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" sophia!" I called and she just looked at me we were still damn close and if she kept coming this close I don't think I would be able to control my self

" Sophia , you know right we can't be just friends " i said my honest opinion and she became shock and confused but her eyes were telling me that she knew I am not wrong , she didn't spoke a word and continued her work ...

" Who are we then ?" She asked and it was surely unexpected

" I don't know " i answer honestly

She just nodded a little and kept concentrating on her work once she completed on my face she looked at me in my eyes , she was still too close to me if I wished i could easily capture her pulpy pink lips ....

" Who are you to me ?" She asked while keeping her one hand on my jaw and caressing my cheek with her thumb

" And what are you doing to me ?" I asked instead of answering coz both of are question didn't had any answer for now ....

It's then I saw a tear falling from her eyes which were still and looking at me before i could speak anything she started crying and layed on my chest

" Please answer me Sebastian , who are you to me ? What is happening to me ? Why am I not able to leave you ?" She asked while sobbing

" You want to leave me ?" I asked

" I wanted to " she answered

" But why ?"

" I don't know Sebastian , i felt like I was being pulled up to you and I didn't know what was going with me i really didn't know anything and so i thought to go away from you but I failed " she said

" Look at me " i said

" Sophia look at me please " i requested and she finally looked up at me her eyes were red and cheeks traced with tears , i whiped off her tears ...

" Please don't cry , please i can't see you like this "

" Then give me my answer " she demanded ....

At this point I am totally confused , what i should answer to her , is she feeling the same as I ? What is happening with me ? What is happening with her ? What is happening with us ? I don't know anything but if she is feeling the same as me then i know what i can do to calm her ... I took out a deep breathe looked at her eyes which were still red and demanding answers i then looked down at her lips forming a straight line , i kept my hand on on her cheek and captured her lips for a kiss .... I kept it slow tried to suck her lips and tried if she would kiss me back , at first i thought she will not respond me back but she then opened her mouth and answered me back , it was a surprise for me too but I didn't leave the chance we finally shared our first kiss ,i was dying for this and she tastes amazing.... I wish I could do this forever... After being breathless we broke the kiss , she slowly opened her eyes and looked at me totally confused before she could speak anything i placed a small kiss on her forehead and joined my head with her ,i saw her eyes shutting down again , a tear rolling down again from her eye and once again whiped it off ...

" I said i Don't like to see you like this , please don't cry " i requested but then she told something very unexpected

" You shouldn't have done that , we can't be friends, we can't be together either "she said

" But why ?"i asked

" Our ways are different Sebastian , we aren't made for eachother " she replied

" What if we are ?" I asked back

" Why don't you understand it , i have many other things to do then this , i have to make my career , i have to be independent , i have got a chance and now i can't miss that" she said

" Just then why don't you say straight that you don't need me now coz now you have got intership so why would you need me anymore " i said and immediately retreat it , coz she almost had teary eyes and almost cried , before i try to stop her she nodded her head in disbelief and moved out of the room ...

" Holy Shit !!!! " I shouted as she went out

" Shit , i fucked up again " i said while punching the wall ending up being bleeding through my knuckle ....

Next day....

Sophia's pov

' I am really sorry for whatever happened yesterday between us , i didn't meant to hurt you in any ways , honestly i don't know what i am feeling for you ,i don't know if our feelings for eachother is similar or not but i also know that for me it's not the correct time to accept your proposal the reason i guess you know my future and my career is on stake and i can't take any risk ,but it doesn't mean i don't like you it's just that i am not sure about my feelings and if it's true love then i guess we can wait , we can wait when we both are really ready , trust me i have never been this close to someone but still as I told you i am not sure , right now i can just say thank you, thank you in every  sense for helping me out with internship and for making me realise how important i am , that i also exists in this world and i also have right to be my self and also thank you for accepting me the way i am ....

Mallika '

I wrote my feelings on a plain paper as a letter for Sebastian , i hope he will understand me , the truth is that he is only person i trust the most , why ?, well i don't know the reason but i do , i trust him more than Jessica and Oliver ....

I folded the letter and kept it inside my bag and left for cafe ...

"Hey Sophia , how are you now ?" Oliver asked as i entered the our usual meeting spot , the cafe

" Better from before " i replied and say infront of him and he forwarded my coffee he brought

"Thank you "i said while while taking my coffee

" Did he said anything else ?" He asked , yes Oliver knows everything about me and Sebastian now, i told him yesterday after coming back from Sebastian's room, i was totally broken at that time because of his words and so i decided to tell everything to someone i first tried Jessica's no. But it was switched off so i called Oliver and i spoke my heart out infront of him and just because of Oliver i am okay right now

" No , we didn't meet yet " i replied and he just nodded after sometime we left for college ....

At college we unfortunately didn't had any lecture together so i decided to give him this letter after college.... But when I reached at college everything was strange , unknowingly everyone i see was found starting me with blank face , is there anything on my face ? Or i dressed odd today ? Well it's just a simple
Blue Jens  and white T shirt , then why everyone is looking at me as if i have done crime !!

After ignoring all the people starting me i attended all my lectures and i made my way towards the usual place i know i will find Sebastian that is football ground , today is Saturday and i know he usually has matches on Saturday, as i reached near the ground i found many boys playing there including Sebastian but before i could step a leg forward and enter the auditorium my vision got black , i smelled something very strong and then i felt my head heavy and the noise around me got dizzy and soon stopped.....

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