12. My sins

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Anastasia had no intentions of going back to the boarding house at the moment. Firstly, she would probably rip Damon's throat if she sees him. Secondly, she didn't want to see Stefan after their little make out session. Technically he and Elena were still together and what they had done, was cheating. Ana now doubted if it really was the heat of the moment. But, her heart ached a little for her hybrid soulmate. 

She needed to figure out her boy situation right now. Honestly, she never was the person who would sit up all day all night thinking about a man. For the first time, Ana felt like a teenager with real teenage problems. 

Quietly speeding up to the balcony, she peeked through the blinds to see the brunette peacefully sleeping with a wolf stuffed toy gripped firmly close to her chest. Ana smiled at the girl's habits. Deciding not to wake her up, she turned around to walk away. 

"I know I'm super hot and all, but you're kinda my mom, you know. It would be fucking creepy." Alex announced in a not so sleepy voice like she had been awake all this while. She sat up and watched Anastasia with raised eyebrows.

"Shut up, twit. Weren't you asleep?" Ana asked, stepping into the room and plopping on the bed with a huff.

"No, I was waiting for you to get home. I was on the couch watching a movie and then I saw Damon coming in looking all riled up like he's gonna kill someone. Then, Stefan came in after a while and I could hear yelling from his room. I thought something happened so I waited up for you so you could spill some tea." Alex said with a soft sigh and an expecting look.

"They found where the white oak was. Rebekah burned it and Damon got all mad at me. Well, at least the Originals live now. That's a win." Ana said, taking off her shoes. Alex raised an eyebrow.

"So that's it? Spill the rest!" She begged like a child pulling Ana's arm. Ana turned to look at her with a serious expression, saying that this was serious. That's when Alex properly looked at her. Dried mascara bled all over her cheeks. Red, flushed face and unshed tears in her eyes. Her smile dropped in an instant.

"So, remember I told you about Klaus?" Ana asked her, laying on the bed with closed eyes.

"The hot blonde whose painting is hanging in our house? Marcel's sire?" Alex enquired, remembering the paintings of the three original siblings in the Abbatoir. 

"Yeah. So his mother, the Original witch, to sum it up she told me that we were soulmates or something like that. Our immortalities are kinda linked." Ana mumbled the last part, waiting for a response. Alex's eyes widened with shock and she looked angry.

"And you're telling me this now!?" Alex whisper-yelled at the already upset tribrid.

"It doesn't end there. I made out with Stefan." Ana bluntly revealed, only adding more frown lines on to the young werewolf's forehead.

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