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Sophia's pov

" U wait here I ' ll go and bring the food " Oliver said and went towards the counter where lunch was distributed

Half day was already over we had 3 lectures together today and unfortunately after break we do not have any lecture together it seems I will all alone...

I was in the canteen sitting on of table with 2 chairs waiting for Oliver to bring food as I was hell hungry , I looked around and there was too much chaos there weren't any known face except Oliver and Sebastian he was there too sitting right in front of in a corner , all alone and lost in his phone and frequently eating his food

" Food is here " Oliver suddenly jumped in front me breaking my thoughts

" What were you looking at ?" He asked teasingly looking in the direction I was looking at probably figuring out that person

" Umm Nothing I, I was just looking around " I said while bring my plate near

" Ohkay ohkay , by the way I wanted to ask you about your hostel ,how is it like I never had hostel experience so " I asked while stuffing bread inside his mouth

" Well it's first time for me too , and I just came yesterday evening so I can't elaborate much "I informed and had my bite and suddenly I don't know my eyes again got shifted to the place Sebastian was still sitting at the other table having lunch while watching phone and headphones on his head

" Ohkay " Oliver reacted and again broke my attention

" By the way do have any roommate " he asked , his Focus was on eating and was occasionally looking at me

" Yeah I live with Sebastian " I said and as I completed he started coughing as if something chock into his throat

" Hey what happened , are you okay  , " I said while offering him water to calm down him

He had some water and was finally relieved
" Sebastian is your roommate !?" His eyes got winded as he asked me the question or reacted over the information i just shared ... whatever

" Yeah he is " I confirmed and he nodded his head in disbelief making more confuse about Sebastian

" Why what happened ?" I finally asked

" Nothing... Um he is ... He is just so weird " he said and again started having his food

Suddenly there was huge chaos 2 boys suddenly started fighting ... They were just fighting behind Oliver and in front of Sebastian each and every person present in the canteen was looking at that 2 boys except Sebastian his eyes were still glued to his phone , he didn't even looked at them
Instead he just stood up , took his plate and started heading towards the dustbin his eyes were still on his phone and as he moved every person standing in his way moved aside even those 2 boys fighting gave him way to go ... As he passed through those boys he took one of them with him and everything got normal ! The another one went somewhere and other people continued there work

" Yeah he seems kinda different i guess " I blurted , still starting at him going out if the canteen

" Is he so famous here ?" I asked Oliver who was busy in taking out Tomatoes from the curry

" Yeah you can say that " he answered but he seemed to be least interested

Soon after break we went for our respective lecture , he had chemistry while I had history ...

As I entered the class there were very less students as compared to my previous class who were all busy in talking whereas I looked for a safe place and I found it on the 3rd column 1st bench beside a boy wearing blue hoodie and blonde hair with black specs

Soon the teacher arrived , and the class gained pin drop silence she I introduced herself as mrs. Elena , she seemed to be in her late 40 ' s yet so energetic , we opened the book and she started teaching
Suddenly there was sound of footsteps who drove our attention off from her

It was Sebastian! He entered the class from the back door , he entered but spoke nothing he didn't even apologized , he just came and had his seat across mine in the 4th column

" Welcome mr. Sebastian grey , we are very lucky to have you in our class as u r hardly present specially in my lecture so as today we are glad to have you here could you please explain about the great king Alexander " she clearly taunted him in front of entire class if it was me in his place I would literally have cried but his face didn't even changed in an inch ,he silently stood up and started sharing his views on 'Alexander the great '

"Alexander III of Macedon commonly known as Alexander the Great,was a king of the ancient Greek kingdom of Macedon. He succeeded his father Philip II to the throne in 336 BC at the age of 20, and spent most of his ruling years conducting a lengthy military campaign throughout Western Asia and Northeastern Africa. By the age of thirty, he had created one of the largest empires in history, stretching from Greece to northwestern India. He was undefeated in battle and is widely considered to be one of history's greatest and most successful military commanders. "  Be completed making most of shock including mrs. Elena she just stood there giving her jaw drop reaction ...

" Good sit down " she said while adjusting herself

" I wish it would be better if you join class on time " she said to him and started teaching again

During the entire lecture Sebastian seemed not to be much interested he was busy with playing with his pen maybe he was drawing something or writing something or else he was just passing the time as most of the students seemed to be so sleepy as if they will fall on there desk anytime and sleep and the boy beside me already slept on his desk , it seemed he was having a good nap

After the class was over i attended my other 2 lectures which were geography and sociology

And on the first day itself I had tons of homework and assignment to complete

And at the end of the day I meet Oliver last time and biding him good bye we went to our home/dorm back


Also I am keeping this story in simple English not like crossing the gangster because that what few of my readers asked for .... Hope others don't mind !

Once again do vote and comment please

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