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C H A P T E R 1

Sophia's pov

' I am still telling you that college was far more better then this .' mom comment after seeing few boys fighting on the gate of my new college

' I still don't get why did u left that college , it had a good reputation , even u were very famous there , and most importantly it was near our house in our city , here in New York we literally have no one , where will u ho in emergency ? what if something happens to you? I can't afford that ... And here she goes on with her extra ordinary concern for me... I know being a mother she will firstly think of my safety but com on I'm not a 5 years old kid I am 18 year old almost to be 19 and u can't just lock me in a home of hardly any space , I sometimes seriously feel pity on me to spend my 18 years in that small bed ..

' mom mom calm down , everything will be okay trust me , I promise I won't do anything which will make u feel sad okay ' I said while trying my best give her assurance
And finally she nodded

' should we go inside?' I asked
And she nodded and head towards the office to check out for my new room
Honestly , from my childhood days I wanted to experience hostel Life , it seemed very adventurous and the main reason I wanted to live in hostel was to get free from my dear mother's tantrums !

Soon we reached at the office there a lady in blue uniform greeted us with a smile but exhaustion could be easily figured out on her face .

'How may I help you mam ? ' she asked

'I need to check my room no. ' I replied

'okay , your name please' she asked while turning to her computer

' Sophia Harper ' I said
And she typed something on her computer probably my name I guess and withing next moment her face started loosing her smile

'Your room no. 303' in B block' she informed but not with the same smile

'If u want u can change the room anytime' she concluded while giving me the keys which had a platelet with red letters ' b/ 303 '

I took the keys and nodded with a smile and then I and mom started finding my room ....

During my way to room mom kept saying me to behave properly and to call her daily etc. Etc... Which seemed to be boring as I was expecting to be my life something else then her imagination

She has always thought of a perfect daughter as I am only a child and she is my only mother , my father left us when I was 7 , he is not dead he has just left us and I honestly don't know why , I know sometimes my parents used to fight but I never knew it will result to this ... I always loved   my mom was from France and my dad was from Germany and maybe he returned back there  they told that they meet in a meeting and there they became friends and had 2 years of relationship and got married , I find it little normal yet sweet , talking about me i little more look like German I guess with good figure and fair skin as my mom , after dad left us mom never got remarried she completed all duties of father and mother together and I am proud of her but what I think is that she is too much concern about that sometimes I get irritated and that's why I need a little space and wanted to join University of Manchester as we lived in London Manchester was little more away from my home and I wanted to experience such a life ...

Soon we were in front of a door colored in off - white cream color which had silver plate , 303 written on it..
It seemed to be locked so we just pulled the keys given by that lady and opened the door

And the view was almost expected by us expected that we found someone's clothes and books on the bed indicating that I already had a roommate
We head inside the room it was neat and clean with cream walls and two wooden beds one of them was all tidy and neat the other one had a pile of clothes mainly black clothes and 2 books lying on it... They were novels ... Woow at least my roommate has a good taste of novels and books as I have

' Honey u r not staying here ' my mom almost shouted it seemed as I turned I found her in defense position folding her arms near her chest and the cupboard behind opened revealing more clothes and books

' Why what happened ?' I asked blankly

' you are not staying with a boy ' she stated making me shock !

' How do u know that ?' I defensed

' Look at the clothes honey ' she said while pointing towards the cupboard
Which clearly stated that a boy lived here and I dumb girl didn't noticed it earlier

'And this this bottles ' she pointed towards the dustbin which had alcohol bottles' which I surely didn't expected but i still hoped that this bottles are not his ' the unknown person ' maybe his friend's drank and threw it here

' But mom all boys are not same ' I tried to convince though I knew she has more reasonable reasons then me to not let me stay here but honestly I don't mind to stay with a boy .

' All.boys.are.same ' she concluded and started taking my bags ..
' can't u even see the bottles ?'

' Mom wait please let me try once I promise if I feel anything wrong I will change it immediately '
I pleaded but she had her words and started heading out

' Mom com on I need some freedom u can't always take decision behalf of me ' I said knowing that my words will hurt her but I didn't had any option coz I can't always be like this I need to change

' Sophia u just said that u would not do anything which will hurt me and your words are probably not doing good job ' she said with little shock but angry tone

' yes , I said but only if u let me stay here ' I confirmed

' You know what , you will understand it by yourself but remember my words, one day you will be back to home to get rid of this room ' she completed and left the room

She stood at the door folding her hands near her chest

' u still have time ! ' she warned but I denied 

' okay then good luck ,i wish whatever I am thinking doesn't happen , best of luck for your studies ' she said and I nodded with a small thank you making her leave me alone there ...

I closed the door and stood there keeping up hands on the doors bowing down my head and recalling what just happened

Like seriously it's my first day and I had to have argument with my mom
I huffed and headed to set my things in the room

Do vote and comment ✨❤️

What do u think who is the boy staying there ?

Do u think those alcohol bottles were his

Do u think will he accept Sophia as his roommate

Or will Sophia will accept him as her roommate or will change her room ?

Also please humble to all please do vote and comment !!!

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