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Sophia's pov

Almost 2 weeks are over since I join this university and trust me I really enjoyed being here , I am really feeling proud of my decision to shift here , talking about my mom she is also almost satisfied now , the only think she don't know is Sebastian's real discription ,coz I haven't told her about his mysterious behaviour like coming late with cuts and bruises and next day leaving early , also I didn't told about his tattoo and all coz if I would have told that then she would almost kill me but now everything is going okay .

I was packing my bag for leaving for coffee shop when I got Oliver's message

" Got go for a coffee date with Jessica, so pardon me but I won't be able to company you today , but see you soon in our first lec " it stated

Woow ! what a news , I don't know should I be happy that they are going on date or should I be sad that I will be alone ? I really don't know

I soon took all my belongings and locked the door as Sebastian was already gone before I woke up ,he was again injured last night and I still don't know why , he don't talk much we hardly talk while dinner that also for sometime until our meal comes ,coz he don't like to talk while having meal and then we would come back on his bike ...

Soon I was reached at the cafe , I ordered my regular coffee and got sone snacks for the day , I was going towards my place where I and Oliver usually sit but suddenly I got collide with someone and the snacks which I had in my hands fell , thank god I didnt spell my coffee

" Am sorry , wait let me help you " an unfamiliar masculine voice boomed

I looked at him , with whom I collided , he had fair skin , but of long hairs , he wore black shirt with sleeves folded and he too had tattoo in his arms like Sebastian

" No , it's okay , I guess I was the one who was not having proper attention " I said at the very next second after him and we picked up the snacks from the floor

" Thank you ! " I said while packing all the snacks in bag again

" No need of that , it happens sometimes " he said with a smile , he really had a very cute smile , I never imagined someone with piercing and tattoos will have such a cute smile , yeah he also had few piercing

We chuckled a little and I was about to leave when he stopped me

" Hey if I am not wrong then u are an English major right ?" He asked

" Yeah , how do u know ?" I asked

" Well my self Zayn , actually I am an economic major but I too have English as a subject and I have seen you frequently in the class " he informed

" Ohh... Okay " I replied blankly as I didn't knew what say further

" Well if you don't mind can we become friends ?" He said while forwarding his hand

" Umm.. yeah sure why not " I said and did handshake with him though I didn't know was it right or not , I don't know I was having a strange feeling , I don't know what was that , I guess it's nothing wrong to be friend with him though he seems little type of "bad boy " u know tattoos and all but thatz not a reason to not have friendship with him also he seems to be kind .

After that I and Zayn had a walk together till our college , we talked about many things like books , today's lecture , he even told me about other facilities , how he and his friends used to tease those teachers and everytime they ended being standing outside the class , it was nice to listen him .

" Well I guess we have 1st lecture common today !" He said refering to English

" Ohh yeah I guess " I replied and looked at my watch suddenly Oliver's voice boomed from behind as I turned he and Jessica were approaching us

" Hey guys " I said as they stood infront of me

" Hey, good morning ! " Jessica wished with her bright smile and we shared a hug

As I broke the hug I saw Oliver seem to be little curious , and thatz when I found why he was !

" Meet Zayn , my new friend , we just meet at coffee shop " I informed them

" Hey Oliver , what's up buddy " Zayn said while forwarding his hand to Oliver for handshake

" Alright " Oliver replied and they did the handshake , but I don't know why Oliver seemed to be little unsure

" Guys I guess we should leave for the class or else we will be late " Jessica informed and we started heading towards our English class

" Wait , are you joining us too ?" Oliver asked Zayn as he was following us

" Yeahh... I have English right now " Zayn informed , but Oliver doesn't seem to much interested in him we just entered our class and got our seats

I sat at the first bench in the row , then Zayn sat ,then Jessica and at last Oliver

" Hey , Sophia can you please give me a pen ? Actually I forgot mine !" Zayn asked ...

I bent down to take my bag which was lying down near the chair , it was then I saw Sebastian entering the class , he first didn't noticed me , but then we exchanged a blank look at he looked at me.. suddenly his expression got changed when his eyes moved to Zayn who was busy in marking something in his book

I looked at Sebastian again after getting a look of Zayn , he was still curious or shocked Expression eyebrows were pinched to gather, his lips were in a straight line and his eyes were fixed on Zayn .

It was then our teacher entered the class and Sebastian also took his place , he sat just crossed to me in the next row ...

Our teacher soon started teaching , but I was feeling constant starting on me , I looked at Sebastian frequently but everytime I found him either looking at teacher or looking at book

But I could still feel starting boring holes in my back ,and I know it's Sebastian only but I don't know why , he never did this before ....

Soon the lecture got over and everyone started moving out my eyes were still searching Sebastian but he was no where to be seen in the crowd

Its then Zayn tapped my shoulder and I looked back at him

" are you finding someone ?" He asked

" nope " I lied , coz I don't know why but for now I don't want him to know about sumedh coz first I need to talk with him .

After that I and Zayn didn't had any similar lectures Also he was leaving today early coz he had basketball match today

The leftover day went normal , I didnt had seen Sebastian after that I guess I will now directly meet him at dinner today I said as I saw my room empty he was again absent .... As my routine I completed my homework, then I had few talk with my mom and then I finally got ready and left for dinner...

Do like and comment

What do you think about Zayn ?

Does he seem to be good ?

Why do you think Oliver reacted a little unsure of Zayn ?

Is Oliver convinced of Zayn's and Sophia's friendship ?

What do you think about Sebastian's reaction on seeing Zayn and Sophia together ???

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