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" Let's sleep " he said while looking at me gesturing me to move to the another room

While I just nodded , the next thing I came across was a small old room which had a bed , a yellow couch which was little torned out.. , a brown wooden cupboard and a table which had a night lamp on it ...

" Make yourself comfortable on bed I will use the couch " he said while removing his brown jacket and tugging it behind the door on the cloth hook

" Its your room right ?" I asked , though I knew it was his because it smelled just like him... Yet I don't know why asked that question it was do dumb of me to ask that

" Yes , but I don't use it much , after I go you can use my room " he said and headed in the bathroom ...

Sebastian's POV

I took off my clothes , turned the hot shower on and stood under it with my messed up thoughts

I never imagined my life would such worst ... I fucking don't know how to come out of this vagabond , it has became a never-ending cycle of my life ...

I hurt each and every person around me , though I don't want to hurt them I still do , it happens by its own , because of me dad left us , mom is sick because I was not with her when she needed me the most , even sophia was hurt because of me I shouldn't have done that with her , she was innocent , she don't deserve my company still she is helping me ...

Each and every person I try to get close with at the end they leave me... My grandmother , father and now my mom she will soon leave me ...


I was coming back from college when my phone rang.. its mrs. Willson my neighbour

" Hello " I said

" Hello ! Sebastian , dear you need to come here fast your mother's health is not at all good , she was found unconscious at her home , we had to admit her in hospital " she said and for one sec I nearly got a heart attack , I can't let anything happen to her she is my only family...

" Which hospital ?" I asked

" Crist hospital " she informed

" Okay I am coming there in 5 min , please take care of her " I said
When I reached the hospital , the doctor informed me that she has Nephritis , and she doesn't have much time, maximum 1 month not more than that
And at that moment everything seemed black for me .. for sometime I couldn't think anything ...

" Can't see be treated ?" I asked the doctor

" Yes she can be treated but it is very costly also we can't not promise that the surgery will be successful because the chances of being it successful is less " he informed

" What can be done now ?" I asked

" Well for now take care of her properly give her proper meal and the medicines which I will provide and try to keep her happy because she is only have a month or maybe less " the doctor said.....

Flashback ends...
After sometime I came out of the bathroom and found sophia sleeping on the bed , she had changed her clothes in her usual pink pyjamas ... I wore my clothes and went her ..

She seems cute while sleeping , and I would never be able to repay her favour ... I just hope that I never loose her , she is precious , she is pure , she is too good for me yet I think of never loosing her ...

And then I too made my way to the couch for sleeping ....

Next morning

It was 4 am when I woke my and did my routin , packed my bags and was about to leave the room when I heard a noise ... It was coming from the bed
She was murmuring something in her sleep , I looked at her sleeping face which unknowingly gave peace to my heart ... I promise I will not let anything happen to her ... I made this promise because today when I need someone to stand by me and help my family ... She is here with me , though she don't know the entire truth but still she is helping , not like other who refused and said that they won't be taking care of an old lady !

I bent down and gave a little peck on her forehead , and she smiled I liked the way her body always response to my touch ...

I finally headed out of the room ... And went to check on my mom , she was also sleeping...

" I will back soon mom " were my last words before the left the home...

I have got a chance to fight in one the biggest underground fight which is in England , and I have to make it worth


Sophia's POV

It was 6 am when my phone Started ringing , it was my alarm and honestly I don't want to wake up today early because I am hell tired and so I decided to sleep for some more time but then before closing my eyes again i spotted something it was a note kept on the table beside me , I clearly remembered that there was no such note yesterday night and so I got up and decided to see what that is

Good morning Sophia ,

Well I know I have been behaving with you like a shit which I shouldn't have because you don't deserve that , I always behaved rude with you , I never cared for you but you ... You brought food for me when I would be late , you helped with my wounds and in return of this all care the only thing I gave is disappointness ,  I know whatever I did was wrong I shouldn't have done that and I am extremely sorry for that , the thing which made me write this letter is that whatever I did,  though it was wrong and you were hurt , still you agreed to help me , help my mom who is only my family

Another one I want you to know is that my mom, She has nephritis and she doesn't have much time maybe after a month she won't be with me , I am leaving the home to earn something good which can actually help me to make my mom happy atleast till she is alive ...

Again I am sorry for what I did and thank you for what you are doing for me ..

Take care

I was just speechless after reading the note , I don't  know if I should be angry with him for what he did or I should be upset for him that his mom is not going to be with him after a month and he has to struggle this much to keep her happy , I don't know if his mom have any idea about this...


Do vote and comment

What do you think about Sebastian , is he changing?

Will sophia forgive him ?

Will his mom forgive him after knowing the truth ?

What will be his mom's reaction when she will come to know that she don't have much time ??

According to you is Sebastian falling for sophia ?

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