Part Six

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Adventure & Fact Core P.O.V.
    Fact Core was getting more annoyed by the second, he didn't know why he let himself spend his short free time with the obnoxious cowboy. Adventure Core was talking his metaphorical ear off with pointless things like his failed attempts to flirt with the previous human test subject. He did not seem to notice Fact Core's eye start to twitch. It then hit him as to why he was with Adventure Core, Parental Core had seen them argue a lot with each other and thought it would be a good idea for them to spend time with one another in order to get along. Obviously it was not working for both of them, at times like these Fact Core wishes he could have gone into space instead of Space Core. Speaking of Space Core he was probably living his dream by being in space and spouting everything he knew about space. Lucky him.
"And that's how I almost managed to receive a kiss from the lady."
"Fact: That is not true. I was there and you did no such thing as trying to kiss the former test subject. Fact: Cores do not have lips making it impossible to kiss humans."
He snarked to Adventure Core in which he was now getting upset that he was right about the kissing part.
"Well I would like to see you try to steal a kiss from a lady nerd."
Adventure Core shot back at him trying to be smug about it. This only caused Fact Core to roll his eye.
"Again we don't have lips. So it is impossible for me to quote 'steal a kiss' from anybody."
Fact Core replied smugly this time. Adventure Core angrily rambled on about how he doesnt need lips to steal a kiss from a lady but only to make her swoon enough so that she can kiss him instead. He again tuned him out by thinking how clever he handled the situation. Suddenly he hears something coming from one of the finished testing chambers. Fact Core stops all of a sudden causing Adventure Core to stop as well which upsets him.
    "Oh come on already!" Adventure Core angrily says.
    "Shh! Do you hear that?" Fact Core says trying to catch Adventure Core's attention.
    The other core shuts up and listens to see what Fact Core is trying to make him hear. Since both cores are now quiet they are able to detect that the noise is someone talking but preferably feminie. Adventure Core's eye lits up with excitement as he wants to go check out who the voice belongs to. Fact Core on the other metaphorical hand did not want to check it out, but as he turned to leave Adventure Core stopped him.
"Oh come on nerd and live a little." Adventure Core teasingly told him.
Both cores then headed to the testing chamber to then realize that it was the same testing chamber where they found out about the old core room. The sound seemed to be coming from the same hole where the two testing bots went in, so that was exactly where they went. Adventure Core naturally went in first being the brave (*cough* *cough* dumb *cough* *cough*) one and Fact Core coming in right behind him. Now that we're close to the room they could hear the voice more clear now. The voice belonged to Caroline? And she seemed to be talking to someone, it was not GLaDOS since she would have said something by now.
    "I'm sure they are just going to get along fine. Though now that this is happening I do have some doubts but I'm sure with time everything will sail smoothly in time. Well... as smoothly as Mr. Cave Johnson would go through an idea process... In other words a little bumpy but effective."
    They hear her say aloud. Both cores see that the door to the room is halfway open meaning that it gave enough to peek through but also some place to take cover in case someone saw them. Fact Core would say this plan that Adventure Core just came up was actually... foolproof, but like he would actually feed his ego. Fat chance. Adventure Core peeked into the room while Fact Core took cover behind the door since the management rail could only allow one to see what was in the room while the other had to just wait. In the room were four brand new looking cores, well their model was not advanced like there's but it was a new old model of an old core.
    The control panel was on and buttons were clicking. It seems Caroline was trying to do something with these old models for some reason. As he watched Fact Core was getting impatient with Adventure Core, he then started bumping him softly to get his attention since he was getting sort of curious to what was going on inside the room. Adventure Core didn't seem to mind the soft bumping from the other core until Fact Core was bumping a little louder now. He winced as he got bumped one more time before going back behind the door to confront an impatient Fact Core.
    "Are you trying to get us caught!?" He whispered hissed at Fact Core.
    "Fact: I have been trying to get your attention quietly but nothing. So I tried a different tactic." The other core retorted back quietly.
    Unfortunately the two then started a heated argument while whispering loudly. The two didn't seem to notice how their volume progressively became louder until the half shut door opened all the way to which their cover was now blown. Their eyes widened and slowly turned to the empty room to see the buttons stopped clicking.
    "If you two were trying to be sneaky. Well then you two failed at that." They heard Caroline dryly tell them.
    Slowly the two entered the room with them looking down at the floor with shame.
     "Well since you two now seen everything might as well tell you know that this was supposed to be a surprise but now you ruined it for yourselves."
    Fact Core sees four old core models lying on the floor deactivated.
    "GLaDOS and I have been talking about getting more help with the garden since she wanted things to go faster with the harvest but, also medicine making as well. Why? She didn't say. So in agreement with her idea she has allowed me to bring back some old cores that she somehow managed to save before they were completely incinerated." She informed them.
Before the two cores could say anything GLaDOS spoke suddenly making them all surprised by her sudden presence.
"That's right. Core 1 and 2. Congratulations on finding out the surprise before it even happened, we should celebrate by eating some cake... Not. Since you two are already here you can make yourselves useful by rounding up everyone else for the surprise. I'm sure you can handle such a petty task without messing it up. Correct?"
On that last part she asked them menacingly. The two nodded quickly.
"Then go."
The two cores then bolted out of the room without a second thought, if they were human flesh bags Fact Core would look if he was running for his life while Adventure Core seemed to be having the time of his life.
"I wonder if any of those there cores happened to be a lady core." Adventure Core thought out loud despite how fast they were going to the garden.
"Fact: Now it is not the time for thinking that!" Fact Core shouted back at Adventure Core.
"You never let me have any fun!" Adventure Core retorted back at him.

