyes that shined especially bright in the moonlight.

"I like you," he repeated, his gaze turning to the ground, face turning red. He prayed that it was to dark out for Kokichi to notice. He could see a smug look cross the others face before being replaced with a look of confusion.

"What?" he asked innocently.
"H-hey! You heard me the first time!" Shuichi realized.
"Aww, come on, my beloved Shuichi!" he whined, "say it again, pleaseee!"

The blue-haired male sighed. "Kokichi, do you like me back?" he asked with a serious tone. He watched as slight surprise passed over the face of the boy in question.

He laughed. "Of course I do!" he confessed. His laugh surrounded the two of them alone on the beach. Soon, Shuichi joined in and they laughed together. Once they calmed down, Shuichi leaned down and gave the shorter male a kiss on the forehead.

After quickly getting over the original shock, Kokichi smirked. "Where'd that confidence come from?" he lifted an arm to point at the taller male. All he did in response was let out a small giggle.

"We should head back to the house," he stated, carefully unraveling his arms and placing them at his sides.

"Awww, already?" Kokichi pouted and did the same, letting the other boy go. But, he soon put on a carefree smile and grabbed one of Shuichis hands and dragged him back to the house in a flurry of conversation.



I reached over to turn the lamp on. It stood on a wooden bed side table on the opposite side of the bed from the window. Next to it was a glass vase. Inside were two sunflowers. Beside the vase was a sticky-note which simply read "See you soon!"

Right, he left them when he last came to visit. I... think. I sighed, but smiled remembering the kind gesture. He is always really nice to me. You could say we're pretty close.

I stared at the last thing on the small table. It was a phone. It lay face down, but I could tell it was off. Did he give that to me too? No, that was already there. He said it was mine.

I picked it up and it was unlocked. Well, that's pretty stupid. I clicked on the photos app. My smile grew. There were many pictures of flowers and scenery. There were other pictures of papers that probably held some importance.

Then there were pictures of him. He probably took the phone and took them himself. Yeah, that sounds like something he would do. I laughed under my breath.

I slowly closed the photos app and clicked on a different one labeled "Messages". I didn't have to scroll at all because his contact was right at the top.


My Love

See you soon. <3


End of Chapter VI.

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