Chapter 3 : The Journal.

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(I'm so sorry, but the first few of chapters of will be a bit boring {In my opinion}, but if you don't want to read it just skip to chapter 4 when it comes out.
- Note from de future)

(Hope Ya like the song!!!)

Chapter 3:

I open up my eyes, the lights waking me up. God dang it, why must it always be a bright light that wakes me up? I groan and sit up in bed. Yawning I stretched out my arms and started to rub my eyes.

"Ugh, what time is it?" I yawn again and then inspect my watch on my left arm. Only 7:26, hmmm. I should most definitely take a shower, I haven't taken one in weeks...I probably smell like a skunk dipped in garbage, then swam in river full of algae, Yuck.

I trudge over to my bag and take out a change a clothes, a brush, along with my spare towel. Then I leave my room and venture off to where the bathroom was. Since this wasn't my house I didn't know where the bathroom was. And that meant I had to look for it, which means a new adventure.

I crept down the hallways staring at all the different doors.

"eenie meenie miney moe," I say and point at all the doors. "I choose...THAT ONE!" I giggle and point at the door that was on the far right.

I walk over to the door and slowly twist the knob. I peeked my head through to see a green face lying in bed.... A GREEN FACE!?!?!? I scream, but then clamp my hand over my mouth when I noticed it was only grandma wearing a face mask. I could tell it was her because I could see cucumbers over her eyelids.

Letting go of my mouth as I closed the door quietly. Once the door was closed I let out a big breathe.

'Okay, so it was very clear that this door was not the bathroom,' I thought to myself as I went in front of another door, hopefully this one will be the bathroom. When I opened the door it revealed me to, a bathroom.

'SCORE!!! Yes, man do I need a shower,' I scream inside my head and go inside the bathroom. I closed the door and locked it. After I had done that I turned on the hot water with the knobs.

Then I started to stripp off my clothes, until something caught my eye. It was a small symbol on the countertop, it was a triangle with an eye in the middle. Yet it had a giant X through it though, weird....

Anyway I continued taking off my clothes and slipped into the warm water in the shower. I washed off my body and hair.

'Gravity Falls, I wonder what it looks like besides forests, maybe I should go and explore it a bit...I'll have to ask Soos,' I turn off the water and grab the towel I brought. Next I dried myself off and started to put on my clothes.

It was a black and white rose t-shirt, medium skinny jeans, a red plaid hoodie, and finally my black converse. I tied my hoodie around my waist and put one of my rose clips into my hair, pinning it behind my ear. I picked up my towel from the ground and went back to my room. I sat on the bed thinking about what I could do today.

'I could ask Soos to show me the town? No, he has a job as the bus driver, hmm maybe I could explore? Yeah, I'm gonna do that, I should be fine after all with my powers,'

I grin and get up. I go over to my duffel bag and take out my mini backpack. Then I started to pack with things like water, money, and just a spare change of clothes.

I take a glance at my watch, 8:05, I should be back around lunch time or we'll 12:30. I leave my room and go outside to the living, to see Grandma sitting on the couch knitting something that looks like a sweater.

'Hmm, she must have woken up when I taking a shower,' I summarize.

"Um...Grandma, I'll just be around the town, I'll be back soon okay?" I try to say.

"Okay, I'll just be here knitting," She replied and I smiled. I could leave, so I opened the door and left. I took in a breathe of fresh air and stepped out the door and closed the door.

"So where should I go first.....North or south?" I asked myself an put a finger to my chin.

"I'll go....NORTH!" I say and walk away in the area of north, which would be to my right according to my compass. SO I started walking in that direction. I passed by a bunch of trees, bushes and stuff, only to finding myself staring at a huge castle like looking thing made out of mossy stone bricks.
It was huge, like almost as high as a 3 storied building. It had no windows, but only a wide and wooden door at the front.

'Seems interesting, but I should keep my eyes open for anything suspicious,' I say and walk towards the big structure. Standing in front of it, it's huge door opened up to me, like NO one even opened it for me. It did it by itself....

"Woah, it's really dark," I say and look inside, I change my eyes to a cat's so I could see in this darkness. I looked around and touched a wall, suddenly torches that hung on the walls lit up and I could see. I returned my eyes to normal and began walking around. This place was old, like really old, it had dust and cobwebs everywhere.

Then I see something in the middle of the room, it was a book, on a podium with a natural light shining above it. Slowly I walked towards it, staring at it with a deep intensity. Then when I was right in front of it I looked around me.

'No one would care if I took a look in it right?' I ask myself with many had reaching the book. I took a careful gaze at the book.

There was a gold 6-fingered hand on it with the number 4 written in black ink, it also had a dark pink as the background behind the hand...weird. But what caught my attention was that it had a name on the bottom, yet I couldn't read it. It was worn out and the book's cover faded it away.

Then my hand made contact with the book, nothing happened. So I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in, but then when I tried to open the book everything in eyesight got red....

'SHIT SHIT SHIT!!! What did I freaking do now!?' I panicked. The whole place was falling apart, I could already see bits of the top floor crashing down. Then without thinking I grabbed the book. I turned around and saw that the door was closing.

'Come on Diana, concentrate!' In a flash I turned into a cheetah and bolted out the door with the book in my mouth. Once safely outside I morphed back into my human self with my hands gripping tightly on the book.

"ーHuffー God ーPuffー that was a close one," I say while watching the tower crumble down to broken bits of cement. When the tower had fully collapsed it looked like it was never there.

'Well this has been fun and all for an adventure, but I think it's time for me to go back,'With that in mind I started retracing my steps back to where the house was. But before I started walking I shoved the book into my backpack.

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