So much Tears

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Jason POV

I sat the tray near the dishes. I sigh as I made my way to the living room and sat on the terrible looking couch. The only couch we have here. It is a house where no one lives. Mark sure does know how to find a hiding place. I sigh again thinking about the poor boy that was held captive by my uncle. Yeah, he’s my uncle, unfortunately though.

I couldn’t bare thinking about what Justin have been through. I heard him scream the whole day to day and I so badly wanted to barge in and stop my psycho uncle but I cant. He’s insane and he would do anything to get what he want, including taking someone’s life and I know he has been abusing Justin Bieber life these past few months but I didn’t think he would kidnap that boy and practically making him a sex slave for his sickening desire. I always knew he has this sick obsessions towards Justin but I didn’t think he would go this far. I will never get to imagine what had Justin went through in his own house, Mark would always came to my house and told me how he finally get to do what he wants, just listening to it making me feel sick in my stomach but I cant do anything about it, he is my uncle and he’s dangerous than you thought.

I look at the clock in front of me seeing its 2.00 a.m and Mark is fast asleep as always. He’ll get drunk and will be sleeping till the sun shine bright. I stood up and went to the downstairs bedroom that I filled with a lot of clothes and stuff that Justin might need. I know, you may ask why did I prepared all this for him. I mean, this is the only thing I get to do for him. I feel so bad for him, for not helping him. I took one thick blanket and slowly walk towards the basement. I unlock the door and close it behind me slowly. Not wanting to make a sound. I stare at the dark surrounding of the basement, no lights at all. I walk towards the light switch and switch it on revealing a body that was curl up near the wall. I frown as I make my way towards the body. I kneel down slowly and reach my hand to touch his shoulder. He flinch away immediately making me pull my hand instantly. He whimpered making me frown again.

“Hey.. hey.. it’s me..i’m not going to hurt you.” I said softly and begin to touch his shoulder again but this time he didn’t tense anymore but he was shaking. “Are you cold?” I ask and he just nod his head curling his body in to a ball again. “Here, I brought this blanket for you, I know it must be freezing in here.” I said. “Ca..cann.. you help me please.. I cant mo..move.” he said weakly. I just nod as I wrap the blanket around him gently making sure to cover him securely. He sigh in content but was still shaking. “Are you alright now?” I ask looking at his face finally. He shook his head slowly. “It’s.. it’s cold.” He stutter teeth chattering. “Do you want me to hold you?” I ask as soft as I can. He didn’t say anything as he just look at me with those broken eyes. “If you can.” He whisper. I smile small and cradle his fragile body as gentle as I can as if I make a wrong move, it might hurt him badly. His head was press again my chest lying there as I cradle his body as he is basically on my lap but he weight nothing at all. I rub his arm soothingly, trying to make him more comfortable. I look down at his almost close eyes. “Sleep now alright.” I whisper moving his short fringe from his forehead. It only took seconds as he let out a soft snores. I sigh as I watch this innocence boy in my arm. He looks so different than the last time I saw him which is on Tv. Yeah, it’s hard not to watch him when your uncle is basically obsess with him. I know this differences has to do with my uncle doing.

Scooter POV

I stare at the news on the Tv with no expression. Justin has been missing for 2 weeks and there has been no news from the police. Everyone is a mess. Nothing is going right. The news are all busy updating about the case but truly there’s nothing to update. Many celebrities and talk shows tried to reach us but I just reject all them. I’ve said what I had 2 days after Justin went missing and I cant even hold my tears while I told them what need to be told. I don’t think I can go through that again, not without Justin is by my side. The memories from that night never leaves me somehow. It’s just so hard to remember how vulnerable he looks, how much he needed help.

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