💍The Proposal💍

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Type: Fluff

Zander cuddled up to his boyfriend, laying silently on his chest. He could feel the steady heartbeat of his lover, his breathing making his chest rise and fall, moving the pianist up and down slightly.

Zander loved this. The peace and quiet. Just him and his Lukey, all cuddled up on their bed.

"I love this." Zander mumbled into Luke's chest, feeling the soft fabric of his shirt. "Just us, here, cuddling... It's nice."

"Mhm." The brunette mumbled, staring into space. Recently Luke had been really out of it. He'd be really quiet, not listening to a word anyone said, just lost in his own little world.

Zander sat up, causing Luke to jump slightly. His chest felt cold now that his boyfriend's warmth was gone.

"Luke? Are you ok?" The grape asked, adjusting his position on the bed.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Why?" Luke asked, actually looking at his boyfriend for once.

A worried look spread across Zander's face, "Well, recently, you've been dazing off a lot, like you're constantly thinking. You ignore me a lot and it just seems like you're becoming more and more distant from me..." The grape looked down at the pale white bedsheets that layered beneath him.

"Zan, I-I don't mean to be like this." Luke fiddled with his hands. "I've just been thinking, like you said."

"Thinking about what?" Zander asked, confused.

"Uh, well..." Luke rubbed the back of his neck, "I can't tell you..." He sighed.

Zander's face went from confused to sad rather quickly. "What do you mean?" He asked, looking into Luke's golden eyes.

The brunette gulped, he didn't want to upset Zander, but he just couldn't tell him. He couldn't tell him that he was planning on proposing to him.

"I just can't tell you, sweetie. It's a secret." He looked away, averting Zander's lavender gaze.

The pianist looked at Luke in disbelief. "I thought there were no secrets between us." He said, looking down again.

Luke sat up, "No, babe, it's not like that." The drummer put an arm around his tiny boyfriend, "It's a good secret."

This made Zander feel a bit better, but he still didn't like the idea of Luke keeping something from him.

"Ok." He replied simply. "Are you ever going to tell me?"

Luke chuckled, "Well there would be no point in it if I never told you." He lightly tickled Zander's stomach playfully, making him laugh.

"Stop it!" The grape laughed, pushing Luke away slightly. He sighed, "Ok. I know I can trust you." He wrapped his arms around the brunette's neck, pulling him into an embrace.

Luke smiled, "I'm glad you have so much trust in me. I promise, this thing I'm hiding from you is going to be amazing if you choose to accept it." He kissed his boyfriend on the lips lightly.

Those words confused Zander, but he shrugged it off, accepting the kiss from his lover.

They pulled away, both sharing a sweet smile. Luke was hoping, praying, that Zander would choose to accept it.

The pianist hopped off the bed. "Well, I'm going to start dinner." He said, walking out of their bedroom. Luke made sure Zander's footsteps had made it downstairs before pulling out the engagement ring from the bedside drawer.

He layed back down on the bed, holding the ring up infront of him. "Please say yes. Please say yes." Luke quietly prayed.

It would mean the world to him if Zander chose to marry him. He wanted to marry Zander so badly, but he still wasn't 100% sure if his lover would accept, but he had a good feeling about it since they had discussed marriage many times in the past and they both seemed very open to the idea.

Luke sighed, getting off the bed. He put the ring back in the drawer, the one he knew Zander never looked in, so it would be safe from his view. The brunette walked down the stairs, still trying to think of the perfect way to propose.

"Hey babe." Zander smiled, frying some vegetables on a pan. "Noodles and veg for dinner?" He asked. He'd always try and make vegan meals, since Luke was a vegan, but he didn't mind it.

Luke nodded, "Yeah, that sounds good!" He said, trying to engage more with his boyfriend, unlike what he had been doing recently. "Let me help." He offered.

Zander shook his head, his purple bangs swaying from side to side, "No, Luke. I'm in charge of dinner tonight, you go relax." He pointed to the living room, implying that he wanted Luke to go in there.

The drummer frowned, "No honey, let me help. You shouldn't be doing all the work. I'll get the noodles." Luke said, walking over to the large white cupboards.

The grape sighed in defeat, "Ok but I'll make the rest." He said as he continued to stir the vegetables on the frying pan.


After the young couple had eaten their dinner, they decided to go back upstairs to their bedroom.

"Can we continue cuddling?" Zander asked, laying down on the soft mattress.

Luke chuckled, "Sure we can, sweetheart." He got on the bed next to his lover and wrapped his arms securely around the pianist.

"Love you." Zander whispered into Luke's ear. He held him close, not wanting anything to ruin the special moment.

"I love you too, baby." The drummer rubbed his boyfriend's back soothingly, occasionally glancing at the drawer his ring was kept in.

"Oh, Lukey, have you seen my silver box anywhere? It's been missing for a few days now." Zander sat up slightly, looking down at his boyfriend.

Luke copied his action and sat up too, "No, I haven't. Would it be downstairs?" The brunette asked, scratching his head.

"Hm, I don't think so. I never take it out of this room." The grape wondered, looking around the room. Then suddenly, to Luke's surprise, he opened the drawer the engagement ring was in.

"NO!" Luke pulled Zander away from the wooden cabinet.

"Hey, Luke, what the hell?!" Zander tried pulling out of Luke's strong grasp. "Let me go!" He wriggled about in the brunette's arms.

Zander looked back down at the drawer to find a black box. "What's that?" He asked.

Luke felt his stomach churn, "What?!" He asked, subconsciously letting his boyfriend free.

The pianist held the box out and opened it out of curiosity. "What...?" He quietly whispered. He saw the diamond ring sitting there in the red silky fabric. "What's this?" He asked, though he clearly knew what it was because tears started forming in the corners of his lavender eyes. "You were going to propose?"

Luke looked down out of embarrassment. He had been caught. He wanted it to be a surprise. "Uh, I, uh-" Suddenly he was cut off by a pair of familiar soft lips on his own.

Once they pulled apart, Zander squealed with happiness. He never ever did that usually, but he was just so happy at this point. "So, were you going to propose?" He asked again, a wide smile stuck to his lips.

Luke looked back at his lover, blush covering his cheeks, "Um, yeah..." He trailed off.

Zander beamed with uncontrollable happiness. "Then I accept! I accept your proposal, Lukey!" The grape jumped up and down, letting out dorky giggles.

Luke's eyes widened, "You do...?" A wide smile of his own creeping up on his face.

Zander let out another squeal of happiness, "Yes! Of course I do you idiot!" He jumped onto Luke, making them both fall onto the bed.

The brunette smiled, tears now forming in his own butterscotch eyes. He put the shiny silver ring on the pianist's pale finger and held his hand close to his chest. "I love you Zander." Luke smiled, tears rolling down his cheeks.

"I love you too, Lukey." Zander kissed his now fiancé's lips passionately, wrapping his arms around his neck.

Once they pulled away, they grinned, loving the fact that they were now engaged.

Hope y'all enjoyed this one! I quite like it!

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