You have the right

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Jason stares at nothing as he waited at the police station. He doesn’t know what’s he’s waiting for actually, Jeremy just told him he needs to come to the police station and Jason just agree with it, truthfully he’s exhausted and he’s confuse. He is relieve that his uncle is not here to destroy his life anymore, Justin is finally safe but Jason couldn’t help but felt empty at the same time. Even though he despised his uncle for his mental issues but he’s still in shock, he still couldn’t believe that he’s dead. He doesn’t even have the time to comprehend what happen back at the basement. What if the police didn’t come? What if they’re late? What if his uncle manages to pull the trigger on them? He couldn’t help but have those thought.

“Jason?” Jeremy said softly trying to catch the young boy’s attention. He could see how tired Jason is, how confuse he is looking right now. He honestly feels bad for the boy, being taken away by his psychotic uncle since he was young. Jason didn’t even have the time to mourn his parent’s death when Mark took him away from the only comforts he had left. Jason looks up at the older man but his face hold no emotions which make Jeremy frown and put his arm around Jason’s shoulder. “Don’t think too much alright son? Your safe now and soon you’ll be with your family again, where you belong in the first place.” Jeremy smile softly at boy. Jason smile back as he remembers that he’s grandparents is still alive and he couldn’t wait to see them. He misses them so much.

“They’ll be here soon. Alright ?” Jeremy said softly. Jason nod slowly as he stares back at nothing.

 “Thanks Jason.” Jeremy spoke suddenly after a few minutes of silent. Jason look at him confuse. “For what sir?” he ask weakly. The older clear his throat. “For bringing back my son. And just call me Jeremy.” He smile at the boy. “I just do what i had to do. You don’t have to say thank you so many times Jeremy, i think i get it.” He chuckle a bit thinking how many thank you’s he had gotten from Justin’s family. “They will never be enough thank you for what you did for us Jason.” Jeremy said as his voice went quiet in the end. “Well, i’m glad he’s safe and knowing that is enough for me Jeremy.” Jason said truthfully as he looks Jeremy in the eyes smiling with honesty.

“Your a good boy Jason.” Jeremy said pulling him in to a hug and Jason just chuckle at that. Someone’s clearing her throat making them pull away slowly as Jason was face with his grandparents that was looking at him with tears streaming down their eyes. Jason stood up immediately not knowing what to do. He walk to them nervously as he fiddles with his finger. “Ja..jason honey..” his grandmother voice croak as she reached her hand to her only grandson. She walk slowly to the young boy and wrap her arms around him tightly. Jason broke down instantly as he sobs hard in grandma’s arms. “Mama.. ma .. ma” he hiccup. “Shh sweetie. It’s mama here.” She rubs his back soothingly. His grandpa join the group hug as he shed a few tears of relieve finally found his missing grandson that he’s been searching for years.

Justin POV

It was dark. It was cold. It was making me shiver at the coldness. “Hello?” i croked, not finding my voice suddenly. I tried to get up from the dirty floor but my body was aching making me fall back instantly. My heart started to beat rapidly. ‘This is not happening’ i said frantically on my mind. Tears welled up in my eyes as my body tremble at the though of where i am. “Well well what we got here...” a voice spoke make me jump at whimpered at the venom of the voice. I know that voice, the voice i pray to never want to hear it ever again. I close my eyes tightly hoping it would just go away. “You really thought you could escape me huh slut?” he hissed and i could feel his breath fanning in front of my face. I whimpered more as how close he is to me. “Jus..just leave.. me.. a..alone.” i beg choking up feeling like my lungs is running out of air. He cackled like a crazy man. “That is something i can never fulfil baby, you want it or not, i will always be with you. There’s no escape babe.” He spoke evilly  as he put his hand around my neck making my eyes went wide at the contact. I was met with an evil looking eyes as he choke me up and i struggle under his grip to catch some air. ‘Stop..stop..stoo..pp..pleasee..” i manage to plead as tears run down my cheek rapidly.

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