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Sophia's pov

Next morning I woke up at 6 am as my alarm rang ....
The first thing striked in my mind was last night incident , I quickly looked beside but he was not there ,the bed was empty and cleaned maybe he would be in bathroom but there was no noise I looked around and found his bag nowhere it means he left .

Sophia focus if he don't want to share his things with u then u should not force him !

With that I too got up and went to bathroom
Soon I was ready I locked the door and made my way to the cafe I went yesterday .

" good morning gorgeous ! " Oliver tapped my shoulder while I was standing in queue for the coffee

" I guess I didn't wear anything special today but thanks for the compliment " I chuckled while he did the same ... And that was true I only had a navy blue long skirt and a white shirt .

" Don't tell that , u look really good " he complimented

" Thanks " I replied

Soon we had our coffee and we headed towards college.

" Hey , I wanted to ask you that is there any good place for dinner like regular dinner coz I really don't know anything about Manchester and I don't even have facilities too cook at my room " I asked and informed him about my problem

" Well there are good restaurants nearby but for daily basis ... Umm I really don't have any idea but will let you know soon but if you want you can have dinner at my place , my mom won't be angry if I bring a girl at home for a dinner " he said and chuckled at the end

" Well , thanks for the offer but I really can't do that u know " I said

" Yeah yeah I know but I hope u would at least come to my house once " he asked and I nodded yes

We were soon in college , our first 2 lectures were together today which went really good , Sebastian was also present in one of the lecture but he never looked at me

The 3rd lecture I had was math , honestly if u ask to me the most difficult subject was this

As I entered the class , the class was almost filled , I found my seat in the 3rd row this time I didn't had anyone beside me as seat next to me was empty but soon a girl with blonde hairs took her place beside me , she was looking good with her purple top which suited her perfectly

But then I turned my concentration on my things , taking out books and all

" Hey can you please lead me a pen for thus lecture , I lost mine in the previous class " she asked while I nodded and handed her a pen from my pouch

" Thanks " she smiled and that's what u returned her back .

" Btw my self Jessica " , she introduced while forwarding her hand for handshake

" Sophia here " I smiled and we exchanged a handshake and soon the teacher was here

Our teacher was not to old , he seemed to be very young as compared to other , though Jessica informed that he is in his late 30's which was totally against his looks , he introduced himself as ' ken George '
And we heard his lecture for entire 45 minutes

After that lecture I and Jessica went to canteen together , I was excited to meet him with Oliver that I finally made a new friend

As we reached in the canteen Oliver was already present at the seat we sat yesterday .

" Hey , see whom have I brought ! " I  exclaimed taking off his attention from his phone

" Hey , so finally you both are here !" He said making me shock .

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