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" We got it " oliver exclaimed happily while forwarding my phone to me

" He messaged and the team is tracking the number " he informed

" Great " i replied and took the phone from him for reading the message

" See i won Sebastian , and you lost , i heard you got sentenced for lifetime enjoy your rest of life in prison , washing toilets hahahaha i told you , you will find yourself in your worst state and here you go Sebastian "

And from the last line i got confirmed that it was none other than zayn , i doubted him since beginning but i didn't had any evidence against him and so we played a small play infront of him , and i knew he will contact me and see here he got trapped, i was never sentence lifetime imprisonment it was all a plan to get him trapped

" We got the location " Mr. Thomas informed and instantly i and Oliver got out of jail and went to him , it was the same location were sophia was kept ...

" We need to get him before he switches off his phone , Mr. Thomas commanded and some officers matched out the station and got inside the their car

"Come with me " me. Thomas commanded and we followed to his car and we all traced the location and reached at the place ....

" Sebastian , you first go inside and you know what you have to do " mr. Thomas said and i agreed , i went inside the and they followed me carefully that no one sees them ,and there he was right infront of me

" Zyan Adams "i called and he turned back at me with shocked face

" You? How is that possible, you should be jail " he asked

" You don't have to worry about me , first tell me what you did with her ?" I asked

" Nothing, just few punches and kicks and that dumb girl thinks she is raped " he answered and laughed

" Why did you do this with her ? What was her fault ?" I asked

" The only fault she had that she loved you not me " he replied

" But it was our fight then why did you involved her ?" I asked

" That is because i wanted to take revenge from you " he replied

" Zyan i already told you that i didn't do anything with your sister ...." I was about speak but he spoke something unexpected

" The revenge for destroying my family " he said

" What ?"

" Yes , because of you my father died and because my mother wasn't able to handle his death and she also died " he informed

" I don't even know your parents " i answered

" Not possible , let me inform you sumedh that we are step brothers " he said and i just stood there with my mouth opened

" What ?"

" Yes after your father left you and your mom he got married to my mom , they loved eachother, but he always complained that he failed to be a good father and was not able to teach you how to be strong , he kept complaining for that , he used to feel guilty for it , after few months he even stopped taking care of himself and was lost in your thoughts and soon he got heart attack and at the time of death he didn't thought about us , he just thought about you ! Even on his will he signed that his every property will be on your name but actually it should me mine . My mom went into depression after that and one day she did suicide , i an vinne ( his real sister) wereall alone now and when i finally meet you , i got to know that my father was living in a dream his son was never weak and so i started using you for earning money but then you did wrong with my sister , she went into depression after that incident and then she started taking drugs and when i came to know about it , it was already late , the rehabilitation centre told me that there are very less chances to save and still she is living in that fucking rehabilitation centre " He stopped there and i was all shocked to hear , i still can't digest the fact that he is my step brother and Vinnie is my step sister and just for taking revenge for something i am not involved in he did this with sophia ....

" I already told you that your sister lied you , i didn't do anything wrong with her " i opposed

" You are a lier " i shouted

" Do you want to know the truth , who did this with her ?" I asked

" What truth ?"

" It's James , he first made her drink strong alcohol and had sex in that party , and i was the one who saved her , and let me tell you James and vinne were just friends for benifit " i revealed

"No , it can't be possible " he replied

" Then ask your friend "

" You are such a liar Sebastian , James can't do such thing with my sister , we have grown up together i know him since we were kids " he said

" But he backstabbed you " i replied him but he was not ready to digest the truth

" But tell me why sophia ? She is all innocent " i asked

" It is because she loves you Sebastian , see what i got " he said while showing me a piece of paper

' I am really sorry for whatever happened yesterday between us , i didn't meant to hurt you in any ways , honestly i don't know what i am feeling for you ,i don't know if our feelings for eachother is similar or not but i also know that for me it's not the correct time to accept your proposal the reason i guess you know my future and my career is on stake and i can't take any risk ,but it doesn't mean i don't like you it's just that i am not sure about my feelings and if it's true love then i guess we can wait , we can wait when we both are really ready , trust me i have never been this close to someone but still as I told you i am not sure , right now i can just say thank you, thank you in every  sense for helping me out with internship and for making me realise how important i am , that i also exists in this world and i also have right to be my self and also thank you for accepting me the way i am ....

Sophia '

After reading this i realised that this letter was for me she came at the ground for giving this letter but instead got kidnapped

" I wanted to snatch everything single thing from you which you love , i know your mom is not going to be alive for long time and so there was no meaning of hurting her but sophia , she was falling for you and so i made this plan to take her away from you , now you will be in jail for Life time and i will marry her she will be mine and yes do not worry i will send you invitation card though i know you will not be able to attend it but i will send you that " he completed and started laughing with a smrik on his face

" First of all my father didn't had any money he was just a homeless drunk person secondly whatever you did was wrong and you will pay for it , you are all exposed " i said and the next second all the officers came infront and arrested him

" You played game " he shouted

"Just like you " i answered

" Uhh.... I will kill you " he shouted

" Please take him " i requested the officers and didn't answered him , soon the officers locked his hands with handcuffs and took him with them

" Sebastian , you are free now also the doctor has informed after test that sophia was not raped she was just injured , now i guess she needs you , you can go , we will call if needed in court " mr. Thomas said and i nodded

" Thank you sir for helping me and trusting me" i thanked

" It's just my duty " he said and left

It's then Oliver kept his hand on my shoulder and comforted me ...

" Everything is fine now " he said

" I need to meet her " i replied

" We need to meet her " he chuckled and signed me to follow him , and then we went to hospital in his car

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