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Jason POV

“Oh hey sweetie.” Pattie greet me as she opens the front door. She gave me a warm smile that she never fails to make me feel welcome in to their house. “Hey Pattie.” I smile back. “Come on in inside. Justin is upstairs. He didn’t wake up yet.” She let me in and sigh. I frown. “Nightmares I guess?.” I ask. She look at me in defeat. “Yeah. I have to stay with him for 3 hours until he fell asleep. He was exhausted.” She answered sadly. “I’ll go check on him. Umm .. I was wondering if I could take him to the park today. I mean if you don’t mind.” I ask her. “Would it be okay though?” she hesitant clearly worried about her only son.

“Yeah. I mean it’s working day and no one is at the park at this hour. Beside Justin have not leave the house for almost a month now Pattie. I just thought he should get some fresh air or something.” I suggest. She look at me for a while and nod her head. “I guess your right Jason. He needs to come out of this house soon enough. That’s what the therapist had suggest to me too.” She explain. “Okay then. I’ll be up stairs.” I grin and make my way towards Justin’s or Pattie’s room.

I peek inside seeing the small and adorable figure still lying on the bed with little snores coming out of his mouth. He is so cute. I sat beside the sleeping beauty and shook him softly. “Jay.. oh baby boy. Time to wake up now.” I whisper. He stir a bit snuggling more in to his warm blanket. “Come on Jay.” I shook him again and this time his brown eyes flutter open as he adjust his eyes at me. He stares at me blankly. “Why are you disturbing my sleep Jase?” he whine with his sleepy voice making me coo at him.

I laugh a little. “Come on baby boy. It’s going to be noon already. You need to wake up.” I said giving him a charming at him. “But .. but..i slept late last night. I .. I couldn’t sleep.” He whisper looking away. I sigh and lean down to his face as our face just inch away. He stare at me wide eyes probably shock why am I being this close to him. “I want to take you somewhere.” I said in a hush tone like I’m telling a secret as we stared at each other’s eyes. “Where?” he whisper back. I kiss his nose softly and get off him slowly. He was still staring at me not moving. Gosh! I need to control myself.

I clear my throat. “Umm. Why don’t you get ready first, I’ll wait for you downstairs.” My eyes wonder around the room. “But where are we going?” he ask timidly. “Do you trust me Jay?” I gave him a smile. He sigh and nod. “Okay, just get ready. I promised you need this more than anything.” I assured him.

“Come on Jay.” I softly pull him with me as we finally reach the park. Kenny is also here with us as he wait at the car watching over us. Justin did have a rough time leaving the house just now but he finally did anyways. He took a deep breath as his eyes wonder around the empty park. His body is not shaking in nervous anymore but I could still tell that he’s unsure with this plan. “Loosen up a bit baby boy.” I squeeze his hand trying to calm him down. He stare at the ground. “It’s so breathtaking here.” He whisper. “I mean. The fresh air. I miss them.” He look up at me with those innocent eyes. Those eyes that still hold pain and sadness in them.

I pull him in to my arms. His head rested on my chest immediately. “I know you do Jay. That’s why I brought you here.” I rub his arms soothingly. He sigh as he wrap his arm on my waist slowly. “Thank you Jason.” He softly said in to my chest. “No problem baby boy.” I kiss his forehead.

We sat there for about an hour in silent just enjoying the quietness. I watch him as he closed his eyes and I didn’t disturb his calming moment. A flash of light took my attention away from Justin as I search for where it’s coming from. My eyes widen seeing more flash blinding my eyes. I heard Justin yelp as he scramble to me. I held him protectively.

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