#26 I beg you

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When Pablo meets her eyes, Daisy knows she's right. "Fuck you," she tells him and grabs Nate's arm. "We're leaving."

As Daisy reaches for the door, Pablo grabs Daisy's hand. "You can't, he wil—"

Nate seizes and twists Pablo's wrist. They all hear the snap of the wrist bones. With a cry Pablo quickly lets go of Daisy.

Even though Daisy is taken aback by Nate's sudden assault, she continues to drag Nate out with her without losing her focus.

Outside, she looks around. She sees one suspicious young boy, probably nine or ten years old, hanging by himself near the communal water tap.

The boy realizes Daisy is looking at him. He takes a few steps backward and then breaks into a run.

Daisy turns the other way and starts walking fast, while still holding onto Nate by his arm.

She winds through crowds, shops and narrow passageways to lose any tails they might have picked up.

"Slow down," Nate says. "No one is following us."

Daisy doesn't hear him. Her mind is preoccupied with finding a way out.

In the distance, she sees a small river and boats lined up on its shore.

Once they cross the river, they should be able to safely take a cab to their hotel, Daisy thinks.

Daisy starts running now towards the inlet, pulling Nate with him.

Nate eventually has enough of this. He stops, pulling her behind.

"Stop running. I can handle any of those guys coming after you," Nate says.

Nate is not used to turn his back to a fight, since that's not how someone who wants to be an Alpha is trained to be. So now his ego is stopping him from fleeing.

He continues, "We don't have to fucking run away!"

"I know," Daisy quietly says while still pulling him towards the river, "lets go, we can't stop."

Nate is troubled by the way she's acting.

It's like her mind is somewhere else, and she's not looking at him even when she is.

He grabs her shoulders and shakes her. "Snap out of it. I'm going to fucking take care of this," he says and starts to turn around to go confront those alleged guys chasing after them.

Daisy grabs his arm with both her hands.

Nate angrily turns back to tell her to let go of him when he freezes seeing tears stream down her face.

"Please," she says. "Just this one time," she says, "listen to me. I beg you, Nate."

Daisy takes his hand to her forehead as if she's saying him a prayer. It hurts Nate to see Daisy like this.

He also gets angry, vividly angry, at the Stantons.

Daisy looks back up at Nate and pulls him once again. This time, Nate swallows his pride and lets Daisy drag him away. He realizes she's not in a state of mind to listen to him.

All that matters to Nate now is to make her feel she's safe, even if it means he has to turn tail.

When they reach the shore, Daisy quickly hires a boatman to row them across the river.

While on the water, Daisy doesn't look back, but her ears are carefully listening to every sound coming from the shore they just left.

She will know if anyone had reached the river looking for them.

After they disembark at the other shore, Daisy and Nate cross the beach and walk to the nearest road.

Daisy waves down a cab. She opens the door and steps away, to let Nate in first.

"You gotta be kidding me," Nate mutters while getting in.

Daisy bends down to get in after him when she hears the howl.

Quickly she straightens up and turns around. She can't see Ian. He's nowhere near the river yet. But his howl from afar has reached her and it continues to get louder.

She smells the air for the familiar scent and doesn't find any. Either Ian is way too far away or is not downwind.

The howl stops for a moment, then continues again. This time, Ian's wolf's cry has a lot more authority and rage.

That's when Daisy registers her hair strands swinging back and forth with the wind. Of course, she thinks, she can't smell him. But he can smell her now. He knows exactly where she is.

Nate also heard the howl. He looks at Daisy from inside the cab. She seems frozen, responding to the call, the same way a pack wolf would respond to his Alpha.

But Daisy is not a pack wolf and that wolf is not her Alpha. That's why Daisy's feet don't move towards the howl.

On the other hand, she has also momentarily forgotten the cab she was about to get into.

Seeing Daisy like this, it's like something switches inside Nate. He wants to get out and go challenge this wolf that seems to have an effect on his mate.

On the other hand, he doesn't want it to come anywhere near Daisy.

At once Nate angrily reaches out, grabs Daisy's arm and hauls her into the cab. "Let's go," he tells the driver.

Once they are some distance from the shore, Daisy's mind starts to feel clear again. She shakes her head. It's been a while since she has heard Ian's howl. To be exact, the last time she heard that it was the day she ran away from the Stantons.

She wasn't prepared to hear it ever again.

Daisy immediately unzips and checks inside her backpack first.

In case of emergency she had packed up her laptop and hers and Nate's passports into her backpack.

After confirming she got the passports Daisy tells the driver to take them straight to the airport, and then turns to Nate. "Can you arrange us a flight out please?"

For the moment Nate pushes down this unsettling feeling emerging inside him, so he could focus on what Daisy needs. He takes out his phone to make the call for the jet. 

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