Alone and Lost

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Alone and Lost
-[- C - L -]-

The wind high in the tree,
The river rushing by.
The empty hole deep in my chest,
These make me want to cry.

When you're not here with me,
I feel alone and lost.
I want to see you once again,
No matter what the cost.

The scorching rays of sun,
The silence through the sound.
The heartache buried deep within,
Will one day soon be found

When I'm not there with you,
Are you alone and lost?
Do you want to see me once again,
No matter what the cost?

The leaves all brown and dead,
The branches growing bare.
The sadness haunting every dream,
None have a single care.

When we are not together,
We're both alone and lost.
Each wishing to see her friend,
No matter what the cost.

The freezing storm of snow,
The icy winter chill.
The pain I carry in my heart,
All harsh enough to kill.

When finally we're together,
And not alone or lost,
I'll always find my way to you.
No matter what the cost.

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