Chapter 2 : A New Home...

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(I'm so sorry, but the first few of chapters of will be a bit boring {In my opinion}, but if you don't want to read it just skip to chapter 3 when it comes out.
- Note from de future)

(Hope you like the song!
See ya peeps later!!!!~<3 )

Chapter 2:

I stood there dumbfounded, the bus driver was my cousin.

'Guess I won't need to use the bus money after all...'

"You-you, you're my cousin, my cousin Soos," I somehow stuttered it out of my mouth.

"Are you sure? I mean, you don't look related to me," He said chuckling. I was so dumbstruck I think my mouth was hanging low enough to catch more than three flies. It was just so crazy that he was the bus driver. 

"I'm Diana Ramirez, your half removed cousin," I reply.

"Wait, I don't have-OH! Yes, on my mother's side right?" He exclaimed. And I nodded my head.

"But why are you here, where are your parents?" He asked in concern.

"About that, could I go to your place before I speak about that," I say. He smiles and I step onto the bus, taking my seat in the back.

'So this is what he does for a living,' I laugh inside in my head.


After Soos returned the bus, the bus owner dropped us off at our grandma's house. We entered through the door and I took off my shoes at the door and put down my bag near the shoes.

I took notice of the house, it definitely looked perfect for an old person. It was dark pink-ish as the wall color, a bunch of pictures of young children on the wall (Most of them are Soos) and old TV. I looked at the living and saw that there was an old woman, who was most likely my grandma, sitting on a comforter knitting.

"Grandma, I'm home and I brought a guest." Soos says to our grandma.

"Okay, I'll be knitting." She said back.

"We'll go to the kitchen," He says and I follow him into the room that was kitchen. We both sat around a round table. I scouted in my chair closer to the table. My head was low as were my eyes. I was sort of nervous now, I mean I just showed up and he accepted me like it was nothing.

"Now tell me why you're here." He said and looked at me. I shuffle my feet under the table.

"Should I start from the beginning?" I ask quietly.


"Okay, so when I was born-" I started but was interrupted.

"No-no, when you left," He laughed.

"Yes, but you need to hear this," I say back. He looked at me and I took in a deep breathe before going on again.

"When, I was born, I wasn't born normal. I wasn't human, I was a shape-shifter," I sighed. I looked at Soos, he had a calm face on. I was scared of his reaction.

'Why would he have a calm face, shouldn't he be scared of me?' I think and look down at the table.

"Go on Diana," He said. My whole body froze. He really wasn't scared?

"Oh-uh sorry. Anyway when I was born my parents never knew that I was a shape shifter, my powers didn't start till I was 10 and that was 4 years ago. Yet I never told them and soon I got bullied at school. Because whenever I intimidated people I turned into that person and people feared me." I choke, tears brimmed my eyes as I re-live my memories of all those times. It hurt me a lot inside. 

"A-And one day, I showed everyone what my powers were and the next day the government came to get me, but luckily that was when my whole family needed to moved away. I only heard about this from the news after we moved," I blinked away the tears. Now was not the time to be crying like a child.

"So now for 4 years I learned to control my powers and while I did the government has been hunting me down, and so finally now just a couple weeks ago I was almost found out, then to protect my family from harm I left them and came here." I finished. I fiercely whipped away my tears. 

"I came here because it was remote and you were here, I wanted to start a new life in this little town." I laugh while letting out a cry at the same time. I left everything behind...and now I don't know if he'll want me to stay. If he doesn't I don't know what I'll do. 

"That's an interesting story..." Soos nods his head with a hand on his chin.

"Please, please don't turn me in," I sob. "If you do, I won't have anything to-"

"I won't turn you in, but we have to tell your parents that-"

"NO!" I burst out. "You can't, they can't know that I'm here. If they know all be in danger," I say and get up from the chair.

"Okay, okay calm down, I won't tell em' but they will find out soon if you don't tell them." He hushes me down and ushers me to sit down again.

"So can I stay here?" I ask quietly in a small voice.

"Of course you can, you're family! It doesn't matter if you're a shape-shifter or not, you still are family," He smiled and came over to hug me. I froze, but then hugged him back, he maybe looked strange when I first saw him, but he has such a soft heart.

"Come, Diana, I'll go show you to your new room," He pulls out from the hug. I run back to the front entryway and quickly grabbed my duffle bag. Then I go back to Soos. He lead me down a hallway where a bunch of doors were standing. We walked until he stopped in front of one, it was a cream-colored door, different from the rest who were a dark oak wood brown.

"Your room m'lady," He said while open the door and bowing down.

"Thank you my lordship," I giggle back, removing my sad composer from which I had earlier. I entered the room, it was amazing. Well, amazing compared to the tree tops of a forest. It had a queen sized bed with two nightstands, in the far left corner of the room it had a waist high dresser by the window. It wasn't much, but it was better than staying in a hard tree. But I didn't really care, a bed was better than a tree any day.

"Thanks, Soos." I say.

"Your welcome, now I'm going to go and catch some sleep," he said and went off to his room. I also went off to my room as well, I dropped my bag near the door and flopped onto the bed.

I was too tired from today's events, from traveling all week, finding my cousin and coming here is a lot for a 14-year-old. Maybe even a bit easier for a shape-shifting one, yet it's still a lot to take in.

I closed my eyes, not caring about changing clothes, not caring about my shoes still on, not caring about anything. Because I'm free now. And I bet the government can't find me or suspect my family. If they did then they wouldn't know where I am. I sigh and closed my eyes with a smile on my face, I am finally going to sleep in something better than a tree branch.

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