Mom's New Boyfriend?

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Justin POV

“Thanks guys! See you later!” I yell and wave at them as Scooter’s car drove away after sending me. I breath the air outside of my house. “Mmmmm .. So good to be home.” I smile at myself. I walk slowly to the front door and knock three times. Once the door was open, I was attack with warm crushing hug. “Justin!” my mom sweet voice scream in excitement. “Mommy!” I yell back making her chuckle. She let go of me and pull me in to house.

“Look how much my baby has grow up. I haven’t seen you in a 2 months and your big now.” She said with tears brim in her eyes making me smile warmly at her. “Mom. You haven’t miss a thing alright. Just grow a few inch that’s all. No big deal.” I said hugging her tightly. “Whatever you say kiddo!” my mom laugh and ruffle my hair making me groan.

I pick up my bag and shuffle to the stairs. “Mom, I’m gonna hit the bed alright. Still jet lag and all.” I told her walking up the stairs. “Okay honey. I’ll be downstairs if you need anything.”

I slump into my bed and sigh in content. Finally! Sleep time. My eyes shuts instantly feeling the warm of my covers.

I open my eyes my slowly only to be met with two pair of blue eyes making me jump and let out squeal. “Gosh! Chill out man. It’s just us.” The voice as I recognize as my dumbass bestfriend Ryan said laughing loudly with of course my other dumbass bestfriend Chaz.

“What the hell guys! You want me to get an heart attack or something!.” I hissed at them.

“Dramatic much Bieber.” Chaz said rolling his eyes. I just glared at them and pulling back the covers to continue my sleep.

“Oh no you don’t!” Ryan yell trying to pull the covers off me. “Get up JB! You slept enough already!” He yell again. After a few minutes, I felt no movement making me smile of victory and was about to drift off to sleep. Suddenly something wet splash to my face making me open my eyes wide and got up from under the covers. “The fuck!” I scream in shock. I realize I was soaked with water.

“Now that your finally up. Get downstairs. Your mum already finish cooking our lunch, so we’ll be waiting downstairs alright Mr. Bieber.” Chaz said smirking and then start to laugh. They walk out of my room leaving me feeling like wanting to strangle them.

“Dumbass!” I mutter under my breath. I stood up from my bed and head to the bathroom to get ready for the day.

“That was so yummy mum.” I said to my mum grinning at her. She smile. “I’m glad you like it Justin. I know how much you love Spaghetti.” She said pinching my cheek making me groan. I heard Ryan and Chaz snickers.

“Okay boys. Now that your done, I’m gonna get cooking.” She said standing up walking away to the kitchen.

“Cooking? What for mum?.” I ask curiously. I mean she just done cooking us this delicious spaghetti and there are still a bit of them that’s not finish.

Mom turn to me and smile nervously making me give her a confuse look. “Well honey, we have some special guest tonight that I want you to meet tonight.” She said still looking nervous. I just nod my head and smile.

“Well, alright then mom. I’m just gonna go to the park with the boys okay mom?” I said taking my skateboard with me. “Okay honey but be home before 6.” She yell back from the kitchen.

We’re at the park almost 2 hours now. There’s a lot of things to catch up with my two best friends. Honestly, there like my brothers even though I feel like slapping them in the face.

“Any new girl bro?” Chaz smirk wiggling his eyebrows. Typical Chaz.

I shook my head. “Nope. To busy man. Besides haven’t found that ‘one less lonely girl’ yet.” I reply quoting my song making the both of them roll their eyes. “Your cheezy man!” They said unison then laugh at each other.

“We’res so awesome!” Chaz said laughing. “I know right.” Ryan then reply him.

I just stare at them confuse. “You guys are weird you know. Sometimes I wonder why am I friends with you guys.” I said jokingly.

“That’s because we’re awesome and you loves us!” Chaz beamed in excitement. “Keep telling yourself that dude.” I said patting his head.

“It’s not like your any less weirder Bieber.” Ryan then said smirking at me.“Well, that is why we’re best friends then. Cuz we’re just weird that way.” I reply smiling.

“Yeah. Your right.” They said in unison again. We end up talking about a lot of other things and just laugh our ass off. How much I miss this kind of moment.

We were interrupted by my phone ringing. I pull out my phone from my pocket seeing ‘Mommy’ on the screen. “Justin Drew Bieber! Where are you? It’s 5 minutes to 6 and your not home yet.” my mom voice boom through the phone.

My eyes widen looking at the time. “Shit! I’ll be home in a minute mom. Love you!” I said frantically and hung up before she could say anything.

“Okay guys, the momz needs me now. See ya later alright.” We did our handshake and wave at them. I was practically running to get to my house.

 Once I reach the front door I took a deep breath and open the door only to be met with someone chest. I look up to see a middle age man standing looking down at me with a smile but somehow it gives me creeps.

“You must be Justin. Pattie famous son. I’m Mark.” He said extending his hand to me. I gave him a small smile and shake his hand. “Yeah. You must be mom’s special guest.”

He laugh a little. “Not that special I guess. It’s just me.” He smile at me. We decided to walk in the house. Mom was preparing the food on the dining table.

“Want any help mommy.” I said in a baby voice making her laugh and nod. I help her serve the food and we sat down. After a few minutes of an awkward silent, mom clear her throats. “Umm. Justin honey. This is Mark.”she said softly. I smile at her.

“I know. We already introduce each other.” I reply. She smile at me but somehow she looks so nervous. We said our grace and eat our food in silent. It kinda makes me feel a little uncomfortable. I felt like someone is watching me but I just thought that’s just me being paranoid.

“Justin baby. Can you take a seat for awhile.” My mom said as I walking out of the kitchen after cleaning the dishes. I nod confuse and took a seat in front the both of the adults.

Mom took Mark’s hands in her making me furrow my eyebrows. “Justin. Umm. I have something to tell you and I need you to be open with it alright and I really hope you will accept this because I really need your bless.” She said so fast that I thought she almost lost her breath.

“Sure mom. What is it?” I ask confuse.

“You see. Me and mark are not just friends. We’re kinda .. kinda..” she stutter.

“We’re together.” Mark finish her sentence making me snap my head at him with wide eyes.

“Together as in .. As a cou--.. couple?” I ask stuttering.

Mom nod looking down at her lap. I stood up from my seat and make my way to my mom and hug her making her jump a bit.

“Mom. I’m glad you found finally found someone.” I said while hugging her. She hug me back.

“You not upset?” she ask. I shook my head. “Mom. Why would I be upset. As long that your happy, I’m okay with it..” I said happily.

Everything is going to places. I’m happy, mom’s happy and Mark seems like a cool dude. Maybe he’s the new miracle in our life. But little did I know, he would turn in to my worst nightmare.

Hello guys!

The drama haven’t start yet. This is just the chapter where Justin came home and met his mom’s new boyfriend.

I really hope you guys would vote and comment.

Thanks for reading yo!

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