He's not the same

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Justin stares at the ceiling for like 3 hours now since he woke up. Before he black out, he prayed what’s happening to him are just nightmare but once he gain his conscious back, he was broken all over again. The first thing he saw when he opens his eyes is Mark getting in to his clothes back. Justin was in so much pain that he could not even move his body. Mark left him in the guest room hurt, bloody and in pain all alone. Justin didn’t know what to do. He was planning to tell someone but Mark threatens not just his life but his mom, family and friends. He would never forgive himself if that happen. A tear roll down Justin’s cheek. He rolls his aching body so his face was stuff to the pillow. He screams in to the pillow as loud as he can since he lost his voice a bit when Mark put him through the worst pain ever.

He got up from his bed slowly, wincing slightly as his body ache. He was still naked. He bends down to the floor getting his clothes and drag himself to the bathroom. He stared at his reflection in the mirror. His eyes are red and puffy, he has a slap mark on his cheek, his hair was a mess, and his lips were a bit bruised. All in all, he looks horrible. Without thinking anymore, he went in in to the bathtub and on fill in the water. He sat down gently as his but still hurts and sore. He stared at the blood that was coming out of him. He let his tears fall without a care and finally sob his heart out. His body was shaking as he sobs and tries to breathe.

Once he calms down, he reaches the body wash and washes his body as he rubs them violently. He felt disgust with himself. He felt like trash. He wanted the feel of Mark touching him just disappear. Red mark start to form on Justin’s body when rub them. He didn’t care though. He just wants to feel clean again.

After about an hour on the shower cleaning him. Justin grabs the towel that was in the bathroom. He dries himself and wears his clothes back.  He limp slowly back to the bathroom. He looks at the bed that was a mess. He has no choice but to clean them as Mark already demand him before he left. He sighs to himself and began to dispose all the evidence.

“Justin I’m home.” Justin was startle at his mom voice as the front door open and close.

Justin was sitting in front of the TV but he was not watching it, he was just staring at it. He didn’t reply his mom as he can’t seem to find his voice yet. Pattie furrow her eyebrows confuse because the house was quiet but the sound of TV tells her that Justin’s watching in the living room. Mark told her that Justin’s home already and that’s why she came back home as fast as she can. She hasn’t seen her son the whole week but she understands that he wants to spend time with his friends.

“Honey?” Pattie call again as she make her way to her son. Justin looks up to meet up with her mom loving eyes. Pattie gasp once she got closer to Justin.

“Oh my god! What happen to your face honey?” she coo as she took a seat beside Justin.

Justin tries to fake a smile and compose himself from bursting in to tears. He didn’t look at Pattie eyes as he knows that his mom can read him like a book just by looking in to his eyes. That’s how close they are.

“Umm .. I fell in the bathroom.. It was nothing mom.” He spoke softly after hours of being quiet.

“Are you sure about that?” Pattie asks not believing that his son could be that clumsy.

He nodded his head slowly. “Yeah mom. Don’t worry about it alright.” He tries to reassure his mom.

“Okay then baby. I’ll just the aid kid and we clean that up alright.” Pattie said as she got up from her seat and went to get the aid kit. Justin says a silent ‘okay’ as he can’t find the strength to talk any louder.

Pattie clean her son’s little cuts gently. “Justin, you won’t lie to me if something happen won’t you?” she asks softly as she cleans his cuts.

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