Chapter 14 : The Almost Kiss At The Ball

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(BTW, I think the song really fits this chapter, you'll understand why at the end ;) )


I carefully listened as Diana closed the bathroom door and went into the cover's of the bed. I waited a few moments before entering her room, just to be safe. Opening the door I peeked in and glanced at her body, she was sleeping.

'Why am I doing this?! I don't actually care for the girl do I? I thought I was only using her for the journal,' I snuck over to her bed. Quietly I pulled the covers over her shoulder just a bit more.

'I must be going insane, no wait, I already am! But why do I keep doing this? God, I wish I knew....' I asked myself while placing my hand on her forehead. Chanting simple dream spells I made sure that she would have a good rest and good dreams too.

After doing so I kissed her forehead. My whole face flushed instantly when I pulled away.

'I didn't do what I think I did, right? Did I?' I gulped while leaving her room.

'Nevermind that, my poor little rose has gone through so much, now I've all her memories, mostly the bad, but a few times she had good ones. I think I'm doing this because I pity her right? Yeah, I'm just going to leave it at that,' I sigh and made my way to my own room.

Chapter 14:

I found myself at a Ball in a huge mansion. This is weird, because when I entered the doors of it people began to stare and whisper at me.

'Do I look bad? Am I not wearing the right clothes for this?...Am I in my Pjs?' I ask myself. Looking down at my clothing I found out that I was wearing a beautiful purple gown. It was amazing, I never ever in a million years thought I could ever pull off a something like this.

'Woah, this is an amazing dress, where did I even get it?' I walk around and see more people staring at me.

'Jez, why are they all staring so strange at me. It's getting creepy now....' I look away from all of the people. Suddenly music starts to play and people begin to dance, but I get stuck in the middle of it. They pushed me around and danced while I p to get out of the crowd.

"Gah!" I squeak and stumble into the middle of the dance floor. Suddenly the music stopped, so the people stopped dancing. But worst of all for me was that they had their eyes on me.

'Crap, what did I do now...' I nervously shift my eyes around as I push back a strand of my curled hair. Then everyone cleared an entrance and someone came in. It was a man, he looked strangely familiar to me. It was on the tip of my tongue, but I don't remember, it was all a blur right now on what happened.

The man came over to me, you know what I'm just going to call him Mr.Mysterious for now. Mr.Mysterious wore a black over cape that had a stone design on it, underneath was a dark golden yellow vest and a gray purple dress shirt.

His pants were just regular dress pants and dress shoes, his top hat was only floating just an inch above his head while he grasped onto a wooden cane. To me he looked like a real modern prince with his sun yellow hair and charming smile, yet he had on an eye patch. But it didn't matter to me, it made him look

'Dammit did I just really think that, seriously I didn't just think that did I right?' I mentally smack myself while my gaze turns to Mr.Mysterious.

He made his way over to me with his cape lightly flowing behind him. The smile on his face literally made me almost melt on the spot, it was like a mix of a smirk and a grin. When he was in front of me, he took my hand and kissed it gently. My faced instantly turned pink, I was never treated this way by anyone.

"Would you care to dance?" He asked and looked up at me.

"I-I uh....y-yes," I stutter in front of him, which earned only a soft chuckle as he took me into position. The music started again and so did the people who danced merrily to it.

We danced and danced through the night. It made me more than happy.  We laughed until my sides hurt and smiled until I thought I broke my mouth. I found out more about him and the same about me, yet he never told me his name. When I asked, he only said that it was a secret.

When he spent time with me I felt different. I've never felt this way before.

Even when I was with Dipper.

Now we were dancing to another song, and we laughed at a joke he told about his past years. Then I stopped laughing when I noticed that he was looking at me.

"Do I have something on my face I?" I give him a questioning look.

"No, its just that-Well You're beautiful," He whispered the end and started to lean towards me. We stopped dancing as he grew nearer to me. My face was as red as a tomato, no. To hell with tomatoes, I was as red as a ripe strawberry.

Our faces were so close that an inch more we would have been kissing. Then right before we got any closer he stopped.

"I'm sorry my Little Rose, but I must be off now," He broke apart and gave me a sad smile. My heart broke, I wanted to spend more time with him. Then he tipped his hat and began to walk away while leaving me in thought

'Wait, he called me Little Rose. I-I only know one person who calls me that...' My eyes widened.

"B-Bill?" I say. Then the man or Bill turns around.

"The one and only~" He winked at me and began to leave again. I gasped with my hand over my mouth. It was Bill who made me feel this way, it was him who I loved spending my time with. I just can't believe it, my mind races as I crumple onto the floor.

'It was Bill who I loved,'

'I've fallen in love with a Dream Demon.... and there's no way for me to stop myself...'

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