Part Eight

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3rd person P.O.V

The two cores were in the same line of movement traveling to earth at such a great speed that they resembled a shooting star. Humans, that looked up into the sky could see the fiery ball of light made of wishes. One particular human missed their opportunity to see that the same shooting star was headed next to the location of their home. It seemed that the location where the shooting star was destined to land was, in fact, the direct sight of a swampy area. That was connected to the old Aperture facility.

Both cores broke into the earth's atmosphere, burning up until their harsh landing in water. Flames were extinguished by cool water leaving only an ashy trace on the surface, which scattered from the big waves.

Space Core was the first to slightly recover from all the excitement the two experienced. Looking around to see that we're in the water instead of being back in space disappointed them. Wheatley groggily opened his eye for it to widen in surprise. They were back on earth, technically in a body of water but on earth regardless. Wheatley thanked whatever out there that he was finally back on the planet instead of aimlessly floating in space.

Frantic beeping noises broke him from his thanks to seeing what looked to be some sort of underwater piece of technology. It resembled a fish due to its intended shape though the camera of where the face was supposed to be was obvious. Wheatley wondered how long they had been in space for fishes to become advanced, it was easy to decipher that the beeping was coming from the advanced fish. Space Core looked as if they were trying to say something but couldn't due to being underwater. It hit Wheatley at that moment as if he were back burning up in the atmosphere. There was only one place that could design something machinery this complex.

Before he could even think about it he felt himself begin snatched by something. Panic surged within him as he saw Space Core also being snatched by what looked like robotic tendrils, pulling them deeper into the water. In his panic, he didn't notice a tendril plug into him to temporarily shut him down. Just like that Wheatley ceased all movement, Space Core was also powered down.


Back down with GLaDOS, she was notified of the crashing noise that came from above the surface. Thanks to her thinking ahead for future events, her aquatic bots from the surface alerted her that two cores had crashed into their territory. This information shocked her as the only cores outside Aperture Science were the ones from the Blue incident. Meaning it was just her luck that this would happen, but at the same time, this presented a new opportunity for her.

Noticing that the other cores were looking around to see where the crash came from.

"What are you less intelligent pieces of technology looking at?" GLaDOS coldly told them in her constant monotone voice.

The cores went right back to what they were doing not wanting to face the wrath of what is GLaDOS.

"Is everything alright?" Caroline communicated with her within their shared code.

"Peachy. I will be back to investigate." GLaDOS vaguely said before focusing her attention elsewhere.


It was just her luck that moron would somehow manage to find a way back here. Even space wasn't enough to hold him back, figures that a core like him can't even do the simplest of tasks to remain in space. Looking into the feed of the aqua bots she could see the blue moron in the murky waters from above. Though it seemed he wasn't alone as there was another core that she didn't care about enough to remember that also went to space during the blue incident. Never mind that, she needed to deal with the moron before things got out of hand, again.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2022 ⏰

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