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" It was great day mom " I replied my mom , we have been talking since last 20 minutes and for around 15 minutes she was just telling about her day without me and with mrs. Phillip our neighbour

" Btw I guess till now you would have meet your roomate !" She again brought the same topic

" Yeah I meet his name is Sebastian grey well he is also half german and he is not at all as you were thinking , he do not do party " I cleared and hoped she won't asked much about him further

" Really then who's bottles were they " she asked

" They were not his , one of his friend had inspection on that morning so he threw them in his room "

" U know what I don't believe him his friends are drinking and he is not drinking not possible "

" Mom how many times I have to tell you all boys are not same " This line has became my dialogue nowadays.

My mom called me after my college got over and all over the way back to my room I have been talking with her and now finally i am here ...

It seems he is not back yet coz the door is locked I took my keys out of my bag still listing to my mom's tantrums and opened the door

The room was all beat and clean which is good thing because I really hate messy rooms

" Sophia are you even listening to me !" Mom shouted through phone
Because of my lack of response

" Yes mom I am " I replied

" Then tell me what have you thought , will you change your room ?"

" No not yet coz I really do not have any reason to change it "

" Really " I reacted

" Umm... Is it okay if we talk later coz I am damn tired and I have lot of homework too " with that I cut her call coz I know she was not going to end up until I will agree to change room

The only problem she has that I am living with a boy , no it's not like she has restricted me to have male friends but living with them she wouldn't prefer I don't know what will happen when Sebastian and my mom will come face to face coz she really hated boys with tattoos and piercings and Sebastian doesn't lack any

It was now 6 :30 pm I got freshened up and now I have to study, honestly I don't know what I will do for dinner , if i didn't find a good place nearby then i may have to order something.
" Where the hell is this person ! I damn hungry and it's almost 8:30 " 

I came out of washroom while my hand resting on my stomach which is aching as i am damn hungry ... I was going too take my phone to order something when something caught my eye

There was a yellow sticky note on Sebastian's table it was sticked on the alarm clock


Whatttt???? seriously  ... he left this for me ... i mean he is the one who is late and who wakes up late .... doesn't make sense

The next moment I know I was ordering my meal

Which delivered after almost half and hour and if it would have even been late from this I would have literally died due to hunger

I had my cheesy pizza with Netflix it was almost 11 pm when I finished cleaning the room after dinner Sebastian is not back yet , I really don't get where is he so late ? In a party , club where ????

I pushed the thoughts aside and slept on the bed trying hard to sleep but my mind was still clouded with his thoughts !

" Where is he ?"

"Why he so late ? "

" Is he in a party or something ? But no he said he don't do parties , what if he lied , what If those bottles are his only , I looked at the dustbin which now contains bits of paper and other dust instead of bottles ... ' he threw them ' "

" Oliver was right he is very weird , or I should say mysterious !"
My mind suddenly flashed back to the view of him sitting alone in the canteen and having food

" Does he don't have any friends ? " But he told that he had few then why was he alone ? All the thoughts had captured my mind so well that I couldn't thought anything else then him

" And that fight in the canteen " the image of every single thing happened there flashed back to my mind , him sitting alone and suddenly that fight , him taking away one of that boy with him which led fight to come at end , how every single person standing there gave him way to go ..

" Who is he ? Is he a celebrity or what ? "
The last time I talked to him was at the morning that also he was half a sleep and then I just observed him never talked

I finally sat on bed and looked at clock beside me on the table it showed 12 am ' midnight'

I moved off the bed and made why to the window , I really like to night view from the high and fortunately I really have very good view from my room
I sided the curtains and opened the window the cold breeze passing through me entering the room and making it fresh

Suddenly I heard the sound of door , I was first scared but then as I turned around the view in front of me made me for horrified and shock .





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