#3 The day's hard work

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Daisy is finally alone in the house. Nate had already gone, and now Frank left, too.

She locates Nate's room by his scent and enters it. Other than his unmade bed, Nate's dark grey room looks fairly clean and put together. But then again, he doesn't have many stuff. A few books, clothes and some small exercising tools. It doesn't look like he spends much of his time in here.

It sadly makes Daisy remember her own room, overflowing with objects, back in the Stantons' main house. It was her favorite place in the whole world, with her state of the art servers, monitors and her highly ergonomic desk set up. The small electronic workshop by the window and the display of her figurine collections. She misses them all. She only packed a few change of clothes and her laptop when she left.

While looking around inside Nate's room, Daisy finds nothing interesting enough to use against him; Or precious enough to steal, even though Daisy is positive, just by looking at the sizable square footage of Nate's home, her mate is well off.

When she upturns a small beige box on the hanging wooden shelf, she accidentally knocks down the stack of books next to it.

A few photos fly out from in between the pages of one of the books and scatter on the carpet. She squats down and picks up the closest picture where Nate seems to be posing with his family. The next one has Nate with Frank and a couple other guys. Daisy then looks at the rest of them on the floor. One catches her attention.

She quickly grabs it for a closer look. It appears to be a class group photo, with teenagers lined up in rows. Based on the timestamp it's from two years ago.

Nate is on the top row. On his one side is Frank, and on the other is a beautiful dark-haired girl who has her arm twisted around Nate's.

Daisy scowls at the girl on the photo, and then quickly starts gathering the rest of the photos spread on the floor. She taps the edges of the stack to align them before roughly sliding them back into one of the books. She then piles back up all the books on the shelf, returning them to their original place.

Her interest to snoop around is no longer. She returns to her assigned room.

Daisy climbs up on the bed, pulls out her laptop, and types in the web address for the dark website where she'll be looking through the classified ads.

The money she had ripped the Stantons off can't be touched at the moment without making her vulnerable to tracking. It's being automatically transferred from one overseas account to another. When she's sure the sum had made enough jumps that can't be traced, she'll withdraw them.

So now she needs to earn an income some other way so she could pay for her next lair to lay low in. While working for the Stantons, Daisy also did other odd jobs on the side whenever she needed a quick cash.

One advertisement seems promising. A girl wants to gain access to her boyfriend's phone to check if he's cheating on her.

Perfect, Daisy thinks. When the clients are emotionally desperate, they are willing to pay the asking price. Daisy will charge more than her usual rate for this one.

Daisy sends a message to the girl and waits.

Since the posting wasn't done long before, Daisy knows the girl is still online, and possibly talking to the other hackers who have already contacted her. A job like this is easy money. No one will pass on it.

"In five minutes, you can have his phone's passcode. I want twice the listed price," Daisy's message read.

In a matter of seconds, Daisy gets the reply from the girl.

Daisy claps. The girl is in.

Daisy first gets the number and model of the boyfriend's phone from the girl. Then she codes a trojan horse that'll be delivered to the phone via a text message. The recipient wouldn't even have to open the message. As soon as it's delivered, the hidden code will run, getting the encrypted passcode that she'll decrypt using the program in her laptop.

In under three minutes since the client had replied her, Daisy has uncovered the passcode.

She sends a few details about the phone's content to the girl first, to prove Daisy has the code, and demands for a full upfront payment. Once the girl transfers the money as asked, Daisy sends her the code.

After her work is done, Daisy slams shut her laptop and yawns and stretches her back. She's tired from the day's hard work. She lies down and soon falls asleep, with the pleasant scent of Nate's room and the image of the girl on the photo still lingering in her mind. 

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