#42 Into a fire

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Under the tungsten glow Tim tears open his mate, Hannah's, jeans and brings his mouth between her legs. Hannah trembles and moans in pleasure as she grabs the back of Tim's head.

The shed's flimsy wooden door behind Hannah is barely holding up as Hannah's other hand pushes against it. When she's wet enough, Tim stands up and presses himself against her. She cries out and grabs the back of his shirt. "Fuck me, Tim."

Tim ravishes her lips while he pulls down his pants' zipper. But when his lips reach her neck while kissing, Tim abruptly stops undressing.

He takes a step back, while Hannah lustily reaches for him. He backs up farther out of her reach, before finally turning around and leaving her behind.

Hannah wraps her palm around the side of her neck where he stopped kissing, and starts sobbing on the floor.

LILY POUNDS ON Nate's front door. Daisy is the only one at home. She hurries to the door thinking what's the emergency?

"Lily?" Daisy says as soon as she opens the door and sees who the visitor is.

Lily storms in, looking angry. "She wants to talk. That bitch wants to talk!" Lily says.

Daisy follows a pacing Lily, confused. "Who?"

"Hannah. Tim's fucking mate who fucking rejected him."

Daisy knows a little about it from when she talked to Tim the first time they met at the beach.

"I thought that girl is with her lover," Daisy says.

"Yeah. That's what that bitch did. She chose some piece of shit over Tim."

"What she wants to talk about?"

"She didn't say. Said it was important. Said if not for her at least for Tim's sake I should meet her. Like, how dare she even fucking say his name?"

"What did you say?"

"I told her a fucking no! Like I was going to see that whore again."

Daisy sighs. She has a feeling Lily is going to meet her anyway.

Lily stops pacing and looks at Daisy. "You come with me, too."


"I will murder that bitch with my bare hands if I see her again. So, you need to be there... either to help me stay calm or bury her body."

Daisy glances at her room. She was in the middle of an important (and lucrative) job when she was disturbed by the loud knocks on the door that sounded as if someone was trying to break in. Daisy then turns to Lily. Lily looks very upset. Daisy has never seen her like this. "Alright. Give me her number. I'll set up a meeting now and go grab my jacket."

AN HOUR LATER, Daisy sees a beautiful native American girl walk into the pub. Lily growls under her breath. And that means, for Daisy, the girl who just came in must be Hannah.

Hannah cautiously sits across the table from Daisy and Lily. "Hi," she says while trying to smile.

"Get the fuck over it. Why did you want to see me?" Lily says.

Hannah's eyes tear up and drops start falling down her cheeks.

"Great! Fucking great!" Lily shouts. Daisy holds Lily's arm to calm her down. "You know, why don't you grab a drink at the bar, I'll talk to her."

Lily angrily gets up and leaves.

Daisy looks at a still crying Hannah. "It's better if you talk before her patience runs out. Once we leave we aren't coming back."

"I want him," Hannah says. "I want my mate. Tim."

Daisy is glad she sent Lily away. "Isn't it a little too late for that now? What about your lover?"

Hannah shakes her head. "I couldn't continue like that. The longer it went, the miserable we became without our mates. We decided to end it."


"An year ago. I was worried Tim might misunderstand that I was only coming to him because of the break up, so I decided to wait."

"Why talk about this with Lily and not Tim?"

"I did go to him first," Hannah says.


"For a moment it looked like he was going to accept me. But then..." Hannah starts crying again.

"Cry after you finish talking, okay? But then what?"

"He saw the mark on my neck and left."

Daisy leans back on her chair while taking a deep breath. She looks at Hannah's neck. Her ex-lover's mark is there on the left side.

The memory of when Ian tried to bite Daisy's neck briefly flashes before her eyes. Daisy looks at the back of her left hand. She used it to cover her neck. Ian's teeth sunk up to her palm. The wound is fully healed leaving no scar behind. But sometimes she feels the pain, like now, as she rubs her hand.

Daisy then looks around at the bar, not knowing what to say. She catches Lily chugging down from a mug of beer. "What do you want with Lily?" Daisy asks.

"I just need a chance with Tim. If Lily could talk to h—"

"Would you?" Daisy says. "If you had a brother who was hurt like Tim was, would you try to convince him to give a second chance to the person who hurt him?"

Hannah looks down feeling ashamed of herself.

"Is there anything else you have to say to Lily?" Daisy coldly asks.

"Please," Hannah says, looking up at Daisy, with tears covering her cheeks. "I didn't know what I was walking away from. I thought I had to stay loyal to my lover. I didn't realize that I didn't even know what love was supposed to be at the time."

"And now you do?"

"No matter what, I will wait all my life for Tim's forgiveness, the same way he has waited all these years for me to realize I was wrong."

Daisy remembers how Tim didn't reply when she asked him if he still loved his mate.

"In that case, I'm sure you won't mind waiting a bit more," Daisy says. "I'll try to convince Lily to talk to Tim about it, or if I could, talk to him myself. But he's under a lot of pressure already with all that's going on in the pack. I'm sure you've heard of it. So you might have to wait a while before you hear from any of us."

Hannah quickly nods. "I understand. Of course. I don't want to make things worse for him. I just need him to know that I'm sorry and I love him more than anything else."

Daisy gets up from her seat and asks Hannah one last question before leaving. "What was it like, rejecting him?"

"Like I ripped my heart out and threw it into a fire." 

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