Part Three

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ATLAS and P-body P.O.V.
ATLAS and P-body watched their boss fade away from the screen after saying her announcement. Apparently there was going to be a new boss for the personality cores but someone they could not see, not that it matters anyways since their boss can monitor them without any of them knowing. They moved their gazes at the two cores who looked confused on what the boss said.
ATLAS decided that it was going to have a nice game of shove and push with P-body when it heard a noise. It got ATLAS attention quickly as P-body did the same thing from hearing the noise. Turns out it was a flying creature that their boss detested so much, but it was strange since they were supposed to be in the lower labs (their boss told them so).
On instinct and programming the two bots picked their portal guns, and made their way to follow the flying creature that made a strange noise. Upon following the bird there was a hole in the wall, due to this test chamber being an older version but it also had a writing on the wall. It read "SHE IS WATCHING" three times in a horizontal way.
They looked to their right to see a hallway that seemed to lead to somewhere outside the testing chamber, they both hesitated to stay. P-body gave a series of noises to tell ATLAS that they should go check it out. It wanted to see what this place led to so that they could report back to their boss. While ATLAS wasn't going to have any of that.
Unfortunately before it could reply back to its companion, P-body started making their way down the small hallway where there were loose old papers on the ground. ATLAS made an annoyed noise before walking after its companion. They noticed the pipes that were larger than usual that were also mixed with the smaller pipes as well. The more that walked on the more things that were revealed to them.
An example of this was that the metal floor was now replaced with light grey carpet that dampened their loud clanking steps. The walls went from metal pipes to white walls and strange posters that seemed to have their bright colors faded over time. This was a brand new scenery for them since they were used to seeing just testing chambers and the black background of the screen where their boss would pop in whenever they finished a test.
Soon they came to a narrow hallway where it looked like if they wanted to continue onwards they were going to have to go in one by one. Of course P-body went in first since they did go in the first time and ATLAS went in last since it was the last one to enter the hallway. As P-body went in through it saw a brand new room.
This room had a control panel, a giant glass window, open and closed cabinets that were either half way open and all open. Two black spinny chairs, and more paper on the floor. Upon seeing one of the cabinets was the flying creature, it looked as if it made its home with paper from the floor.
ATLAS pushed its way in the room since P-body was busy analyzing the texture of the room and the flying creature in the furthest corner of the room. It seemed that this room they had come to had not been used in a few years, well maybe a little more than a few years then. ATLAS wondered what was the point in following the flying creature if they were just going to end up in some empty room that had no significance to testing what-so-ever. Suddenly its gaze fell upon the control panel until it stopped at one single red button, it was big and shiny.
The best type of buttons were the big red shiny ones. In his mainframe it said to push on the button three times to see if the button still operates. ATLAS was more than happy to oblige in this new test as long as it gets to press the button alone and only alone.

3rd person P.O.V.

It felt as if time was slow motion. ATLAS robotic hand was right over the red button. P-body barley turned around to see in surprise what ATLAS was going to do. Adventure Core, Fact Core, and Caroline just got into the room with the two test bots inside. All three of them were now watching in horror as ATLAS was going to press the button since Caroline was not as fast GLaDOS so she couldn't have stopped it even if she wanted to.
Still in slow motion we see the hand gently press the button down fully, this repeats two more times and the time resumes back to normal.
"NOOOOOO!!!" They all yelled a little too late as what was done was done. There was no turning back now.
ATLAS jumped a little as it was startled by the newcomers but quickly realised its mistake as it's hand was no longer on the red button. At first nothing happened, it was just an old machine that probably would not work no matter how many times you pressed it.
"What were you thinking?!" Caroline shouted hysterically at the blue testing bot which lowered itself in shame.
But before she could go on a rant about pushing random buttons without asking and to only push what you are told to push. There was a loud grinding that sounded behind ATLAS. ATLAS slowly turned around to see what was going on behind it.
Suddenly on the other side of the window lights flooded in to reveal hundreds of deactivated cores all neatly in rows collecting dust. There was a large mechanical arm that was activated and started going down the rows as if it was ready to select a core to take out.
Immediately ATLAS looked over the control and tried pressing more random buttons, because they all knew that was going to work. P-body then heavily pushed the other away from the control panel but of course it was also too late for that.
The mechanical arm then moved to one of the rows in front of them and picked a core from the middle row and went away. From the mechanical arm's perspective we see it place the core in some strange basket holding area as it went back to collect another core.
This time both Fact and Adventure Core looked frantically over the buttons to see if they could shut the machine down but only pressed the maneuvering arrows instead.
So the mechanical hand went to the very right end and picked a random core from the highest row and placed it another basket right next to the previous core so it could get the very last core.
It was up to Caroline now since none of the others could get the machine to shut down so she placed herself into the control panel while accidentally feeling the other buttons. Which made the arm choose the last core in the second to last row in front of them and putting the last one with the other two cores.
Caroline finally found the off button too late and pressed it. From an outer prescriptive it was a rectangular blue button in which Adventure and Fact Core saw, the mechanical hand powered down and the lights went off.
ATLAS would have gotten away if it weren't for a sliding door that quickly closed off it. Everyone winced at the sound as their attention was now toward the door.
"Well well well. So this is what happens when I don't fix back the older testing chambers."
GLaDOS voice spoke up in an icy tone, she was not pleased with what she just saw from ATLAS. ATLAS cowered to where the flying creature was at while P-body gave a sharp glare toward ATLAS direction.
"Don't think you are off the hook just because you didn't press the button."
P-body shrunk a bit but gave a nod to what the boss said. Adventure Core and Fact Core looked worried as they were frightened of what their big boss would have to say to them. Caroline went out of the panel board and was prepared to defend herself as well as the two Cores.
"As for the rest of you. I would say you did a good job...but you didn't. Core 1 and 2, all you did was try to guess which button was off when the other buttons could have triggered something dangerous."
It didn't come as a surprise to Fact Core since he was already accustomed to the big boss's lack of empathy. While Adventure Core seemed to frown inside since they both really didn't know the off button, he learned fast never to talk back to GLaDOS due to the Blue-Incident.
"As much as I hate to admit. I should have let you have access to know all about the different types of control panels."
Caroline felt herself growing a little pride since she should have access to know many things in the facility in case of an accident as much as GLaDOS, but knowing GLaDOS she really wanted her to suffer a bit for not knowing. What could GLaDOS say, old habits die hard.
"Now to deal with the real problem."
All attention was now looking at the other side of the window where in three baskets were three deactivated cores.

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