Chapter 24 : Dancing With The Devil (Part 2)

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"Hello my Little Rose~" I heard an all familiar voice ring next to me. My head snapped next to me, and Bill was standing. Yet this time he looked different, like he had on the same outfit as the time of the masquerade, only his gray shirt was the same blue as my dress. Also, his hat, it wasn't floating. Instead it was resting upon his head.

"Hey Bill, how come this place isn't in grey scale?" I ask, very interested in why nothing had changed.

"Oh yes, that. Just went past the mindscape is all," He pulled out a chair and sat down next to me in a chair.

"Okay, but why are you here?" I fumble with my dress's loose fabric.

"I came here to see you, and I see that you like the dress I sent you," My whole face goes into 50 shades of red.

'He-He came here to see me? But why?'

Chapter 24 : Part 2

"You sent the dress?" I already knew he was the one who sent it. I just didn't have any evidence to prove it at the time.

"Of course I did, who else who send a note and golden dress to you?" He grinned at me and my face went into a darker shade. After that I kept my head down, letting my curled hair cover my embarrassed face. Then a hand went under my chin and I was pulled up to gaze at Bill's face.

"Hmm, you look cute when you blush, makes your eyes look the stars," He smiled at me. My face was still the same, blushing and shocked.

"Anyway my Little Rose, would you care to dance?" He moved into a standing position and held out his hand to me. Hesitantly I took his hand in mine.

"Um, I-I uh don't know how to dance..." I stutter, still keeping my head down.

"Don't worry, I'll teach you," He held me close. Both of our right arms were linked together, as he set a hand on my waist, and I put mine on his shoulder. Even though he was a couple feet taller than me, we still were okay.

"Now, step to the right and I'll do the same," I did as he told me and he followed my movements.

"Now take a step backwards and then again to the right," I looked at my feet, and stumbled to do the correct movements.

"Don't look at your feet, look at me and try again," My face slowly lifted up to meet his. On his face he had a soft and kind smile, not like the smirks I was always greeted with. With smiling on my face I did the movements as he did, and soon we were in perfect harmony.

"Yes, that's it, now you're getting it my Little Rose," He whispered to me in my ear and I gigged. Before I knew it we were both dancing, twirling, and even dipping to all the many songs that came on.

"You're getting really good at this," Bill pulled me up from the dip as the song ended.

"Well, I did learn from the best," I chuckle, smiling like an idiot.
"You know Bill, I really do like spending time with you," I say shyly.

"As do I my Little Rose, as do I," He smiled back at me and held me closer to his chest. I blushed again, never have I ever been this close to him. Okay, yes I have, but not in this kind of way.

"Um Bill?" I shut my eyes tight and let out a breathe.

"Hush, just enjoy this night while it lasts," He murmured to me in a soothing way.

"Bill, I, I-" I pulled out just a bit and looked deeply into his eyes, yet when I did I saw something behind their usual small twinkle of mischief and sparkle of insanity.
Behind everything else they looked lonesome, so dark and alone.
Like it was as if he was dangling onto his last piece of sanity. It made me feel somewhat uneasy and terrible to see this in him. It made me feel that I had to help him have warmth and happiness. Then before I even had time to realize it, were both leaning in.

Closer, Closer, and Closer.
The closer we got the more my face heated up.

"STOP!!!" A voice yelled and suddenly I was yanked back by my arm. It was Dipper. I gasped and fell backward, but the person behind me held my tight in their arms.

"Get Away From Her!" I looked behind me and Mabel was there holding me with a look of determination on her face.
Before us was Dipper holding out a arm in front of us in a protective way, shielding us away from Bill. The music stopped and so did everyone else. By now half of the whole dance was watching us, murmuring things to each other in hushed tones.

"Wha!? Let me go!" I struggle in Mabel's tight grip. Why would they do this to me? I haven't done anything wrong.

"Diana, don't you see Bill's using you for the Journals, he'll only hurt you in the end," Dipper said to me, but hissed at Bill all the while.

"What!? No, he wouldn't! He's not!" I yell back, yanking myself from Mabel's tight grip.
"He would never hurt me..." I mumbled to myself and broke free.

"I would never dream of it Pine Tree!" Bill yelled at Dipper, gritting his teeth. I yelled for them to stop, but Dipper still argued with Bill.
After a few seconds longer it got really bad, so bad that Bill actually picked up Dipper by his collar and threatened to to throw fire in his face. A gasp erupted from the crowd and everyone backed away, afraid of Bill's fire.

"STOP IT! You're both acting like jerks!" I scream.

But I was too late, Bill had already threw a fire ball at Dipper. Dipper's body fell limp to the floor with a Thump. The fire ball didn't burn him, no-no-- it only knocked him out hard. Everyone around us started to shout and scream as they scrambled out to get out of here.

"DIPPER!" My voice cries out, and the moment Bill turned around his face was struck with guilt, but mostly regret. Yet I didn't care.

I ran past Bill, bumping his shoulder along the way as I went over to Dipper. My hands went to Dipper's shoulders as I shook him lightly. Mabel appeared next to me with a worried expression on her face. I gave her a look of sympathy as she looked after her brother.

"Dipper?..." I tears brimmed at the end of my eyes. It looked as if he wasn't breathing, and the big bruise on his head only made things worse. Anger took over me as my eyes changed to slits.

"YOU! You did this to him!" I rise and pointed a finger at Bill. He held out his hands in defense, scared in a way.

"Because of you he might be dead!" I poke his chest, my eyes showing their flaming nature. He opened his mouth as he was going to say something, but no words came out.

"UGH! Why are boys so cruel?!" I begin to tear up and storm out of the shack.

"Diana Please! It was an-" Bill grabbed my wrist, but I jerked it back at his touch.

"Don't Touch me! I don't want to ever see you again!" I screamed at him and my tears fell. Before I ran out, I saw the hurt look on his face, but I didn't care. Bill just hurt someone precious to me.

Dashing out of the shack I slumped onto the porch and cried into my knees. I sobbed into my hand as voices appeared in my head.

'Dipper could be dead because of you!'
No, no I would never-
'Mabel would never talk to you again if he died,'
What, but-but Mabel's my fri-
'Your friend!? Ha! Don't make me laugh, she would never be friends with someone like you! You're a monster, nothing but a shape shifting freak! You really think she'll be friends with you after this?'
But before she trusted me.
'You think after you killed her brother she would trust you?'
No, I-I guess she wouldn't...

I cried more into my hands, not knowing that someone was behind me.

"My, my, Sugar cube, looks like you're in quite a pickle here..." A voice said behind me, I could tell that it had a southern accent to it.

But before I could turn around to see who it was a weird smelling cloth was put over my nose and I blacked out.
My head knocked against the porch's wood and my flower crown rolled off in front of me as my eyes slowly closed. Yet before I fully blacked out I saw a very small figure loom over me.

DUN DUNNNN DUNNNNNN!!!! Cliffhanger!!! Man, now I see why authors put these up, they're frickin' awesome, it's like trolling the reader without getting flagged xD Okay, sorry bout' that, Anyway...

Bai Ma Gamerz!!!~<3

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