Chapter 6 ♦️ Shopkeeper

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Still it was a dream. But with what Jevil said, you didn't have much positivism.


Since work didn't start in a long while you decided to go out to take a walk. The cold hit you just as soon as you passed through the door, still, that didn't keep you from going out.

You walked around for some time and you definitely calmed down, the froze and the quiet of the town were nice together. You saw a light source coming from somewhere else that weren't the street lights, it was the shopkeeper Seam.

You never spoke to him and figured this would be a good opportunity since you were pretty calm, plus, you doubt someone would interrupt. What may happen is that he's asleep.

You got closer to the store and peeked a little to see if he was awake and soon enough you did see him moving around, his back was facing you so you didn't know what he was doing, you tried to figure it out getting closer until you tripped with your own feet and hit yourself against the shop, getting Seam's attention.

'In less than 24 hours I got hit thrice. Great going Y/N' you thought to yourself.

Sean looked at you with a friendly smile, you stared, not really knowing what to do. "Uh... Hi Seam." You said.

Seam looked at you curiously and got closer "Do we know each other?" He asked

"Uhm, no, well, kinda. I mean, I know you, but you don't know me. I'm not a stalker though, I don't have the time for that." You said jokingly, although it was true, you didn't have time for that. "What are you doing awake?" You asked before he could react to the previous phrase.

"Well I could ask you the same, servant" He said chuckling. You thought for some time and then looked at your uniform mouthing an 'Oh'.

"I had a nightmare and can't go back to sleep. Plus I already had breakfast." You laughed "But uh, how do you know the servants' outfits? Did you work at the castle before being a shopkeeper?" You asked curious.

He laughed softly "I have as a matter of fact. Yours truly was the court's magician." He said.

"They had a magician? Why did they give that up?"

"I'm surprised you don't know, are you new here?"

"No, just a social reject." You answered automatically.

Seam laughed lowly "Well, let's just say the court's jester games were too much"

"JEVIL." You questioned immediately hitting both hands on the stand. Sean jumped a bit on impact and blinked a few times. "YOU WORKED WITH JEVIL? WHAT'S WRONG WITH HIM?!" You begged to get an answer, it was impossible to understand what was going through Jevil's brain, a psychologist would kill themselves before treating someone like him.

"So you do know then" He simply said, back to his regular calm behaviour.

"I don't! That's the thing! No one will tell me! I can't sleep because of him!" You said desperate.

"Was the nightmare about him?" He asked

"Yes!" You said back, hoping you would start off a conversation and learn anything about him, instead Sean just laughed audibly. "It's not funny! He killed Rouxls, Lancer and the King!" You said trying to get him to tell you.

"He didn't, I stopped him" He said going further back into his store and rummaging around some things

"What" You said in disbelief "So. My nightmare was right? He's a murderer?!" You asked.

"Perhaps yes, perhaps not" He said, going back to you with an item in hand.

"Sean, do you want him to kill me or what?" You asked.

"Why do you know about him if you don't know what happened?" He said completely ignoring your question.

"I spoke with him" You said.

Seam gave you a deck of cards, you just looked at him confused "Give it to him, no need to pay, it's on the house"

"Like money is what I'm worried about. I'm not going back there. To talk to a murderer?! Or maybe not, who knows, no one will tell me. Also you still didn't tell me why you're awake." You said, getting kinda angry at this point.

"It'll be better if he has someone to talk to. Being so much time alone won't be no good for him nor for anyone." He said simply.

You took the deck "So I'm supposed to talk to him for what? Preventing more people from being murdered?" You said draging out the murdered in a comediec manner.

Sean laughed once more "He never went that far. But be careful, for a clown he's pretty good at manipulating."

"Yeah, he seems like it" You said, examining the deck.

"That leads me to the next point. If he asks for the key of the cell..." You looked back at Seam as you heard his voice get serious "Don't let him get to you. If you open that cell, there's no going back and he won't hesitate to mess around this 'fake world' as he calls it. After all he says he is the only free one."

"Good to know he said that before and he didn't get crazier" You said.

"I don't think he can get crazier" You both laughed.

"Well Seam, good to know there was a court magician. And to actually meet him" He did a little bow "They should have them back, the castle life is boring" You said

"That's what happens when the only jester you had goes berserk"

"Yeah, I guess that's fair enough. Anyways, I have to get going, I guess nightmares will be a regular thing now" You looked at Seam and he just laughed. You slowly backed away and waved at Seam "Goodbye Seam"

"Goodbye acquaintance" He said.

You started walking back to the castle and hitting yourself as you realized you didn't tell him your name. You looked at the deck of cards looking for some weird thing, it looked like a regular deck though, no grenades inside.

You sighed and ran back to the castle as you now were excited to see Jevil. You did feel happier that he didn't kill anyone because if he did, whoo boy, that's another fucking story.

Obviously no one was up yet since it was still 4 am. You got to the elevator and ran the stairs down, careful of not tripping and falling. You didn't realize this but Jevil probably sleeps as well. Although as the menace he is, he might be nocturnal to be honest, although he was awake at daylight. Then again you can't really differentiate night and day down here, and then again he is always nowhere to be seen.

Once back you simply sat down as always and put the deck of cards inside the cell through the bars. You just stood there waiting for Jevil to appear as you didn't want to wake him up either, if he even slept at all.

"Gee, I know you liked me, but thrice in a day, day?" You heard a voice coming from the cell.

"You don't sleep do you?" You asked as you saw him slowly submerge from the shadows while crossing his arms.

"I do! I just don't feel sleepy. Why the question?" He asked confusedly as he sat down in front of you once more.

"It's just that the time is around 4 am so yeah" You said.

"Is it? Well then! Twice in a day and we start counting for the new day!" He said

"I got you, uh..." You looked at the deck of cards and Jevil got the message, grabbing them "A regular deck of cards?" You said, it came out more as a question though.

"These aren't some regular cards, cards!" He said, excitedly opening the box. He let all the cards fall on the floor in a chaotic way and you realized the drawings were different.

The Jacks were Seam
The Kings were Lancer
The Queens were some alien looking person
And of course, the Jolly Jokers were Jevil.
Also, fun fact! No rules cards, so take that however you want to take it.

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