3rd person P.O.V.

   Parental Core was chatting with Physician Core since Colonel Core was taking awhile to come to the garden for break time. Colonel Core could really be sucked into his work since he was very proud to train turrets to be more efficient. As the two were chatting they could hear loud bickering and feel the vibration of the management rail of something going fast. Both Adventure and Fact Core then appeared into the room loudly arguing while slowing down. Physician Core tried to get their attention but instead got sucked into the argument.
"QUIET DOWN YA METAL-SCRAP'S, OR ELSE YA GONNA HEAR IT FROM THE BOSS!" Colonel Core shouted as he came into the room annoyed.
Every core quieted down as soon as they heard the thunder in Colonel Core's voice.
"Now then. Any of ya want to explain what all the fuss is about?" He asked sternly.
If it wasn't Parental Core taking charge it was Colonel Core.
"Um... Fact: GLaDOS wants us to gather around because she has something she wants to tell us." Fact Core spoke regaining his composure.
Adventure Core rolled his eye but made his way over to the other cores since Colonel taught them to get in line whenever GLaDOS had something to say to them as a sign of respect. Despite some of them getting death threats from said boss. As they fall into line it is Caroline who speaks out instead of GLaDOS which is a huge relief to them.
"Hell everyone. I know these days have been a little hard on yourselves due to GLaDOS asking many of you to work faster for a good reason. So in return of your hard work I present to you... Morality, Curiosity, Intelligence, and Emotion Core to help you pick up the pace. In curtesy of GLaDOS."
Once she said that four new cores entered the room. All four looked the same at first glance but you could tell that there were a certain number of dots that made them sort of stand out from one another but of course they had their own color as well. Morality Core is purple with one dot on both sides and her handles were both purple as well. Curiosity Core is yellow like Space Core and Parental Core but has a solid yellow iris with a single black pupil, and also has two dots on both sides of their eye. Intelligent Core has a dark blue color but has a bigger black pupil from the others and has three dots. Emotion Core is red with a smaller black pupil and is eyeing them cautiously.
The whole situation from Caroline's perspective was like introducing new friends to older ones which is a mix of reactions. Already Fact Core had an immediate dislike to Intelligent Core to which the feeling was mutual between the two. Morality Core was already taking caution of Adventure while he was trying to put the moves in Curiosity Core. Emotion Core didn't say anything but angrily grumbled.
"As much as I would like for everyone to introduce themselves to one another we have work to do so. Physician Core, Intelligent Core will be helping you with medicine making. The rest of you will work on harvesting... except Colonel Core. So get to work."
Adventure and Fact Core started complaining how it was unfair that their break time was cut short and that they were spending their free time with one another. In the room where the garden is was a screen in which it flickered like an old TV until the image of GLaDOS appeared.
"All of you cores be quiet. Or do you all want to be sent to android hell?" She told them in an annoyed but threating tone.
This shut them up. So all the cores went straight to work now that GLaDOS was watching them. Of course, the others had to show the new cores what to do. This peace only lasted for a minute when suddenly there was a loud crash.

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