Chapter IV - Breakfast Plans

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A/N: Just as I finished this chapter, I lost the entire fist half. So, I had to rewrite it all again from memory. I apologize if it feels rushed. If you notice anything wrong, feel free to let me know.

Shuichi opened his eyes. He lifted a hand out from under the blanket and rubbed them. That was a habit of his. He then immediately shut them again after coming into contact with the bright sunlight coming in from the bedroom window.

He felt something shift next to him. He flinched, looked down, and smiled.
"It was just Kokichi," he thought. He could hear Kokichi's breathing. He could feel his heart beating in sync with his own. They were really close. Really, really close... It felt odd, yet comfortable. Shuichi blushed.
"It's probably just because I normally sleep on the floor when I stay over," he rationalized.

He swiftly got out of the bed, carefully placing the checkered blanket back on top of Kokichi. He glanced over to the digital clock. 6:32, it said in numbers that seemed not as bright as the shining ones from last night. A little bit later than he normally got up, but that made sense since he hadn't set an alarm.

He quietly walked towards the door and turned the handle with caution. He looked back at the sleeping boy once more before leaving the room and shutting the door as softly as he could behind him.

He had stayed over before, and he knew where to find anything he could possibly need. To the point where it seemed like, to Shuichi at least, Kokichi either know exactly what he wanted, or was just needy. Or, he was just cautious enough to have a couple extra sets of things, like toothbrushes or comforters. He smiled at the thought.

He made is way toward the kitchen and straight towards the fridge. He opened it and shivered at the sudden splash of cold air.
"I don't know what I was expecting," he muttered, internally facepalming. He looked at the contents of the fridge.

First there was a shelf full of Panta. He guessed that it grew on Kokichi since he had had it at the cafe. The second shelf contained a half full carton of milk and a loaf of bread. The third shelf's only occupant was an open box of popsicles. Shuichi probably should've said something to Kokichi about his eating habits by now, but he wasn't much better.

"Well, at least I don't have full shelf of soda," he muttered in a tone that sounded like a mix of triumph and disappointment. He grabbed the box of popsicles and placed it in the freezer, taking extra care not to spill any out of the cut in the side of it.

He closed the fridge and made his way over to the cabinet next to to it. He held open the door as he peeked inside. There was a box of cereal. He grabbed the box and looked at the label.
"With marshmallows. Of course," he thought, sighing as he placed the box back into the cabinet and shutting the door.

The blue-haired male looked around for a bit longer, yawning as he did so. He normally had coffee once he woke up, but Kokichi had told him that his coffee maker had broken a couple days before. But, just in case, he slid over to the coffee maker. He scooped in some coffee and water and pressed the on-button.
"Come on..." he thought as if trying to encourage the machine.

Silence. Nothing happened.
"Ughhh..." he groaned. He looked out the window above the kitchen sink. He could see some trees and buildings. Kokichi's apartment was on the third floor. He looked down at the street and the few people that were walking around, doing whatever.
"Well, they probably have coffee," he guessed, pouting.

He turned away from the window and headed for the bathroom. He opened the door and stepped inside. It was dark inside. Probably one of the only rooms that didn't have a window, or was at least connected to a room with one.

He flipped the light switch. The sudden bright light made him shut his eyes and blink a bit. He looked into the mirror. He frowned.
"Stupid bedhead," Shuichi thought, lifting a hand to poke at a strand of hair sticking up off his head.

He looked around until he found what he was looking for, a brush. He stood and brushed his hair, looking into the mirror. He was still kind of tired. Or, at least, he felt tired. Probably because he hadn't had coffee yet. He sighed.
"Why, did your coffee maker have to break now, Kokichi?" he muttered to himself.

Just as he put the brush down, he heard a creak. He swiftly turned around to the bathroom door opening. He smiled.
"Good morning, Kichi," he said.
"Mhm," replied Kokichi, brushing past Shuichi to look in the mirror. The blue-haired male was not the only one who woke up with a bedhead in the morning.

Then, Shuichi asked about the thing that had been on his mind all morning. Well, since he had seen the contents of Kokichi's kitchen.
"Hey, uh, do you want to go out somewhere for breakfast?" He blurted out. He had practiced it a couple times in his head beforehand. He wasn't normally the one who proposed to hang out together. It might have even surprised Kokichi. It seemed like most things didn't.

"Maybe I really did surprise him," Shuichi thought after a moment of silence. His train of thought rolled on. "Maybe he doesn't get why I want to go out? Does he think that I think he doesn't have any good food here? Did I upset him? Did-,"
"Sure! Where do you want to go, my beloved Saihara-Chan?" Kokichi interrupted.

"Oh, ummm," Shuichi hummed, "Wait." He blushed. "Beloved?" he thought out loud.
"Hmm?" Kokichi turned towards him with an innocent smile on his face. "What was that?" the purple-haired male asked.
"Nothing," Shuichi blurted out. "I must have imagined it," he thought, calming down.

"Anywhere is fine. You probably know this area better than I do," said Shuichi. Asking was the hard part, but after he had confirmation, planning was easy for him.
"True, true. But I'm sure you know many other things," Kokichi replied, grabbing a toothbrush that was sitting next to the sink.

Shuichi was very susceptible to compliments. Especially compliments from people he knew. It's possible it was even more special coming from Kokichi. He might've become a strawberry at that point, and it wasn't even that direct of a compliment.

The embarrassment of it probably changed him from a strawberry to a tomato.
"Uhm, thanks," Shuichi exclaimed, his voice getting higher at the end, as if he was asking a question. He took a deep breath. "Is there anywhere you want to go?" He continued, attempting to regain his composure.

"I might have an idea!" Kokichi replied, putting his hands behind his back in an attempt to look innocent. A shiver went down Shuichi's back. That's what it was. Just a shiver.
"Ah... alright then," the blue-haired male stammered, "I'm going to go change." He shuffled his way out of the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

As he walked towards Kokichi's room, he lifted a hand to his cheek.
"Warm," thought Shuichi. He went straight for Kokichi's closet once he arrived in his room. He always kept a couple of spare outfits at Kokichi's apartment just in case he slept over unexpectedly or something happened to his clothes.

He quickly got changed and looked at himself in the reflection of the television. He grabbed his phone and checked the time. 7:15.
"Breakfast places are normally open around now, right?" Shuichi thought. He didn't normally go out for breakfast, so he didn't really know any good places to go.
"I'm sure Kokichi knows somewhere though," he thought, lying down on Kokichi's bed.

His eyelids felt heavy, even though he had been awake for a while. He turned onto his side and faced the window. He blinked and let his eyelids fall closed. He felt a bit cold, and maybe a tiny bit lonely, but still managed to somehow fall asleep.


End of Chapter IV.

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